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Is it normal that one cannot integrate the following hotfixes?


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I got all the hotfixes that are included in Sereby's German XP SP3 Update Pack and tried to integrate them into a French XP Home OEM SP3.

I also included IE7 and first slipstreamed WMP11 with boooggy's slipstreamer

Anyway, the following KBs do not integrate :




















Do you think this is normal?

Thank you,



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Thanks for your answer.

Crossing languages should not be an issue here, as M$ sent them to me for my French XP (they told me that these three hotfixes exist in English only).

Also, nLite says that there is no direct integration support (so nothing language specific...)

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ulysse34, please attach (not paste) your Last Session.ini. Make sure you always start with a fresh copy of your CD files/folders, do all your work in one nLite session and integrate only one SP. Enjoy, John.

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Well for a start, IE7 is at the bottom of your integration list. If you want to integrate hotfixes for IE7 they have to be integrated after IE7 has been integrated. Try manually moving IE7 to the top of the hotfix list in nLite and see how you go with that.

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Well for a start, IE7 is at the bottom of your integration list. If you want to integrate hotfixes for IE7 they have to be integrated after IE7 has been integrated. Try manually moving IE7 to the top of the hotfix list in nLite and see how you go with that.

That's exactly what I did before and the result was strictly the same (direct integration not possible)

The files that are in the folder called "manual integration" on my HDD are those that are impossible to integrate directly.

Edited by ulysse34
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ulysse34, what are these things?

D:\DVD\Windows XP KBs\Post XP SP3 KBs\WindowsXP-MSCompPackV1-x86.exe
D:\DVD\Windows XP KBs\Post XP SP3 KBs\rootsupd.exe

I have not seen these before. Are all your hot fixes in date order? That is, are to oldest hot fixes first in the list and the newest last? Enjoy, John

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These are :

KB927374 - The Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP

KB931125 - Update for Root Certificates

and they integrate flawlessly

This time, my hotfixes were in no specific order, but this does not really matter here as the problem is always the same (had them in increasing order before)

The hotfixes in my "Post XP SP3 KBs" do integrate without any issues.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I have also problem with integration of some fixes :(

During the integration I always have error with KB938127. I've tried various orders of fixes.

KB960714, KB958215 and KB956396 are integrating well, but after installation of XP, i see again this fixes in Windows Update.

Some ideas?

PS.Apologize of my English :(

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cynik606, do you have this version (v2), IE7-WindowsXP-KB938127-v2-x86-ENU.exe? Please attach (not paste) your Last Session.ini. Make sure to always start with a fresh copy of your CD files/folders, do all your work in one nLite session and integrate only one SP. Enjoy, John.

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cynik606, I think these hot fixes and possibly more are out of order. RyanVm has a list of post SP3 updates that might help. It looks like he has many hot fixes that might not be needed. I have not used Update Packs and am not familiar with them, but I was surprised that there were so many updates. I would suggest you use his list to get you hot fixes in order and see if that corrects you problem. Enjoy, John

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