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RegTweaks 0.4.2

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Hi Guys, Ihave a few questions:

1) What does this for?:

Show translucid selection rectangle



; Use background image to each type of folder

; Music folder will have that musical note on the corner, etc etc...



; Prioritize CMOS Real-Time Clock Using IRQ8 (2 of 2)




; special option in start->run



2) This regtweaks never work for me:

; Sort Start Menu and Favorites in Alphabetical Order

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu]


Start menu list still need to be sort manually

; Adds Device Manager to right click of MY Computer


@="Device Manager"


@="mmc.exe %%SYSTEMDRIVE%%\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\devmgmt.msc"

msg "MMC cannot open the file %SYSTEMDRIVE%\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\devmgmt.msc" appear.

Can someone help me? Thanks in advance

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Does someone know the registry keys for "Expand..." for the Classic Start Menu customization? For example Expand Printers, Expand Network Connections, Expand My Documents etc? Thanks!

Edited by heffalump
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; Adds Device Manager to right click of MY Computer

@="Device Manager"
@="mmc.exe %%SYSTEMDRIVE%%\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\devmgmt.msc"

msg "MMC cannot open the file %SYSTEMDRIVE%\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\devmgmt.msc" appear.

Can someone help me? Thanks in advance

I've already answered this question for you yadzil.

If you cannot be bothered reading through the handful of responses since your question was asked, why should we bother answering them. If you still cannot be bothered, then click on your name in the previous paragraph and it'll take you there.

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  • 1 month later...

Creating my unattended & multiboot dvd I arrived to the 3 previous topics with over 100 pages to finish here. I just want to thank all people who have contributing to this amazing work and all hours (should say weeks or months) to make it. Congratulations folks.

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Ive try my best to update this!

*went though the thread, and updated all the files in the "all" folder*

I also updated all the web links (and downloaded the files into the new ZIP)

Here is the new link =)

*** LOOK DOWN 2 POST! ***



Edited by blahface
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  • 2 weeks later...

I thinks it should be xhtml

The Extensible HyperText Markup Language, or XHTML, is a markup language that has the same depth of expression as HTML, but also conforms to XML syntax.

**** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XHTML ****

Also the file does have xhtml stuff in it (e.g. the first line)

btw thanks for pointing out the typo!

I also found another few lil things - so here is the up-to-date version!



*** Please note: I have only edited the files in "all", NOT IN "essentials" ***

Edited by blahface
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Hate to be a pain in the butt, here is a couple more issues.



BOTH files are corrupted just dlete the whole folder it really doesn't have any place in a reg tweaks collection any ways and will save alot of space.

And what do I read an xhtml file with? It reads in IE fine renamed as html.


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Can somewone get me the defaults of the tweaks because its f..... up. my settings now
I'm sorry but there's more chance of you winning the lotto.

The whole idea of these things is to choose only the tweaks you need and comment out those you don't. Only you know what you've applied and if you didn't do it in a test environment then you've only really got yourself to blame.

I know it sounds like I'm being harsh on you, but there really is no alternative, if you didn't create a system restore point, or back up your registry before you ran the tweaks then you'll have to start from scratch having learned a valuable lesson.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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