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integrated KB951376, yet, still pop up in windows update


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I am having the same problem, I used nLite to integrate it and it still shows up in updates, I manually integrated it and it then didn't show up in updates, but in Add remove programs it was the only one there and not the other 9 i integrated with nLite.. i have also noticed that when integrating this hotfix with nLite it reduces the install instead of making it grow .. I have tried adding this hotfix 1st, last and doing each one individual with no change, I am about to try manually integrating all the hotfixes to see the result ..

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Problem is fixed by manually integrating all hotfixes and not using nLite, all the hotfixes show up in Add remove programs and none of the hotfixes show up in updates :thumbup

Example of manual install:

C:\XP_Setup\Updates\KB951376.exe -s:C:\XP_Setup\GRTMPVOL_EN


There is now an update to this hotfix, v2 is now available as of yesterday

Edited by mazmorbid
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i used nlite v1.4.6 to integrate KB951376. When finished, I tested on VM, and tried windows update, this update was still there, anything went wrong?? i integrated this updates with other 6 or 7, should i inetreage it individually???

I have been having the same issues with this update. Last night I tried iexpress with huge success. 10 of 10 installs installed this hotfix correctly and was checked using MBSA 2.1 with no updates to install. This program comes with XP, in the Start>Run box type iexpress. Follow the instructions below that were posted by homiebrah and the link to the page.


Download the patch. From the Run line, type in iexpress and hit Enter.

1. Click Next.

2. Click Next.

3. Type in a package title.

4. Click Next.

5. Click Next.

6. Click Next.

7. Click Add and navigate to the location you saved the patch.

8. Click the down arrow in the Install Program box. Select the patch. Then, at the end of the patch name, enter /Q.

9. Click Next.

10. Click Next.

11. Click Next.

12. Specify a location to the save the new file. I would use SVC-EXE. Check both boxes and click Yes.

13. Click Next.

14. Select No Restart and click Next.

15. Select Don't Save and click Next.

16. Click Next.

The program will create the new file and save it in the location you specified. Click Finish when it is complete.

Add this to your RunOnceEX and it will install fine at that point.

Good Luck


Edited by 03GrandAmGT
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Did you do this 10 times?


Wouldn't it be easier to open a new .txt file and put something like this into it:

J:\XP_x86\updates\IE7-KB947864.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\IE7-KB950759.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB898461.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB941569.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB942763.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB950760.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB950762.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB951376-v2.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB951698.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

Then save the .txt as a .cmd and run it? It then integrates all the hotfixes into the setup files with no need to use the RunOnceEX. And as I said in my last post, they all show up in Add/Remove programs/Show Updates and none show up when you check for updates.

Edited by mazmorbid
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Did you do this 10 times?


Wouldn't it be easier to open a new .txt file and put something like this into it:

J:\XP_x86\updates\IE7-KB947864.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\IE7-KB950759.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB898461.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB941569.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB942763.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB950760.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB950762.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB951376-v2.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

J:\XP_x86\updates\KB951698.exe -s:J:\XP_x86\GRTMPVOL_EN

Then save the .txt as a .cmd and run it? It then integrates all the hotfixes into the setup files with no need to use the RunOnceEX. And as I said in my last post, they all show up in Add/Remove programs/Show Updates and none show up when you check for updates.

No I didn't do the "next, next, next" 10 times ;) I did copy the packages that were made from iexpress into 10 different install folders for my home network. And as you made comment to the update showing up in Add/Remove programs/Show Updates (YES it Shows) and none show up when you check for updates (NONE show up).


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It sounds like you guys are using a sledgehammer when you only need a chisel. ;)

Integrate KB951376 through nLite like any other hotfix, then edit the following line in TXTSETUP.SIF.

bthport.sys = 1,,,,,,,4,1,3


bthport.sys = 1,,,,,,,4,0,0

Problem solved.

This code change effectively changes the conditions under which the file bthport.sys is copied to %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers. In order for the Windows Update and Microsoft Update websites to detect that the update is installed, the file must always be present in that directory. The code change makes it happen regardless of whether you actually have a Bluetooth device installed on your machine.

In other words, if you didn't change that line in TXTSETUP.SIF and you don't have a Bluetooth device installed then you will be asked to install KB951376 even if it is slipstreamed with nLite. This is why virtual machines have trouble. They do not emulate Bluetooth devices, so the driver files are never copied to the target location without that code change. ;)

Edited by 5eraph
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I think i was using a sledgehammer and a chisel :blushing: thanks for the tip, but I prefer doing it the way I described.

Thanks for the info on iexpress 03GrandAmGT, never heard of it before and I was able to use it to integrate .NET 1.1 into my setup, as nothing I found would work, not even the silent switches on the microsoft site :whistle:

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at the risk of offering another perspective (or simply piling on!), I integrate KB951376 as an RyanVM Addon and was plagued by this very problem (I nLite to reduce after I have bolt on all my Addons). As it turns out, I exclude anything Bluetooth related as my desktop machine does not support Bluetooth. In doing so, nLite removes "bthport.sys" AND the txtsetup.sif entry (the very one identified by 5eraph above). By simply listing "bthport.sys" in the Keepfiles section of nLite, I preserve both the file and txtsetup.sif entry (so no manual screwing around with txtsetup.sif after I'm done). Anyhow, anything to avoid manual intervention is a win for me.

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