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So ive tried this a million and 1 times , still i reap no sucess :realmad: on the unattended guide which is linked from the is site , when remodelling if u may your xp cd . For some reason i cant get the OEMLOGO to show up or even be copied across to the machine in which i install the xp !!

is there that is not listed that should be done on the same page in which its listed or is it something i doing wrong :unsure:

We can use the $OEM$ Distribution folders to do this. Create a sub-folder called $$ if one doesn't exist already, then create another sub-folder within $$ called System32. For example:


Copy both oeminfo.ini and oemlogo.bmp to the System32 folder explained above. When Windows XP Setup is run, both of these files will be automatically copied to Windows' System32 directory, no matter what the Windows folder is called.

Is it possible to import this info if this is the only thing im importing . ?

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ok everything copyin over to the system32 folder but there is still nothing in the system properties box !

Have you tried putting this into your WINNT.SIF:


OemPreinstall = Yes


yes i did this and it is set

Edited by D_block
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try putting these files on ur running system (c:\windows\system32) first

it usually works for me in " C:/widows/system" folder .. The only time i actually ever saw it in the system32 folder was through a programme an script i got from Felix' link above

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im running windows xp pro sp3, i was acustom to puttin it there since the first time i realised that i can tag my system, even on windows 2000 i used the system folder not system32

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ok i now moced it from system to system32 and apparantly its working on my runnin OS but the xp i was customizing through nlite didnt show up the info even when it was in the system folder .. Does nlite have any features which may be blocking it from showing up ?

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the file should either go to system or system32 directory

and the main three files to read this setting are




try to replace these three files from ur running system to ur XP CD

remember to makecab for sysdm.cpl before placing it to CD\i386

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