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Windows 98/ME skin for Opera 10.50/60/70 and 11

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there is still minor differences for thumbnails, between your fixed skin and the standard skin in XP.

They are so minor that I'm not sure they are worthy of report:

and I don't know if they can be easily corrected :unsure: .

Most of them aren't broken with the original skin in Windows 98/Me. :whistle:

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Skin color in the thumbnail frame: Done. :yes:

Rounded corners and arrows: Not possible at all, sorry. :no:

Thumbnail below the tab: I can do that but then the thumbnail disappears when moving the mouse from the tab to the thumbnail. I have lowered it by 3 pixels though which is the lowest possible before this begins to occur.

Also I have modified the positioning of the security popup.

Updating links now. B)

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  • 1 month later...

loblo, your skin is breaking an extension: Translator

The button is not working well with the fixed skin:


Could you be kind enough to take a look in this issue when you'll have some time?

I don't think it should be such a big deal.

Many thanks in advance. :)

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Do you mind testing those skins CharlesF?

They are new skins I made a little while ago and didn't post yet and they don't seem to be affected by the issue you report here.

OK, my bad: I was testing with Opera 11.01 (because there's too much stuff that I don't like in 11.10: new Speed Dial, files are now dispatched in 3 places including 2 in %windir%, some commands are no more working like 'Execute program', ...)

So, with version 11.01 (build 1190), this new skin doesn't make any difference.

In version 11.10 build 2092, whatsoever skin (the previous or the last) displays the correct button.

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Opera 11.10 issues:

I don't like the new speed dial layout either and accordingly the new skins still have the old layout.

Try to put the attached ini file in your Opera 11.10 folder, this should restore all the stuff now by default in windir appdata to Opera subfolders.

The execute program commands won't work anymore unfortunately but the open with command still does and I have got it working on page background and links. Adding programs to it involve creating/editing registry keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet.


Btw, do you like the new improvements to the skins?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Btw, do you like the new improvements to the skins?

Thanks loblo, for all those :) , but it seems that Opera 11.10 will take me some time to fix eveything the way I want.

I can't deal with it currently.

The 'operaprefs_default.ini' file you are providing, create a new 'profile' folder and makes Opera behave like an Usb install.

I was already thinking about switching from a classic install to a standalone one, to avoid this spread out of folders.

For now, I am using the original 'standard_skin.zip' :puke: with Opera 11.01, to get my extension working.

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For now, I am using the original 'standard_skin.zip' :puke: with Opera 11.01, to get my extension working.

Seriously what's sooo bad with 11.10 that you're putting up using the previous version with an original skin instead? I can't figure it out and I use 11.10, well, all the time.

And btw sorry for not looking into that skin glitch as I don't do fixes for outdated versions. :angel (joke)

And also, pehaps you want to use this translate extension: https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensions/details/translate/1.5/?display=en instead of the other one, it's the best of all of them IMO.

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Seriously what's sooo bad with 11.10

lol :lol:

Opera 11.10 is nice stuff,

but a few things has changed, that I need to set up to have it as I want:

new thumbnails for the new Speed Dial,

put the 'Open with' command in my customized menus instead of 'Execute program',

some buttons with a script embedded are no more working,

deal with the problem of multiple folders,


So, for now, I stay with the previous version a bit longer.

BTW, I have tried (I think) nearly all translate extensions, and this one suits me better.

I appreciate your help, loblo :yes: .

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No problems CharlesF, glad I could be helpful somehow. :hello:

I was wondering if you,or anyone else for that matter, using a version of Opera that require KernelEX as their default browser, also suffer from the following issue?:

When Opera is already running and I double click on a filetype associated with it ( .url, .htm, .mht, etc...), instead of processing it normally, it seems to receive a stream of garbage chinese characters it then googles. :lol: Very minor issue since I can drag and drop those files onto Opera instead but I was wondering if others were also experiencing that.

And btw, in case it's useful for anyone I have figured out a nice workaround for the issue that was annoying me the most, namely that it doesn't in most cases append an extension automatically to the filename when saving web pages (whenever the filename doesn't contain a dot). I have now configured the amazing Stroke-It, which I run since years for having mouse gestures in all applications, so that it sends a string of characters (.mht as I always save as mht)) when I do a specific gesture in the file name field of the Opera save dialog box, sparing me to have to type the bloody extension each time. :w00t:

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When Opera is already running and I double click on a filetype associated with it ( .url, .htm, .mht, etc...), instead of processing it normally, it seems to receive a stream of garbage chinese characters it then googles.

Same thing here.

Already posted there: Shortcut to send a file to Opera

but without real success.

And btw, in case it's useful for anyone I have figured out a nice workaround for the issue that was annoying me the most, namely that it doesn't in most cases append an extension automatically to the filename when saving web pages (whenever the filename doesn't contain a dot). I have now configured the amazing Stroke-It, ...

Thank you for sharing :):D

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Try to put the attached ini file in your Opera 11.10 folder, this should restore all the stuff now by default in windir appdata to Opera subfolders.

For the record, the only setting needed to get all Opera stuff in one single folder (namely 'profile'), is the line:

Multi User=0

in a 'operaprefs_default.ini' file that has to be in the main Opera folder.

If this file doesn't exist, default value will be 1

that is to say: Opera will use Windows profiles to store individual settings in %Windir%\Application Data and %Windir%\Local Settings.

HTH :)

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