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Disable cftmon from startup


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  • 1 year later...

Actually it is responsible for Language bar, so it may be needed as not all programs will handle those shortcuts correctly / IME might not work correctly.

But i agree that it is buggy.

Before IE8, I usually just removed all keyboard layout except default, so ctfmon.exe does not start automatically.

But unfortunately with "Install files for East Asian languages" checked, even with just a single keyboard layout both IE8 and Wordpad always start ctfmon + Language bar (somewhat incorrectly - shows grayed/disabled or contains no layout list) - so you need to go to Regional Settings - add some layout, Apply, Remove it, Apply - then it fixes it and closes.

Eventually i just got tired of this and made batch file that renames dllcache\ctfmon.exe and ctfmon.exe so apps won't load it.

Now, from time to time when i need to use Japanese or other layout i just run batch again so restores both exes + launches intl.cpl..

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Actually it is responsible for Language bar, so it may be needed as not all programs will handle those shortcuts correctly / IME might not work correctly.

But i agree that it is buggy.

Before IE8, I usually just removed all keyboard layout except default, so ctfmon.exe does not start automatically.

But unfortunately with "Install files for East Asian languages" checked, even with just a single keyboard layout both IE8 and Wordpad always start ctfmon + Language bar (somewhat incorrectly - shows grayed/disabled or contains no layout list) - so you need to go to Regional Settings - add some layout, Apply, Remove it, Apply - then it fixes it and closes.

Eventually i just got tired of this and made batch file that renames dllcache\ctfmon.exe and ctfmon.exe so apps won't load it.

Now, from time to time when i need to use Japanese or other layout i just run batch again so restores both exes + launches intl.cpl..

Could you share your batch file please?

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Well, nothing special really, just WinXP builting commands --> so no dependences like choice.exe or other.


@Echo off

IF EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\ctfmon.exe" echo #STATUS: Enabled
IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\ctfmon.exe" echo #STATUS: Disabled

Echo Restore [1]
Echo Disable [2]
Echo Exit [Any other]
set /p usr_choice=Toogle Status? [1,2]:

IF [%usr_choice%] == [1] (
ren "%SystemRoot%\System32\ctfmon.exe_old" ctfmon.exe
ren "%SystemRoot%\System32\dllcache\ctfmon.exe_old" ctfmon.exe

Echo CTFMON.EXE restored..
IF [%usr_choice%] == [2] (
ren "%SystemRoot%\System32\dllcache\ctfmon.exe" ctfmon.exe_old
ren "%SystemRoot%\System32\ctfmon.exe" ctfmon.exe_old

Echo CTFMON.EXE disabled..
echo. & Echo # Click Cancel button in "Windows File Protection" dialogbox #

set usr_choice=

If ctfmon.exe was disabled and someone has tried replaced original file -> both ctfmon.exe_old and ctfmon.exe will exist - ren command would fail, but I left it on purpose, so i would notice it.

Of course the are legit utilities that could do that: SFC /scannow, Office setup, etc.

Edited by spriditis
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