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I just tried installing Windows 2000 on a spare drive for testing because my sisters needs me to reinstall Windows 2000 on her computer.

I remove all hard drives so I don't corrupt any of my other drives, then I start the install process. When it gets to my hard ddrive table it lists 5 or 6 partitions? It looked like it found my Vista partition and sperated it and then made a bunch of other partitions I assumed for Windows 2000. I tried to delete all partitions so it was 1 whole partition again but it wouldn't merge the two main partitions back to gether. I even connected my drive to my Windows 7 Ult machine and it won't let me do anything to them as well. it just says there are two unallocated partitions on one drive.

I then try to use computer management to format both partitions and it wouldn't format the second one and claimed there wasn't enough space available on the disk. It is a Seagate 250GB hard drive and should have plenty of room.

I've been reading some post about Seagate drives having issues, could this be my problem?



Sound like something went weird with your partition tables, to fix it I would goto http://www.dban.org/ and use DBAN to wipe the drive or you can also use the DOS version of Seatools from Seagate http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/support/downloads/seatools/ to erase your drive.

Also note that Win2000 has problems with drives over 127gb during install, so you may need to manually make a partition that is less then 127gb during the text mode of the install.


Check that your Windows 2000 disk has SP3 or later integrated.

Check for a BIOS update for that computer, maybe it is not able to adress the whole disk correctly.


Does SP3 or greater provide support for more than 137G drives? My BIOS is updated. The MB is a newer P45 board (Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R). I will nlite a SP4 disk and see how it goes.



ps. I installed Ubuntu on the drive and told it to use the whole disk and it formatted it properly using the whole disk. also, it was my WD drive, not my Seagate drive.

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