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You think this vLite project has a future?


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It's been a while since I've played around with vLite because my computing needs have broadened into so many realms that I can afford to remove little to none of my OS. But every time I DO drop back in here to lurk around I find basically all the same thread topics that were being discussed back in the day. vLite still hasn't been updated and users are finding more and more elaborate fixes around slipstreams and other issues that have arisen since the release of v1.2.

From what I've read in the past the author of the project, nuhi, has put endless hours not only into developing it, but into providing support for nLite/vLite enthusiasts. Acknowledging that, I don't want to sound ungrateful in anyway. He's a champion of the modding realms and deserves to be knighted in my opinion. However I suspect a large number of issues we currently face as a community could be addressed by taking vLite to the next level (and perhaps birthing the next generation 7lite).

I know this has been discussed a little but I haven't seen any talk about it lately and wanted to know if anyone had any up to date info regarding the future of vLite, and if not what would you guys suggest to nuhi? Retire and pass the project onto a worthy heir? Scrap it and let the movement slowly die?

What are your thoughts?

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It would be nice if someone could just get in touch with him briefly enough to get permission to take over the project. I suppose with Windows 7 just around the corner, and with everyone so eager to upgrade the win integrator could end up being what we're really looking for at this point.

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I DO really really hope that nuhi will come back sometime, 'cause there is nothing like nlite or vlite directed to Win7, Win 7 Integrator, seams so far a little child near nlite or vlite, a i know that i nuhi appears he would make some miracle with win7.

I hope...

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