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RIS win 2003 change image name

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We have a win 2003 server running RIS that we use with ghost. Some of the image names could be changed to make it easier to know what they are. Does any one know where I can edit the list of images names/ descriptions?

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I believe there's a .sif file in the image's "Templates" folder. Also, if you open the computer object for the RIS server from the RIS server itself (may have to install 2003 support tools on the RIS server to get ADUC console), you can go to the remote install tab and modify things there.

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I have a quick question. How do you join the computers to the domain using the RIS? Im going to set one up soon and was trying to gather all the info I could. Thanks for any information you can provide.

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I have a quick question. How do you join the computers to the domain using the RIS? Im going to set one up soon and was trying to gather all the info I could. Thanks for any information you can provide.

In the .sif file, make sure JoinDomain=<YOURDOMAINHERE> and DoOldStyleDomainJoin=YES.

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Thanks for the help. One last question, I think. How is the naming of the computer handled? Say I have a naming format that I want to use say xx-xxx-xxxx. All of it means something. Right now I have a script to pull the information and set the computer name. But how does the RIS handle giving the computer a unique name?

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RIS will gewt the cumpter name from AD.

basically you prestage your account. add the Computer name then the GUID from the PC you wish to install. When RIS installs the PC it Knows that that PC's GUID is assigned to the name in AD & then assigns that name during the install.

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I am only using RIS so I can connect using the ghost console. My company is a computer rental company. So I do not connect to the domain and after the image software runs we need only to change the computer name. Using RIS gets rid of the cd's and floppy's and the techs only have to login then choose the model of computer they are using for the ghost console to come up. I have to write out steps to make it so easy that a sales person can do it.

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