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vLite killing dialup connection management


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Hi. I used vLite 1.60 to install Vista only to find that I could not create a dialup connection (which I use with my Nokia N73).

The symptom is that when you attempt to create a connection from the networking center, as soon as you select you'll create a dialup connection, you are alerted that there is no modem in the system.

You are then given the chance to create the connection anyway. Then after entering the number to dial, and a name for the connection, you get an error saying something to the effect of 'The Wizard could not create the connection".

I can't quote the exact text since I'm on a non-english version of Windows.

Also, when you are given the options for types of connections to create, there are only two options out of the usual five or six.

My guess is that this is caused by the removal of "Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)", which IIRC had a similar effect on XP/nLite.

In case this isn't the culprit, suspects would be "Diagnostics", "Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)", "Windows Event Log" and "Interactive Services Detection" since they were the components I added to the install DVD when I first had the problem.

Please confirm so I can discard the components I added unnecesarily.

Thanks for giving us vLite!

Edited by tHE_uKER
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Please attach your Last Session.ini file and tell us what PC Suite version are you using?.

This is not a phone-related issue. I'm not using PCSuite.

I'm connecting to the phone's modem over Bluetooth, but anyway, the problem arises even before installing any modem drivers.

You should be able to create a dialup connection even having no modems installed, but it's not possible.

yeah attach your file, My first thouhgt is Event Log & Modem support

I obviously didn't remove neither modem support nor the builtin modem drivers.

Event Log was listed among my 'secondary suspects' so you may be right.

It would be great if anyone that has removed it could confirm the effect.

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Any news on this?

Can anyone tell what component may be a dependency for creating a dialup connection?

I may do some trial and error but it certainly won't be anytime soon as I just reinstalled.

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Well, I reinstalled and I can most surely confirm that removing 'Event Log' disables the ability to create dialup connections.

It would be nice if it was added as a warning in future versions of vLite. :)

Edited by tHE_uKER
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Well, I reinstalled and I can most surely confirm that removing 'Event Log' disables the ability to create dialup connections.
I got same error message when I tried create pppoe-connection. The background for this problem is most likely same I had. To able to create dialup/vpn/pppoe etc remote connections, services: Remote Access Connection Manager and Telephony must be started.

explained here: http://www.msfn.org/board/vlited-sp1-cant-...on-t118934.html

Try the registry fix. I have Event Log removed and Secure Socket Tunneling service is disabled :thumbup

Edited by PabloW
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Well, I tried your registry tip.

What happened was that for some strange reason, as soon as I removed the dependency and rebooted, the dialup connection threw an error every time I tried to dial it.

The error was the one that gives you the options to redial/troubleshoot and another option I don't recall right now.

I restored the registry settings, rebooted and it all came back to normal.

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