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7Customizer - a Windows 7 Customization and Deployment tool

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the error i got:

=== 7Customizer Started===
7Customizer verion: 0.2.3
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
OS architecture: AMD64
Work folder found: True
Mount folder found: True
Extract utility found: True
Configuration file found: True
Getting drive info
Free space: 30,0998916625977 GB
Getting drive info: Done
Saved Imagex path:
Saved DISM path:
ImageX Path Selected
ImageX Path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe
Dism Path Selected
Dism Path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe
Windows source path selected
Sources folder found
install.wim found
install.wim size: 2728 MB
Testing imagex
Imagex result begin:

ImageX Tool for Windows
Copyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Imagex result end.
Testing dism
dism result begin:

Error: 740

Elevated permissions are required to run DISM.
Use an elevated command prompt to complete these tasks.
dism result end.
added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /XML /info "C:\7Customizer_ 0.2.3\x64\sources\install.wim">work\imagesinfo.xml
Starting imagex
Imagex created imagesinfo.xml Successfully
Reading images information from imagesinfo.xml
First 5 lines of imagesinfo.xml

Error opening file [C:\7Customizer_].

The system cannot find the file specified.
Unexpected Error: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 2, position 1.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(String filename)
at _7Customizer.Form1.selectImagePathBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

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Thanks man for the feedback.

From your log it appears that you did not start 7Customizer as an administrator. Anyway, it seems it is better to have 7Customizer in a directory that does not have spaces.


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new log file :D

even integrated latest geforce drivers successfully B)

=== 7Customizer Started===
7Customizer verion: 0.2.3
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
OS architecture: AMD64
Work folder found: True
Mount folder found: True
Extract utility found: True
Configuration file found: True
Getting drive info
Free space: 29,6831283569336 GB
Getting drive info: Done
Saved Imagex path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe
Saved DISM path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe
Windows source path selected
Sources folder found
install.wim found
install.wim size: 2728 MB
Testing imagex
Imagex result begin:

ImageX Tool for Windows
Copyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Imagex result end.
Testing dism
dism result begin:

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

dism result end.
added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /XML /info "C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\x64\sources\install.wim">work\imagesinfo.xml
Starting imagex
Imagex created imagesinfo.xml Successfully
Reading images information from imagesinfo.xml
First 5 lines of imagesinfo.xml
Number of Available Images: 4
Available Images: Begin
Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Ultimate
Available Images: End
Reading info finished
Start button pressed
added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\imagex.exe" /XML /info "C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\x64\sources\install.wim" 4 >work\imagesinfo.xml
Starting ImageX
Imagex created imagesinfo.xml Successfully
Reading selected image information from imagesinfo.xml
First 5 lines of imagesinfo.xml
Installed Language: Begin
Installed Language: End
Image Architecture: amd64
Finished Reading selected image information
Debug Mode: False
Language Pack Selected
Reading Language Pack Info
Reading Language Pack info finished successfully and saved
Adding instruction to integrate the language pack
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"work\mount" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\LPs\de-DE.cab"
Finished adding instruction to integrate the language pack
Update Selected
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:work\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\patches\Windows6.1-KB947821-v2-x64.msu"
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:work\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\patches\Windows6.1-KB973525-x64.msu"
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:work\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\patches\Windows6.1-KB974332-x64.msu"
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:work\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\patches\Windows6.1-KB974431-x64.msu"
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:work\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\patches\Windows6.1-KB974455-x64.msu"
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:work\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\patches\Windows6.1-KB974571-x64.msu"
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:work\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\patches\Windows6.1-KB975467-x64.msu"
Reading update Info
Update info finished successfully and saved
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:work\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\patches\Windows6.1-KB976749-x64.msu"
Finished adding instruction to integrate updates
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"work\mount" /Add-Driver /driver:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\191.07_desktop_win7_winvista_64bit_international_whql" /ForceUnsigned
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /Image:"work\mount" /Add-Driver /driver:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\Vista_Win7_R237\Vista64" /ForceUnsigned
Tweaks Enabled
Preparing instructions for registry editing
add reg.exe load HKLM\7user "work\mount\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT"
add reg.exe import "work\reg.reg"
add reg.exe unload HKLM\7user
Finished preparing instructions for registry editing
Apply button pressed
Creating Autounattend.xml
Finished Autounattend.xml
Prepearing instructions to execute
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /mount-wim /wimfile:"C:\7Customizer_0.2.3\x64\sources\install.wim" /index:4 /mountdir:"work\mount"
Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\amd64\Servicing\Dism.exe" /unmount-wim /mountdir:"work\mount" /commit
Preparing tweaks file
Finished preparing tweaks file
Finished Execution
Done. Exiting 7Customizer

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As x-layer said, your installation source might have a porblem. Anyways could you post your imagesinfo.xml and I will compare it with x-layer's. I might find a solution for this problem.

1) the source i tried first doesn't even create an imageinfo.xml file.

2) the second souce i tried does work until i enter some changes in the tabs and hit apply, then i get the same error message as with the first source.

however the imagesinfo.xml was created:

<NAME>Windows 7 Ultimate</NAME>
<PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME>

hope that helps.

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Hi. I figured out three problems.

1. The botton "including subfoders" is useless.

2. After integrating a Chinese language pack. One can still only select English in installing selection window.

3. If I integrate updates and choose unattend without typing a user name. The installation will fail in the second reboot.

Thank you for giving out such a nice software.

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As x-layer said just rename your folder. BTW, I have already put quotes around all the paths in 7Customizer.


1) the source i tried first doesn't even create an imageinfo.xml file.

Perhaps it was not a good si=orce or maybe it was modified before.

2) the second souce i tried does work until i enter some changes in the tabs and hit apply, then i get the same error message as with the first source.

however the imagesinfo.xml was created:

Ok. From your file and x-layer's I can now figure what the problem is.

Thanks man for your feedback and help.


1. No the include subfolders button is not useless. In integrating drivers you have three options. a)Using a single inf file. B) using a folder that has the driver files c) Using a folder that has multiple drivers. The include subfolders button is for third options.

2. This issue has been discussed so many times. The languages can be selected after the installation not in the setup.

3. Of course it will fail. You have to fill the whole information for a successful unattended installation.

Thanks man for your feedback I hope this discussion was helpful.


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Just a question, the most important and never asked (neither said in tutorial) : MUST WE LAUNCH WAIK AND 7CUSTOMIZER UNDER W-SEVEN ? Or can we do that under XP ?

Because i've an image disk of seven and i DON'T want install it before slipstream it.

Edited by rey
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7Customizer can be used on XP, Vista and 7.

Windows WAIK for 7 can be used on Vista and 7 only.

However you could install dism , which is needed by 7Customizer, on xp. jaclaz has posted a link to a guide that shows you how to install dism in XP (it is on the first page of this thread).You will also need imagex which can be obtained by installing WAIK for Vista.


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Ok thanks. but i've seen something bad : we cannot work on iso... 7customizer need a Windows7 installation directory. So it CANNOT work on xp :)

So, without more explaination or other efficient tool (such as vlite has been...), i say i've NO way to make my own customized installation image disk of Windows Seven, without first install it.

Edited by rey
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