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needing general help

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Hello to everyone,, as you can see i am new to this forum, and to WPI too,, so please forgive me if my questions are too basic........

First of all i want to say that i looked for WPI tutorials, but couldnt found, even in this forum.....

i have more than one questions but i believe that theyre easy to answer....

1) When i used filecopy, i noticed that WPI only copied the file if the target directory exists.... the problem is that ,, i dont know if it will exist,, in fact, in a fresh installation the directory wont exist, so i would have to do it manual... what i want is that when i use filecopy if the target directory doesnt exist, WPI creates it, and then copy the file....

2) where can i find the commands and the conditions right syntax,,, i mean,, i cannot guess that,, and i couldnt found them,, i thought there would be a sticky for that or something like that..

3)when my config is finished, i would like wpi to stop showing configs and options,, and only allow the user to install, no to modify my own config..... how can i do that???

4) is there a way, to play music while choosing which apps to install? or is it only allowed during the unattended installation.

i think thats all,, theres not a lot of questions but nº2 include lots of things

thnx in advantage,


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