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Slipstreamed XP won't take product key


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I slipstreamed an SP3 to an XP Home. When I tried to install it didn't accept the product key.

I did a customised one before by taking out some features and include the SP3 as well. However I also put in the product key while slipstreaming. It worked all right though.

What could be the problem? Why didn't the slipstreamed edition take the product key?

Edited by healer
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Please follow the instructions in bold red colour at the top of this page and attach your Last Session.ini, which you can find in the root of your XP CD or in C:\Program Files\nLite\Presets. If you are attaching Last Session_u.ini, please remove sensitive information, like your product key, passwords and your name.

Off the top, if you used nLite on Windows 7, it has been known to cause problems, especially with slipstreaming a Service Pack.

Welcome to MSFN.

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Please follow the instructions in bold red colour at the top of this page and attach your Last Session.ini, which you can find in the root of your XP CD or in C:\Program Files\nLite\Presets. If you are attaching Last Session_u.ini, please remove sensitive information, like your product key, passwords and your name.

Off the top, if you used nLite on Windows 7, it has been known to cause problems, especially with slipstreaming a Service Pack.

Welcome to MSFN.

Sorry! I didn't change any feature so I didn't know I need to attach the file. Here you are anyway. I did do it on Windows 7. Can you confirm the issue please? Any fix or workaround?

Last Session.ini

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Are you using a volume license key(VLK)?

Use XPmode or install a virtual machine(VM) like VirtualBox. Install XP on the VM and then install nLite on it and run it from there.

Please report what kind of key you are using and if this solves the problem.

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Please follow the instructions in bold red colour at the top of this page and attach your Last Session.ini, which you can find in the root of your XP CD or in C:\Program Files\nLite\Presets. If you are attaching Last Session_u.ini, please remove sensitive information, like your product key, passwords and your name.

Off the top, if you used nLite on Windows 7, it has been known to cause problems, especially with slipstreaming a Service Pack.

Welcome to MSFN.

Sorry! I didn't change any feature so I didn't know I need to attach the file. Here you are anyway. I did do it on Windows 7. Can you confirm the issue please? Any fix or workaround?

healer, it is a well known problem (as Sp0iLedBrAt said) that creating an ISO for XP running nLite under Vista or W7 and integrating a Service Pack leads to your problem. The work around is to use XP (or a VM running XP) as -X- has said. Or, you can drop the SP. Enjoy, John.

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Are you using a volume license key(VLK) and slipstreaming under Windows 7?

After you create Windows XP Service Pack 3 slipstreamed media, your product key is not accepted

No, it was an XP Home OEM disc that came with service pack 1a.

It does not seem to me that http://support.microsoft.com/kb/950722/en-us has anything to do with my problem. As I did it with nLite so I did not know if it used "/integrate" command in the background.

I did the whole thing on Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. Was it not supported? I do have Windows XP mode with Windows virtual PC installed on the same system. I shall try when I get a chance. I had since given up and installed the SP3 separately. For your information I think I used nLite on Vista last time but I entered the product key while slipstreaming and it worked.

By the way I like the Windows XP High-Priority Update List provided for use with nLite.

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healer, please answer -X-'s question. BTW, in your Last Session.ini I don't see that you have chosen the Unattended section where you input the product key.

This time I did not input the product key while slipstreaming. I entered the product key during the installation. Moreover I didn't mean to keep the final product for good. I meant to create various combinations for testing. I burnt it on a CD-RW disc. I was trying to do an in-place repair of an XP Home system and I didn't seem to be able to get to the page that allowed me to do it. So I supposed I might need a CD with SP3 because the system in question already had SP3 installed. Later on I changed my mind and installed the system from scratch and then I found the problem.

By the way, would entering the product key during installation make any difference? I meant to say the installation process did not take any VALID and LEGAL product key, not nLite. I tried its own product key. Failing that I tried product key of other CD of the same operating system of the same type, i.e. OEM. None of them worked.

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This time I did not input the product key while slipstreaming. I entered the product key during the installation. Moreover I didn't mean to keep the final product for good. I meant to create various combinations for testing. I burnt it on a CD-RW disc. I was trying to do an in-place repair of an XP Home system and I didn't seem to be able to get to the page that allowed me to do it. So I supposed I might need a CD with SP3 because the system in question already had SP3 installed. Later on I changed my mind and installed the system from scratch and then I found the problem.

By the way, would entering the product key during installation make any difference? I meant to say the installation process did not take any VALID and LEGAL product key, not nLite. I tried its own product key. Failing that I tried product key of other CD of the same operating system of the same type, i.e. OEM. None of them worked.

healer, I do not think it matters when you enter the product key if you use Vista or W7 to integrate an SP. Basically running under Vista or W7 and slipstreaming (integrating) an SP breaks the install. NLite uses the same process as the /integrate switch, thus the connection with the KB. You did not get prompted to Repair your XP because you did not use Prompt Repair for the Unattended mode of the Unattended Task. Please see the help (? in a circle) next to the Unattended Mode on the General tab of the Unattended Task. Enjoy, John.

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I was expecting the default would be like regular installation.

It is, but you changed from default to unattended, thus suppressing the repair option.

For the key problem, you might try to integrate the SP manually (/integrate) under Win7 but from an "elevated Command Prompt".

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I don't remember I changed anything. I just added the service pack and went straight to the end. Perhaps I made an accidental mouse click somewhere. Anyway do we have the procedure for the manual integration of service pack. Thanks for the patience to this newbie.

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Most direct SP3 manual guide:


Meat of it?

6.Slipstream the Service Pack

From the command prompt window, which will be a black window with a blinking cursor, type the following, followed by the ENTER key.

C:\XPSP3.EXE /integrate:C:\XPSETUP

Note that there is only one space character -- between the "C:\XPSP3" and the rest of the line. If you did not name the service pack "XPSP3.exe" and place it at the top level of C: as I described earlier, you'll have to modify the command line accordingly.

The process will take some time to complete, so take a coffee break if you wish.

Edited by Kelsenellenelvian
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