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new version without WAIK


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Alright, yeah, that totally didn't even scratch my question. If you notice my profile, I use nLite and vLite on every Windows installation ever since I found them.

In all the time I've used nLite and vLite, I've never even heard of WAIK. So therein lies my question. What is all this uproar about WAIK about, when neither nLite nor vLite use it (whatever "it" is)?

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vLite does use WAIK.

What happened though is that vLite 1.1.6 and earlier included the necessary files but v1.2 does not. Some people dont know where else to get the files needed other than to download the huge WAIK and thus they complain.

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vLite uses a couple of very specific files from it. It is whats needed to compile the image from what I understand. It is a very key component to vLite.

But ever since the AutoPatcher fiasco MS has been anal about redistrubuting files... Nuhi doesn't want to take the chance of any cease and decist orders or the like.

Think of it as the gas in your car, your car may look pretty and everything but without gas it is just a pile of junk and doesn't go anywhere.

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That's really strange. I used vLite to create the version of Vista I'm using right now, done under XP, and never even saw a reference to WAIK. I'm certain I was using the latest version as well.

Confused, as, hell. o_O

Maybe it was because I upgraded from an old version of vLite?

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bapt, make sure it is the exactly the same folder. If it was then install 1.1.6 and then download 1.2 selfextracting archive, run it and choose again the same folder.

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is there an automated tool that fix this WAIK necessity? an exe to run it and be ok?

it's not me being lazy, it's because there are files needed, folders, etc that I cannot catch up

an autoit/autohotkey script would be marvelous to have and fix at once the WAIK problem

Edited by colore
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