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Disk Read Error

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My crystal ball being again in the shop for tuning :(, I cannot see your computer, and cannot even determine whether it is a desktop or laptop, and not even see the bus it is using, IDE/ATA, SATA or SCSI.

Different connectors may have different problems, as well as different cables (if any).

Maybe if you give some details....


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My crystal ball being again in the shop for tuning :(, I cannot see your computer, and cannot even determine whether it is a desktop or laptop, and not even see the bus it is using, IDE/ATA, SATA or SCSI.

Different connectors may have different problems, as well as different cables (if any).

Maybe if you give some details....


Laptop and SATA :).

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If the SATA drive on your LAPTOP is in one of those LAPTOPs that have a removable bay for SATA 2,5" drives, and this is what you refer to when you talk of re-seating the drive, from what you report it is likely that a contact between the bay and the case is not thoroughly clean.

A good way to clean them is using an (almost unfindable nowadays) eraser for ink/typewriter (NOT an eraser for pencils):




also, the blue side of things like this:


is not bad.

Rub gently, only to remove dirt/oxide, contacts are generally *gold* plated, if you insist too much you may remove the plating.

Then use a contact cleaner, something like these - not only a "pure" contact cleaner, but also a "contact enhancer" :





Verify that the "spring effect" of the contacts is effective.


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