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I run an open source project called Qemu Manager.

I am day's of releasing the latest version but am having major issues installing a driver.

Its a slightly modified version of the OpenVPN TAP-WIN32 driver.


The only way at present to install it is using devcon.exe but I don't want to redistribute that due to licensing etc.....

I have also tried dpinst.exe and that fails also.

If anyone can provide an open source/free solution it would be greatly appreciated.

Any suggestions would be welcomed.



Posted (edited)

There is already a rather known project called Qemu Manager, if I may, you should change slightly the name of your project to avoid confusion.

Hey, wait, the link is on daveryn.co.uk, which is the home of the Qemu Manager!

So you're Dave! :thumbup

Welcome to MSFN, happy to meet you. :)

Back to your problem.

Cannot you use a .inf file? The linked file has one.

I am not an expert at all in using them, but if I managed to put together an install of a service:


you can do it as well.


RunDll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 <your_driver>.inf

and you need a DefaultInstall section in the actual <your_driver>.inf

Just post if you need further help, if you better explain what the driver is for, I can try modifying the .inf and test it.


Edited by jaclaz

There is already a rather known project called Qemu Manager, if I may, you should change slightly the name of your project to avoid confusion.

Hey, wait, the link is on daveryn.co.uk, which is the home of the Qemu Manager!

So you're Dave! :thumbup

Welcome to MSFN, happy to meet you. :)

Back to your problem.

Cannot you use a .inf file? The linked file has one.

I am not an expert at all in using them, but if I managed to put together an install of a service:


you can do it as well.


RunDll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 <your_driver>.inf

and you need a DefaultInstall section in the actual <your_driver>.inf

Just post if you need further help, if you better explain what the driver is for, I can try modifying the .inf and test it.


Hi Jaclaz,

Yes I develop the main Qemu Manager that's been going for about 5 years now.

The site is down at the min as it is being merged with another site ready for the release Qemu Manager 7.0 which is quite a big release.

I have tried the rundll32 solution above as part of my tests, unfortunately it does not work.

The driver is a network card driver. It installs fine if installed via devcon.exe or device manager.

I would really like to have an automted way of installing this driver on demand, it will help other users greatly, and add value to the overall


If you have any other tips it would be appreaciated,




I have tried the rundll32 solution above as part of my tests, unfortunately it does not work.

The driver is a network card driver. It installs fine if installed via devcon.exe or device manager.

I would really like to have an automted way of installing this driver on demand, it will help other users greatly, and add value to the overall


If you have any other tips it would be appreaciated,

No, but the method should work.

Please post how you succeed to install it with devcon.exe, and I'll try to make a "working" .inf for it.

(I need to understand how it behaves when succesfully installed)



I have tried the rundll32 solution above as part of my tests, unfortunately it does not work.

The driver is a network card driver. It installs fine if installed via devcon.exe or device manager.

I would really like to have an automted way of installing this driver on demand, it will help other users greatly, and add value to the overall


If you have any other tips it would be appreaciated,

No, but the method should work.

Please post how you succeed to install it with devcon.exe, and I'll try to make a "working" .inf for it.

(I need to understand how it behaves when succesfully installed)


Hi Jaclaz,

Many thanks for taking the time to speak.

I install it by: devcon.exe install oemwin2k.inf tap08qemu.sys

This then installs it. This can be ran multiple times, installing more than one instance of the network adapter.

It shows in the network and sharing center as "Local Area Connection x"

Hope this helps.




The devcon.exe doesn't work for me (XP SP2).

C:\Downloaded\tapdriver\TAPDriver\i386>devcon.exe install oemwin2k.inf t
Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are updated...
Updating drivers for tap08qemu.sys from C:\Downloaded\tapdriver\TAPDriver\i386\oemwin2k.inf.
devcon.exe failed.

It starts installing but then fails, it seems like there is the need for some other files beside the .sys, :unsure: or maybe it doesn't "connect" properly to the virtual device.

In the .inf there are additional files "REMmed out" by using ; .

Among the Remmed ones there is the "right" way (supposedly) to install this service, which is running tapinstall.exe, which seems like being a file coming with OpenVPN, which should be an equivalent to devcon.exe.

here is a partial output of devcon listclass NET

ROOT\MS_PTIMINIPORT\0000 : Direct Parallel




ROOT\VMWARE\0000 : VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1

ROOT\VMWARE\0001 : VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8

with bolded the devices installed in various attempts.

Something possibly very easy to fix must have been overlooked or it is missing.


Posted (edited)

Ok, found the problem with devcon.exe.

You need to change this:

; Manufacturer + Product Section (Done)
%Provider% = tap08qemu

%DeviceDescription% = tap08qemu.ndi, tap08qemu

to this:

%Provider% = tap08qemu

; Note 1. Replace the bogus *NM_OFDRIVER "hw-id" with a real hardware PnP ID
; Note 2. Optionally, add more NIC models supported by this file
; DisplayName Section hw-id
; ----------- ------- ------
;%DeviceDescription%=*yourdriver.ndi, *NM_OFDRIVER

%DeviceDescription% = tap08qemu.ndi, *QEMU_TAP


devcon.exe install oemwin2k.inf *QEMU_TAP

works for me (don't ask which is the trick, as I don't know).

Just got tapinstall.exe from OpenVPN, which I think it is not redistributable as well :unsure: (but check it's status - I am not at all sure of this :ph34r: ).

And I can confirm that:

tapinstall.exe install oemwin2k.inf *QEMU_TAP

works allright with the modified .inf.

I'll see if I can find anythng else.



Found an interesting link:


it seems like the most "plain" way is to create a DIFX package using DPINST, which is redistributable.

Edited by jaclaz

Ok, found the problem with devcon.exe.

You need to change this:

; Manufacturer + Product Section (Done)
%Provider% = tap08qemu

%DeviceDescription% = tap08qemu.ndi, tap08qemu

to this:

%Provider% = tap08qemu

; Note 1. Replace the bogus *NM_OFDRIVER "hw-id" with a real hardware PnP ID
; Note 2. Optionally, add more NIC models supported by this file
; DisplayName Section hw-id
; ----------- ------- ------
;%DeviceDescription%=*yourdriver.ndi, *NM_OFDRIVER

%DeviceDescription% = tap08qemu.ndi, *QEMU_TAP


devcon.exe install oemwin2k.inf *QEMU_TAP

works for me (don't ask which is the trick, as I don't know).

Just got tapinstall.exe from OpenVPN, which I think it is not redistributable as well :unsure: (but check it's status - I am not at all sure of this :ph34r: ).

And I can confirm that:

tapinstall.exe install oemwin2k.inf *QEMU_TAP

works allright with the modified .inf.

I'll see if I can find anythng else.



Found an interesting link:


it seems like the most "plain" way is to create a DIFX package using DPINST, which is redistributable.

Thanks for all your work!

I will look at this today, If I could just find a different solution to devcon.exe / tapinstall.exe it would be greate,

I have experimented with DPINST but had no luck so far.



Everything seems to lead that "something else" besides the .inf is needed when installing a "hardware" driver.

This could be the "right" solution:


the NSIS installer is competely free. :thumbup

I am attaching a quickly put together thingy, that works for me, obviously it will need to be refined and polished, but it seems like working. :)


You are a * that works great!,

I can't thank you enough.



You are a * that works great!

I am an asterisk? :w00t:


I can't thank you enough.

You don't need to :), just my small way to thank you for the great work you've done over the years with Qemu Manager. :thumbup


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