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Using nLite with XP UPGRADE CD


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Hello. I am new to this forum, and to nLite.

I have an XP Home UPGRADE CD, upgraded from Win98. No service packs on XP CD.

As all must know, when doing a fresh install, first I must load XP, then SP1a, then SP3 (this procedure doesn't work well with HDD's over 137GB)

Two Questions before I get into nLite:

1) Can I use nLite to add service packs to an UPGRADE CD?

2) Can I add SP1a AND SP3 to my XP using nLite? (if so, does the order matter?)

Thank you...

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1) yes. As far as I know, the only difference is that an upgrade will ask you to pop the former version in the cd drive at some point during Windows Setup (if clean install is performed).

2) yes, but it is not needed. SP1a is only needed on a running system. You can integrate SP3 directly to an install cd.

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I'm sorry but I'm not sure I'm following.

Are you saying that in the case of XP, you can integrate SP1a, but you cannot integrate SP3, because SP3 must be loaded AFTER Windows is launched?

This would actually be a fair compromise, as it would allow me to load my XP CD directly to my >137GB HDD. That's my primary goal in this.

Thank You...

Edited by mitchsc
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You're missing the point - the keyword is running system. If you have upgraded 98 with XP, then you must upgrade to SP1a first or SP3 will be blocked (needs SP1a on a running system).

For your purposes, the CD is not a running system it's simply an Install/Upgrade CD. All fixes on the SP3 include all prior fixes. You are slipstreaming the SP3 into the CD's contents (replacing/adding/removing what's in the original) thus, in essence "creating" an XP with SP3 Integrated (as if you bought an XP Pre-Integrated/Slipstreamed SP3 CD).

Maybe the terms "slipstream" and "integrate" are confusing you. (?)


1 - Integrate/Slip SP3 into the Original Upgrade per instructions

2 - Install (or not...) 98

3 - Upgrade (if "not" in step 2, provide the 98 CD when requested)

4 - Voila! XP with SP3 is now "running"

Edited by submix8c
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