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Clone easily Windows 98 and XP in the same computer.

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As I said IMHO the important thing is making the tutorial useful for anyone who needs it.

To make it easier for newbies I decided to put all together in the first post.

If moderators believe it should be placed anywhere else, please post it here.

Thanks to you all. :hello:

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  • 3 weeks later...

As I said IMHO the important thing is making the tutorial useful for anyone who needs it.

First post has been updated to include interesting new ideas.


Edited by cannie
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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple of notes related to "added" D paragraph :) :

After rebuilding the damaged partition it is convenient to regenerate the hard drive hidden bootparts. No risk at all and extremely easy: you only need to reboot using the DOS floppy and run one after the other the following commands in the command line:


Please note that FDISK /MBR only replaces the MBR CODE (with the "default" Win9x one).

It does NOTHING if the Virus or whatever has corrupted the MBR DATA.

It is always a good idea to have (possibly on the same "emergency floppy" a backup of the complete MBR.

If you don't have it, your only way out (possibly) is the use of TESTDISK:


to re-build the MBR DATA

It is unclear/undocumented if there is any advantage (or drawback) on a dual boot system to have the Win9x MBR CODE or the 2K/XP/2003 one. :blink:




Later on, when the system is already operating normally, the created Msdos.sys must be replaced by the one at the Windows 98 boot floppy and the boot.ini must be edited because Windows 98 appears twice to eliminate the second one.

Not really. :whistling:

If you already have an entry for BOOTSECT.W98 in your BOOT.INI you can simply run:


a new bootsector will be created, but NO entry will be added to BOOT.INI.

Of course you need to use the SAME "BOOTSECT.W98" name for the "old" and the "new" bootsector. ;)


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Being almost impossible to collect in the first post each and every excellent idea, I have modified also the "Remarks" so that any reader knows that more detailed explanations can be found in your documented posts all along this thread.

Thank you very much to you all again! :thumbup

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Hi, jaclaz!

According to your suggestions about the last paragraph of the first post, I have removed the fdisk/mbr mention. In fact , it is only needed when the mbr is damaged, and that is not normal.

I've nevertheless preserved the last instruction to prevent a failure in the case that any of the BOOTSECT.W98, boot.ini or msdos.sys files may not exist or be corrupted (it has already happened to me), being easy to restore the copy in case of need.

I finally created a batch file including all orders to make things easier, leaving a pause between them to give the user the possibility of supervising the process and be aware i.e. of any error in the redaction of the batch file.

Thanks a lot for everything! :hello:

Edited by cannie
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  • 2 weeks later...

After several essays and using the same instruments the XP cloning procedure has been considerably simplified, as you may see in the modified first post of this thread.


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Ok, now that you have reached (actually you think ;) you reached ) your goal through a "simple" method, it's time for you to start with a simpler one.

I am assuming you have a C:\ drive with (at least) these files:









Add to it following files:




from this download:



Edit BOOT.INI adding to it this line:


Boot from the system as if you were booting in XP, choose among BOOT.INI choices the entry "grub4dos", choose among menu.lst choices entry "find and load IO.SYS of Windows 9x/Me".

You should boot to Win9x/Me normally.

Exit Windows GUI to "pure" DOS.

Run C:\grub.exe.

Choose among menu.lst choices entry "find and load NTLDR of Windows NT/2K/XP".

You should be back to BOOT.INI choices.


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Ok, now that you have reached (actually you think ;) you reached ) your goal through a "simple" method, it's time for you to start with a simpler one.

The Microsoft doubleboot solution reflects my own experience and works perfect, AFAIK, being valid to choose only among Microsoft products.

After trying grub I find it to be an excellent option, allowing you a lot of possibilities. :rolleyes:

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After trying grub I find it to be an excellent option, allowing you a lot of possibilities. :rolleyes:

To be picky, it's grub4dos, not "legacy" grub. ;)


That's what I really meant. :realmad: I never used the legacy version: I've just followed your instructions, and only simplified the name.

Thank you! :thumbup

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Boot XP and create a text file by copying the following lines:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



- Rename the text file as "Unmount.reg". Now you have built a registry script to modify it. This registry script is just the key for cloning: you can't do it without unmounting first all the mounted devices. We double click on it twice, and XP becomes ready to be cloned into any other primary partition.

Is it possible to clone XP the same way if you use a SATA HD and NTFS?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Is it possible to clone XP the same way if you use a SATA HD and NTFS?

Sorry, this thread is into the Windows 98 section and that post is about using Windows 98 to clone and repair itself and also to clone and repair XP.

Your question should be made into the XP section, I'm afraid.

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@echo off

echo Restoring Master Boot Record...



After some experiences, it seems convenient to include this command in the first post tutorial batch file, because the batch file doesn't work if the MBR has not been created previously, so it is convenient to check the MBR in any case before running the bootpart.exe commands, in special to avoid surprises to newbies.


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