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Can't play Quake and Quake Live in Windows 7

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Posted (edited)


I have upgrading my computer (Vista=>Win7) to avoid small inconvenience me in Windows Vista. Except that after you install it which I am particularly excited level performance, I realized that one of my games Quake 3 Arena did not work because of this error message:


And even the games Quake Live from any browser is not working as well.

After looking, I realized that it a problem for those drivers who have a graphics card ATI or Nvidia to update except that I have a Intel 965 Express Chipset.

Can you help me solve this problem Thanks you.

Ps: Other people have encountered the same problem


(Translated with Google translate, yes i'm not very good in English for complet explain)

Edited by livetek


weird man i have server 7 and im running quake 3

try to do clean install

btw which mod u playing excessiveplus ?



The thread you referenced CLEARLY says:

  • that Quake 3 requires DX9 installed
  • that it is possible under Vista to install DX9 alongside with DX10 (and possibly DX11)

Have you tried installing DX9 on your Windows 7?

If not, that's the first thing I would try if I were you.

Download is here:


Windows 7 "should" have a technology "10level9" to avoid this kind of problems, but maybe it is not working yet:




Thanks you for your answer

Aviv00 => I have playing all mods and i have testing without mod, result => crash

Jaclaz => Now, i downloading DXSDK_Nov08.exe to complet this:

The beta Direct3D 10, 10.1 and 11 components in the November SDK have an additional driver type that can be specified during CreateDevice – this is D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP. When this is specified, a WARP10 device will be created and no hardware device will be initialized.

The November DirectX SDK includes a beta version of the WARP10 rasterizer. Because WARP10 uses the same software interface to Direct3D that is used by the references rasterizer, any Direct3D 10 or 10.1 application that can support running with the reference rasterizer can be tested with WARP10. Rename D3D10WARP.DLL to D3D10REF.DLL and place it in the same folder as the sample or application and when you switch to ref you will see WARP10 rendering.

If WARP10 is renamed D3D10Ref.DLL and placed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2008)\Samples\C++\Direct3D\Bin\x86, the DirectX samples can all run against WARP10, either by clicking the ‘Toggle Ref’ button in the sample, or running the sample with /ref specified on the command line.

that is what i do?

If it doesn't work, i will instal DX9.

Thanks all :)


Yes as directx 10 is a different build than 9 you can install 9 and it wont over write 10 just puts in the dx 9 files you need to play dx 9 games same as vista was. But don’t expect good performance from that chipset in any case. If you are using the AERO theme expect even less.


Posted (edited)

Just wondering did you update the video driver from the default driver because although I havent checked the default driver might not have OpenGL.

Edited by awergh
Posted (edited)

I have tried that:

The beta Direct3D 10, 10.1 and 11 components in the November SDK have an additional driver type that can be specified during CreateDevice – this is D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP. When this is specified, a WARP10 device will be created and no hardware device will be initialized.

The November DirectX SDK includes a beta version of the WARP10 rasterizer. Because WARP10 uses the same software interface to Direct3D that is used by the references rasterizer, any Direct3D 10 or 10.1 application that can support running with the reference rasterizer can be tested with WARP10. Rename D3D10WARP.DLL to D3D10REF.DLL and place it in the same folder as the sample or application and when you switch to ref you will see WARP10 rendering.

If WARP10 is renamed D3D10Ref.DLL and placed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2008)\Samples\C++\Direct3D\Bin\x86, the DirectX samples can all run against WARP10, either by clicking the ‘Toggle Ref’ button in the sample, or running the sample with /ref specified on the command line.


But i don't understand that for launch app:

he DirectX samples can all run against WARP10, either by clicking the ‘Toggle Ref’ button in the sample, or running the sample with /ref specified on the command line

And for the DX9 instal, after downloading the update file, i can't downgrad, where i can found a link to download DX9 without an update file ?

Edit: now i'm downloading the DX9.0c Redistribluable instal to force the complet instalation (if it work..)

Thanks you ;)

Edited by livetek

Yeah, You have a Geforce and i say:

After looking, I realized that it a problem for those drivers who have a graphics card ATI or Nvidia to update except that I have a Intel 965 Express Chipset.

If you have a Nvidia, you can update your drivers with windows seven compatibility.

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