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website dos not work on all urls

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We host our web site in house. Server 2003.

We upgraded the server from 2000 to 2003.

The site is up and running and can be seen at www.racsolutions.com but not www.raclink.com. Any ideas of where I should start looking?

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  • 13 years later...

There are a couple of things you need to do to fix this:

Decide which URL style you want to use, www or non-www.

Set up a 301 redirect so that any links to your non-preferred URL style will go to the right style. This way you don’t waste link value by splitting it between two URLs.

Set your preferred domain in Google Webmaster Tools so your search result listings are consistent with your style preference.

Make sure whenever you build links to your site that you use the preferred URL style.




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