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Just got a Sandisk Cruzer Extreme Contour 16 GB :D

It seems the limit is 2GB though this may be the limit by the way the drives are formatted(Fat32)

It also seems you have to the the even more modified version of the app to work with Drives Bigger than 4GB Properly

  • 2 weeks later...


Spent some time on _http://www.flashboot.ru/ (with google translate) trying to get my alcor based drive working. Could get the cd image/partition to format fine but booting the WinXP CD portion would just not work in a couple of computers that I tried.

I also have a flash drive with a USBest chip, I got that to format/boot fine on 2x computers with no problems...

  • 4 months later...

Greetings children! All Internet was rummaged so to me by anybody and could not answer my questions. The matter is that I want to insert into CD-Rom.ISO an image at least on 700mb, as at me Sandisk Cruser Micro 4gb. At numerous forums children did it by means of Universal_Customizer from Gromo, others advise for usb in volume more 4gb to use the updated version of this utility Universal Customizer from Gonzor. But neither that nor other program does not create.ISO an image in CD-Rom.

At first has tried with old version Universal Customizer from Gromo. We unpack archive, in folder U3CUSTOM we copy files which we want to write down on CD (I have simply taken files from ISO an image)

We leave folder U3CUSTOM and we start file ISOCreate, there is a window through any time is pressed any key, the window is closed. But a problem here in what: when I start ISOCreate.bat that writes here that:

This program will create an ISO Image from the files in the "U3CUSTOM" folder.

Author: Tyrone Davis (U3Hacker)

The label Of The ISO will be U3CUSTOM and will be placed in the "BIN" folder.

The label Of The U3 CD-ROM will be "U3".

CDIMAGE 2.47 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility

Copyright © Microsoft, 1993-2000. All rights reserved.

For Microsoft internal use only.

Scanning source tree complete (6794 files in 87 directories)

Computing directory information complete

Image file is 733804544 bytes

ERROR: Image is 51820544 bytes too large for 74-minute CD (681,984,000)

(use -m to override or try -o to optimize storage)

For continuation press any key...

I usb as soon as did not format it, and updated, any more I do not know as affairs, who can faced such problem, help please. I use Windows 7 Ultimate. Tried on ХР the same trouble. In advance I thank.

Yes))), I am sorry for my English)))


Thought to try with updated version Universal Customizer from Gonzor, but also there I can not understand that at all where it is filled in, a manual, read me


Today has downloaded other file Universal Customizer from Gonzor, but it has appeared more hard on pair mbyte previous, but the same version)))) everyone packs as it it is necessary, then sit guess where true archive...

After a while, having downloaded others fresh Universal Customizer and having added from the old version missing files gives out such error:

This program will create an ISO Image from the files in the "U3CUSTOM" folder.

Author: Tyrone Davis (U3Hacker)

The label Of The ISO will be U3CUSTOM and will be placed in the "BIN" folder.

The label Of The U3 CD-ROM will be "U3".

CDIMAGE 2.47 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility

Copyright © Microsoft, 1993-2000. All rights reserved.

For Microsoft internal use only.

Scanning source tree

WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MICROS~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MICROS~4" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MIE37D~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MI925D~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MI2D41~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MI6252~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MI3420~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MI3DE9~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MI6A67~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MIE97A~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MI6756~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MI5124~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MIECCE~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MIA985~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MIE7D0~1" for "\SOURCES\DLMANIFESTS\MIC


Scanning source tree (500 files in 28 directories)

WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MIA93C~1" for "\SOURCES\REPLACEMENTMANI


WARNING: Using alternate directory name "MIECCE~1" for "\SOURCES\REPLACEMENTMANI


Scanning source tree complete (909 files in 209 directories)

Computing directory information complete

Image file is 3009464320 bytes

ERROR: Image is 2327480320 bytes too large for 74-minute CD (681,984,000)

(use -m to override or try -o to optimize storage)

For continuation press any key...


Well, if this version Universal Custimize for usb drive to 2GB, as then to use updated version Universal Customizer from Gonzor? Because it is not written anywhere as with it to work, just by a principle of the old version, but there it is perfect other structure of folders and absence some files such as ISOCreate.cmd, Universal Customize.exe etc.

Please, help me :(


Just has once again tried already with newer version Universal_Customizer_1.4.0.2, but also with it it is useless...

Here that writes:

This program will create an ISO Image from the files in the "U3CUSTOM" folder.

Author: Tyrone Davis (U3Hacker)

The label Of The ISO will be U3CUSTOM and will be placed in the "BIN" folder.

The label Of The U3 CD-ROM will be "U3".

The system does not manage to find the specified way.

"ISOIMAGE" is not internal or external

The command executed by the program or a package file.

For continuation press any key...


Yes is not present))) I know this business, but I would like, that I had CD-Rom a section on flash the store. And there I could insert any.ISO an image so at children it turns out. I have already tried as is described in the first post:

5) Copy ISO in./BIN directory where Universal_Customizer is installed

6) Rename the ISO to U3CUSTOM.ISO, it can be any size fitting your USB-stick

7) Run Universal_Customizer, follow instructions, be patient!

8) Boot from USB-CDROM and start installing XP

But on 5th step at me all hangs also system suggests from to format flash the store. Any more I do not know as to try: (

Such way is already obsolete for a long time, as there was fresher LPInstaller,
What happens at fresher LPInstaller?
and I do not need to establish a local server for creation of an image
Which local server?

Mentioned message doesn't use a local sever.

Read post 9. Edit file qa.ini, set you local iso file.

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