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is it safe to empty this folder?


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Absolute nonsense.

You're saying that we should clean our PC's ourselves :w00t:, just because you cannot hire a competent IT professional to do that for you?

We should waste countless hours of our precious time so we can save on a minuscule fraction of a single penny worth of hired IT technician?



Absolute nonsense.

Are you saying we should spend countless hours writing and maintaining hundreds of crappy batch files manually for every single possible combo of OS installed/OS "bitness"/OS language/particular set of applications installed/particular versions of the said apps, whereas basically any cleaner app will do a better job in 2 clicks (when not outright set to run automatically which means still doing a better job while being no work at all)? No monetary or time expense required. Hiring IT staff to perform this work for you routinely would actually cost a lot (The 2MB of disk space CCleaner uses at today's storage prices is 1/1000th of 1 penny, vs a consultant working at $150/hr with a certain minimum of hours), and would be more work to take care of (hiring, payments, etc -- time invested) than it takes to use a cleaning app too.

If I could hire a consultant for about the same as CCleaner costs me in disk space (nothing) and time (pretty much zero too), while doing at least as good of a job, I definitely would! Long story short, the no expense, no time wasted option is using a cleaning app.

That was a very poor analogy ;)

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That was a very poor analogy ;)

It was meant only as a hint that nonsense (absolute or relative) is in the eye of the beholder, like beauty. ;)

You see, because you have no time, nor money enough, you think nonsensical that someone with enough time (and still not enough money) may value his time so little that he can spend hours doing his batches. (or, more exactly, whatever he likes, the way he likes :)).

Another peep with not time but lots of money, may think that even the little time you spend using CCleaner and the like is nonsensical.


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It was meant only as a hint that nonsense (absolute or relative) is in the eye of the beholder, like beauty. ;)

Absolute nonsense.

I know what's beautiful! :whistle: I have to admit that in some cases beer helps...

Anyway. You broke our "Absolute nonsense" streak :no:

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Anyway. You broke our "Absolute nonsense" streak :no:

Sure. :)

That was on purpose.

We can start a new one around "apodictic" in the sense of "true":


as in Bertrand Russell, "the true meaning of the statement" :

"the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"



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