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Yahoo mail getting grumpy


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In reference to these script error messages, as mentioned in your post--- LoneCrusader, and wsxedcrfv. . . .

I am wondering how many other forum members are experiencing this situation?

I've started to get them on Win 98se, Win 95, and, believe it or not....XP!

This seems to have started a month or so ago---on a frequent and somewhat annoying basis.

If I were not such a laid back fellow---I would be pretty much seriously aggravated by it !!!!

The 98 se machine, does not have KernelEX installed---but has Revolutions Pack installed, as well the original unofficial SP version 2..

Browser of choice: Bon echo

The 95 machine is pretty standard other than the latest version of the unofficial service pack for 95---using the Firefox I mentioned earlier.

The Xp is home edition---with "only" SP2 installed--- using some beta version of Firefox 4---and sometimes K-melon as my browsers.

Just wondering.... what if anything is occurring?

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I see a few of those unresponsive script messages on some sites, mainly when I bypass Proxomitron. Haven't used SeaMonkey 2.1 enough yet to see if it has the same problem.

Proxomitron also enables you to spoof the user agent as well as kill what it calls "nosey javascripts". Unlike browser extensions, it works with all browsers.

The 98 se machine, does not have KernelEX installed---but has Revolutions Pack installed, as well the original unofficial SP version 2..

Browser of choice: Bon echo

Revolutions Pack helps with the appearance and performance of your PC, but doesn't affect the actual functioning of the browser. It also won't enable you to run newer browsers. KernelEx is pretty much the only option for using the newer browsers that are designed for NT systems. In spite of how well it's progressed and become stable, IMO it has to be regarded as experimental as it does not always behave the same on different systems. If you want to keep using 98 and not be limited to old browsers, by all means try it, but make a full system backup first. Then be prepared to experiment a bit.

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......"IMO it has to be regarded as experimental as it does not always behave the same on different systems"....

I think your opinion is a fact, herbalist!

Other than those script errors occurring on "all" my 5 operational computers,

KernelEX works wonderfully on all but two of them for some reason.

So I simply stick with Bon Echo and K-Melon for those two KernelEx non-compliant/problematic machines.

But these script errors! Tonight, it was my XP having a slew of them!

Perhaps it's the service providers firing up and testing their new IPV6 eventualities....

That's how "paranoid" I seem to be inclined to be at the moment!

Might be a topic for another new thread, sometimes... if more than enough members continue to see,

an increasing number of script errors occurring.

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Guest wsxedcrfv

But these script errors! Tonight, it was my XP having a slew of them!

Just a theory - but do you have a custom HOSTS file?

These scripts might be unresponsive because they're trying to access various click-trackers or ad-servers and they can't because the HOSTS file is blocking them.

I think there's a setting in Firefox to set the time-out for a script. So it's probably a good idea to set it to a short time value.

Or install YesScript if your favorite web sites are always giving you script errors.

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Just a theory - but do you have a custom HOSTS file?

These scripts might be unresponsive because they're trying to access various click-trackers or ad-servers and they can't because the HOSTS file is blocking them.

That is a definite possibility. A batch file that renames the hosts file and wipes the browser cache would make it easy to find out.

KernelEX works wonderfully on all but two of them for some reason.

So I simply stick with Bon Echo and K-Melon for those two KernelEx non-compliant/problematic machines.

In this thread I've been trying to determine what it is that requires KEX to be disabled on some PCs but not on others for the main executable of SSM. I'm suspecting that it's the PCs chipset and/or processor that ultimately decides this. If you have time, could you list those PCs , the chipset and processor each used, and which ones KEX works properly on? If you remember, could you specify what failed or didn't work on the others?


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from what I can recollect,

....KernelEX works quite well in,

My 2 very old Dell Dimension XPS M200s,

as well as the giant, yet mechanically troublesome, Dimension 8100 running Me.

It did not run quite well at all in my Gateway Essential 400.

And strangely enough---a Compaq Presario 5000---!

I've not tested it on the HP Pavilion Windows Me (Katrina rescue) yet.

I am though, going to do it quite soon!

