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xpize 5 Release 5


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can't recall exactly

is there any log file like nlie?

There is a logfile saved to %user%\Local Settings\Temp\Anolis

nice, then here is my log file:

Ugh, it filled with errors.

Try using Release 6 which I just pushed out and try again.

Although I don't personally recommend installing xpize to a CD image since it misses out on a lot of things that you can only get by installing it locally. I prefer to keep my installation media "pure" (i.e. only add official Microsoft updates and drivers) and do everything else after installation.

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Although I don't personally recommend installing xpize to a CD image since it misses out on a lot of things that you can only get by installing it locally.

What are these things?

Maybe it would be good to inform the user, while he is trying to run the slipstream process.

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