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Heads up, ForceWare later than 82.08 don't support AGP GeForce7600


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Windows will refuse to use the driver and display the following error message (or similar) in Device Manager:

The device cannot start.

(Code 10)

I don't understand, never a failure until this year! This was with a fresh Windows installation. And after downloading the April release of ForceWare, IIRC, from Nvidia's web site.

Apparently, Nvidia lied, unless Nvidia F-ed up. Nvidia's web site still reported the GeForce 7600 GS being supported and Nvidia's web site didn't warn people about discontinuing AGP support, IIRC.

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Moving topic to hardware forum, since matter pertains to hardware drivers. If it was a driver problem with a particular OS and not HWID, it could belong in the proper OS forum.

Btw Nvidia still supports and updates drivers for the GeForce 6 and 7 series.

What OS are you using, and what is the HWID of your display adapter?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you tried visiting laptopvideo2go?

They take WHQL drivers and provide you with a modded INF file (which you replace the orignal with), which allows the drivers to work on almost all GeForce models (works fine on my computer with a GeForce4 Ti 4800, which is about to become my spare).

That error message your getting in the Device Manager is more than likely an indication that the ForceWare drivers you've downloaded are blocked from installing on older GeForce models.

I hope this helps :).

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  • 1 month later...
That error message your getting in the Device Manager is more than likely an indication that the ForceWare drivers you've downloaded are blocked from installing on older GeForce models.

I hope this helps :).

Not true, it's not the installer giving an error message. It's now obviously because the driver files don't have the right stuff and Windows has a hissy fit.

The installer seemed to go through fine, it was Windows that rejected the driver.

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Not true, it's not the installer giving an error message. It's now obviously because the driver files don't have the right stuff and Windows has a hissy fit.

The installer seemed to go through fine, it was Windows that rejected the driver.

Something which, can also point to NVIDIA not allowing the newer driver releases to be used. The installer checks the driver inf file to determine whether or not it should install, something which seems to be working fine on your system.

I had a similar issue as you (expect my card was not listed as being compatible and wouldn't install automatically or manually via Device Manager), however I visited LaptopVideo2Go, downloaded their most recent driver and modded inf, replaced the inf from the driver package with the modded version and everything worked like a charm! :thumbup

Try the modded drivers out, after all you've got nothing to loose! :)

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i could have sworn I had used drivers newer than that on my old 6800gt agp so i investigated a little after googling around a a bit, it looks like this is confirmed (or at the very least happening to a few others)

further discussion here:



some have said that 182.46 & 185.81 work with AGP cards but no confirmations that ive seen. im sure theres a way around it hidden within the INFs but ill be damned if i know where to start looking.

one thing to note though a possible workaround for this might be to use another OS*. In my little bit of searching I did notice that almost every problem was exclusive to XP x86 edition so you might be able to use the newer drivers on another OS (XP 64/Vista 32/64/Seven 32/64)

*I swear im not trying to make this a XP vs ___ thread. this comment is just a FYI thing so if anyone want to burn me at the stake for suggesting something other than what they are comfortable with, please do it via PM so we dont threadjack ok?

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