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How to skip user setup screen/wizard

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Does anyone know how to skip the section of setup with the short animation and the cool music in the background where it asks you about user accounts, connecting to the internet, registering with microsoft, etc?

Thanks in Advance



If your source is VLK (aka Corporate, no 30-day activation), you can remove "OOBE" component in nLite

If your source is not VLK (retail, OEM etc. activation needed), you shall not remove OOBE, but in "unattended" section of nLite you can check "skip OOBE" option

If you're adventurous you can do some "WinMerge" on pre and post nLited sources and try to find how it apply this skipping




You don't provide much information about what you are trying to with what. Have you looked at the Unattended section? I use 'Fully Unattended' and specify my accounts and passwords here. There is no stopping during install. Let us know more about what you are doing and what kind of source CD you are nLiting if you are still having problems.

Enjoy, John.


Sorry, for the lack of info. The original source disc is sp2 with a volume license key. SP3 has been slipstreamed using nLite. For the most part I'm pretty happy with this unattended install. It stops for computer name, domain, etc.

I'll try removing the OOBE (for the life of me I couldn't figure out it's official name) component and report back with the results.

Just out of curiosity, what happens when this component is removed from a non-VLK disc?



On a non VLK XP installation, you will get a problem with activation after about 30 days. If OOBE is removed, then there is no way to activate the OS. If you cannot activate the OS, well ... just an endless loop after that ...

But hopefully, you see the point of the exercise.

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