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Unfortunately M$ has done everything to forget about w98 and make you forget about it.

They eradicated w98 in all ways possible, down to erasing its name from the popular memory.

For them the history of Windows starts with windows 2000.

This forum is very good example that Microsoft has been superb in rewriting corporation history about Windows 98/ME.

I am saying this because our forum users do not know that main reason for early stop of Microsoft support for Win 98/ME is that they have lost interesting court case related to for us best OS

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This forum is very good example that Microsoft has been superb in rewriting corporation history about Windows 98/ME.

I am saying this because our forum users do not know that main reason for early stop of Microsoft support for Win 98/ME is that they have lost interesting court case related to for us best OS

Referring to the Novell WordPerfect Lawsuit?

Hardly a reason to "eliminate" files. The same thing happened to Windows NT and all Dos and DOS-based Win3x and below - all gone! Technology moves on (want a free IBM 5150?)

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This forum is very good example that Microsoft has been superb in rewriting corporation history about Windows 98/ME.

I am saying this because our forum users do not know that main reason for early stop of Microsoft support for Win 98/ME is that they have lost interesting court case related to for us best OS

Referring to the Novell WordPerfect Lawsuit?

Hardly a reason to "eliminate" files. The same thing happened to Windows NT and all Dos and DOS-based Win3x and below - all gone! Technology moves on (want a free IBM 5150?)

NO and I your lack of knowledge it is not good reason to be sarcastic ?

I think about Java Lawsuit which is clearly speaking about end support for Win 98/ME.

About other related thinks it is best to read next few words:

Microsoft support for Windows 3 has lasted 11 years and 7 months

Microsoft support for Windows 98 has lasted 8 years and 3 months

Microsoft support for Windows XP will last 19 years

Microsoft support for Windows 7 will last 11 years

My points is that Java Lawsuit has taken 3 years of Microsoft support from Windows 98/ME

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This forum is very good example that Microsoft has been superb in rewriting corporation history about Windows 98/ME.

I am saying this because our forum users do not know that main reason for early stop of Microsoft support for Win 98/ME is that they have lost interesting court case related to for us best OS

Referring to the Novell WordPerfect Lawsuit?

Hardly a reason to "eliminate" files. The same thing happened to Windows NT and all Dos and DOS-based Win3x and below - all gone! Technology moves on (want a free IBM 5150?)

NO and I your lack of knowledge it is not good reason to be sarcastic ?

I think about Java Lawsuit which is clearly speaking about end support for Win 98/ME.

No. I think it was the nouveau Digital Research (post Novell) and their lawsuit over the origins of MS-DOS, which also included a demonstration of the W95 GUI running on top of DR-DOS (just like with W3.XX), which shattered any illusion (that MS tried to create) that W95 was an operating system independent of MS-DOS.

When MS previously lost a court case involving licence fees demanded of MB manufacturers for MS-DOS, they dropped MS-DOS and pretended that W95 was something else and instead charged licence fees for that. This background and the whole "origins of MS-DOS" thing with DR is what prompted MS to go one step further, and phase out the W9X family in favour of the NT family (whereas they had previously said W9X was ideal for consumer use, and that NT was only intended for business & server applications).

Also as I recall, there were aspects of the settlement with DR that remained secret, which (I speculate) may have directly or indirectly "forced" MS to move away from its MS-DOS code base.

Disclaimer - the above is based on my memory of events at the time and may have been subject to bit-rot. ;)


Edited by jds
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