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RT Seven Lite - RC build 1.7.0 and Beta build 2.6.0

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I was able to complete an .iso with the program, however, it seems that no matter what options or packages I choose for removal, no reduction takes place - the resulting .iso is more or less the same size as the default windows image.

Edited by Bilar Crais
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well i was able to install it but when i try to run it i get window saying it stopped working with this error -

Stopped working

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: CLR20r3

Problem Signature 01: rtwin7lite.exe

Problem Signature 02:

Problem Signature 03: 4b99e018

Problem Signature 04: RTWin7Lite

Problem Signature 05:

Problem Signature 06: 4b99e018

Problem Signature 07: 15

Problem Signature 08: e9

Problem Signature 09: System.InvalidOperationException

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 1033

any idea what is wrong? running 7 ultimate X64

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well i was able to install it but when i try to run it i get window saying it stopped working with this error -

any idea what is wrong? running 7 ultimate X64

Install this - it is one of the prerequisites for the program. I was getting a similar, if not the same message, until I installed it.


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well i was able to install it but when i try to run it i get window saying it stopped working with this error -

any idea what is wrong? running 7 ultimate X64

Install this - it is one of the prerequisites for the program. I was getting a similar, if not the same message, until I installed it.


Thanks.I was also able to get it working.Odd thos that it requires the Flash_ActiveX where as i have installed Flash_General

Since i dont normally use anything that requires Flash ActiveX then i had no need for this package.

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I didn't see anything in the latest version that couldn't be converted to gif to remove the flash requirement. That is, unless he is using flash to install some kind of phone home tracking cookie (LSO).

Edited by MrJinje
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I didn't see anything in the latest version that couldn't be converted to gif to remove the flash requirement. That is, unless he is using flash to install some kind of phone home tracking cookie (LSO).

i tried to convert it to gif....but its getting much grains

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on average how long does it take to complete? i am running it right now and it has been 120 minutes and still at same spot. it integrated everything i selected but is stuck on removing components.

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I was able to complete an .iso with the program, however, it seems that no matter what options or packages I choose for removal, no reduction takes place - the resulting .iso is more or less the same size as the default windows image.

Same here.Nothing removed and Install.wim still at same size.

Other things that could be improved:

*Ability to check folders for driver integration.RT 7 Lite finds all nessesary .infi files from the folder and its subfolders.Also i hope it knows how to use /ForceUnsigned flag for non WHQL drivers?

*Ability to integrate not only .theme files but also .themepack files that contain all nessesary resources.

*Ability to cycle trough options with doubleclick, instead of selecting option from drop-down box.This can speed up option setting quite a bit.vLite does this for example.

*"Protect Feature" option.Like in vLite where you select features to keep and vLite warns if you try to remove components that would brake that feature.

*Tooltip about Red components and short comment what removing them could brake.

*Auto detect Silent Installers for program integration.Currently i havent got a clue how to check if program executable supports silent install or not?(short of testing each one one-by-one)

*Ability to load previous RT 7 Lite settings(not implemented completely yet?).

*Ability to change TEMP folder location from RT 7 Lite settings(like vLite does).

*Show current operation on bottom of "Log" window`s progress bar.For example: Integrating KB123456.msu ;Removing: Accessibility and so on.Like vLite does.Currently it only shows Preparing and such general messages.

*Future Win7 SP1 Beta/RTM integration support?

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I was able to complete an .iso with the program, however, it seems that no matter what options or packages I choose for removal, no reduction takes place - the resulting .iso is more or less the same size as the default windows image.

Same here as well. Because of this I didn't even bother to try installing it on my VM.

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i tried to convert it to gif....but its getting much grains

Nothing to worry about, having to install flash isn't the end of the world.

How about a script that collects required WAIK files into the 7Lite folder. Just something so that each person can create their own "portable 7Lite" from their locally installed copy.

No answer on this one ??

EDIT: On Windows 7 it is working just fine if you just copy the files inside the WAIK\Tools\x86 or amd64, and paste them directly into your RT7Lite folder. (then copy RT7Lite folder to another Windows 7 machine) As long as you have flash activex installed on every machine it seems to work fine as a portable app.

Someone else will have to test on Vista and other OS'es, I'm only testing on Windows 7.

Edited by MrJinje
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will someone who has been successful in creating an install.wim (while not actually reducing it's size). Please open said install.wim with 7z file manager and take a screen shot.

I am in particular interested to know if the install.wim contains a folder called "Files" and how large that folder has become after running 7Lite. If that "Files" folder is more then 1Gb then that would confirm to me that file-removal has occurred. (but image export has not occurred)


The "Files" folder inside of a wim contains any files deleted from the WIM during a DISM session, these are basically orphan files that belong in none of the images inside the wim. The only way to get rid of them is to export the image using imagex or gimagex, thus creating a new wim without the orphaned files (and reducing it's size). DISM cannot do this, only imagex.

Edited by MrJinje
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just went through a quick removal and it seems to be working properly (save for exporting to a new wim). Here is the proof, see how my "Files" folder grew by 50Mb, while my "1" image folder is reduced.


Ben, please add the option (or make it the default) to "Export" the wim into a new install.wim file as the very final task.

For anyone else, here is how you can reclaim the wasted WIM space. (using gimagex)


Either way, if you created an ISO with 7Lite even though the wim file is still the same size, the install will not be.

Edited by MrJinje
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just went through a quick removal and it seems to be working properly (save for exporting to a new wim). Here is the proof, see how my "Files" folder grew by 50Mb, while my "1" image folder is reduced.


Ben, please add the option (or make it the default) to "Export" the wim into a new install.wim file as the very final task.

For anyone else, here is how you can reclaim the wasted WIM space. (using gimagex)


Either way, if you created an ISO with 7Lite even though the wim file is still the same size, the install will not be.

Jinje, thanks for doing the leg work on that.

Like I said, I assumed it was a waste of effort simply because the iso sizes were always the same. Now I guess we just have to work on getting it to not look that way.

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Jinje, thanks for doing the leg work on that.

Like I said, I assumed it was a waste of effort simply because the iso sizes were always the same. Now I guess we just have to work on getting it to not look that way.

Considering it is a single line of code that needs to be added, I imagine the next release will fix the problem.

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