It's under a pile of stuff at this time, and I cannot get to it yet, but I seem to recollect

it being a 46____model number.

I cannot remember if I ever tried it on my Dell GX 110 yet, but will experiment next week.

At the moment, I do not have it running on any of them, as I do not have the time

(right now)--to explore that avenue of getting down to the nitty gritty.

Soon enough though!

It was not that any programs did not run with KernelEx--on those specific computers mentioned.

The problem was, that after installing KernelEX, the operating systems just slowed down to what could be considered an actual freeze!

Neither one, once KernelEx was installed, ran anything well---such as the OS itself (in some cases before any programs were installed).

I always found it easily removable---and the OS worked well enough after it was removed.

All of these computers, have the usual free programs one finds on FileHippo---etc.

As well as IE6--except in one case (the m200s) where I removed IE with Eradicator, and it ran the first Beta of FIreFox 4 very well indeed (with KernelEx---other than the slowness of the machine itself.

Also, all had New USB 3 whatever (the latest) installed---except for the Me PC-s.

The only thing I would need KernelEx for, is to run modern browsers; and hopefully one day--a modern Anti Virus program.

So I agree that the problem could well indeed be caused with certain mother boards/chipset (which I would have to check--not knowing offhand)

as well as quite possibly---the type of Hard Drive used---if the notion of specific Hard Drives causing

such a problem with KernelEx, is not too far fetched.

I will investigate, (especially my memory) further.

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Well, (in relation to installing latest browsers pertientent to Yahoo Mail as brought up in this thread)

I just yesterday attempted to install KernelEx on my Dell GX 110 tower,

and it was a no-go!

First, there is no thing very odd about this machine, other than the fact that I found it in the street along the curb,

on a rainy night before garbage day! The tower was on its side with about two inches of water in it.

I used about four rolls of bathroom tissue in one week to absorb as much water as I could from every nook and cranny;

letting it dry further for 2 whole weeks more.

Sure enough, when turning it on, it booted up!.

All I did was remove some un-needed programs the "upgrader" had installed, including what appeared to be some

Dell programs such as "Dell Jukebox" or something similar.

Then I did what I do with all 98se computers I buy or find:

Install the Unofficial SP2, New USB, and a few free programs such as Jarte word processor, Fast tone image viewer, etc.

Also, I removed Zone Alarm and put my favorite "Tiny Personal Firewall" .

I also installed the clean up utility (similar to CCleaner) called Cleanup.

Upon installing KernelEx, all seemed normal until boot up.

The PC only got so far as a blank desktop with the wall paper in view.

Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete, brought up "Cisinject" or something spelled like that.

Stopping the program, did not allow normal boot up (not even one icon appearing).

So I removed KernelEX in safe mode, and everything works again.

When installing KernelEx, I left the check mark option, checked.

Will try again later just to make sure.

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These scripts might be unresponsive because they're trying to access various click-trackers or ad-servers and they can't because the HOSTS file is blocking them.

I think you're onto something here, I run Adblock Plus on my Firefox.

Edited by LoneCrusader
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Correct me if I am wrong, but does not SpyWare Blaster, create it's own, or modify----the HOSTS file too?

Now that I think of it, right before I started to get these script error messages in greater abundance, I installed SpyWare Blaster on most of,

if not all, my computers.

What about the immunization process of Spybot Search and Destroy?

Would that not have to create or modify the HOSTS file in order to work?

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The unresponsive script prompt is getting more common because an increasing number of websites throw tons of JavaScript at the web browser, a large part of it being third-party, most commonly the jQuery library. If the script takes too long to execute, the prompt will also appear.

How often it pops up depends on the speed of your browser's JavaScript engine, and your computer's speed. Browsers' JavaScript engines have become a lot more efficient in the past couple of years, but not all of us can run the newer browser versions that ship with them.

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My wife and I are still using 98se with most of the updates (could be missing a few). Her Yahoo mail is getting grumpy and

expects something newer,. Also Firefox 2 something, can't update and says we're unprotected. Any fixes for these problems ?

Thanks :wacko:

Install KernelEx, this will let you install the latest version of Firefox 3.6.14, I use this on my win98 machine and it works fine.

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