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Power Consumption & Costs: Desktop & Laptops


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i am wondering is there alot of difference in power consumption between a Desktop vs Laptop? ok, definitely desktop will consume more power. but i still prefer desktops because its more upgradable (so save $$ in long term) and faster. say i am not running much, can a desktop be throttled so that it uses less power? nowadays motherboards, processors & gpu say that they are "green" i wonder if its really true - compared to a laptop? will u want to buy a desktop or laptop, considering costs like electricity & other long term costs?

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The question should not be "which is better", but "which do you need?". If you need a computer that you can take places, then get a laptop. If you need a computer that has raw power, but portability doesn't matter, get a desktop. Modern PC's, both desktops and laptops, don't draw much power when they aren't actually doing things. Laptops will tend to be more power efficient, but when idling, a PC doesn't draw much either. Choose based on your needs.

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ooo thanks. i dont really need portablility, well ... most of the time, so i guess desktop will serve my needs better. just want to get things done faster, + i think a desktop lasts longer, i can upgrade when i need.

maybe when i need portability sometime, i can get a net book or something, most of the time for work that i need to work on the go, it wont be too power intensive, or i can probably make do with something just acceptable for the moment :) a powerful laptop probably wont be portable like my 15" laptop now :) but its fast tho, at least for laptops

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... + i think a desktop lasts longer...

Don't forget that portables overhead way faster than desktops plus have more design faults (yes, I'm pointing to HP here! :P), plus you can change parts easier.

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laptops use less power since everything in it is lower powered than the parts in a desktop.

most people don't need the power of a real desktop anymore and the portability of a laptop is a major plus for most people.

what do you plan on doing on you new computer?

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