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XP64 vs XP32 vs Vista64 vs Vista32

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Crahak : 8gb ddr2 IS mainstream, maybe not in your country but everyone i know, has at least 4gb, and generally around 8gb is the norm.

I'm upgrading to 16GB once i can get hold of a decent 4x4gb set, should be out some next month hopefully.

8GB ddr3 however, wont be mainstream before early next year most likely.

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Crahak : 8gb ddr2 IS mainstream, maybe not in your country but everyone i know, has at least 4gb, and generally around 8gb is the norm.

Canada. And ~95% of new PCs sold nowadays only come with 2GB, for most of North America, and likely a lot of European countries too. 4GB is just barely starting to be what I'd call "mainstream" (there still isn't much "normal" people with that much RAM in their PCs)

The number of desktops I've seen so far with 8GB? Zero (and I see LOTS of PCs...) It's not anywhere near "the norm".

8GB might be mainstream among PC gamers, but that's a tiny minority of "enthusiasts".

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hmm... i just downgraded from Vista x64 to XP x86 SP3. what i got was MUCH FASTER SPEEDS but abt 1 day into using it, i got a common problem i seem to always have sooner or later, when i start XP, sometimes it lags (maybe cos i clicked something too fast or what). when i go to task manager, i see that under the Username column, its blank! so it seems like explorer got corrupt or something... looks like its true that XP is faster but less stable. i always liked XP for its speed and Vista for its looks. but i nv thought Vista was actually more stable...

thinking of getting a Mac, but i just saw Apple's site and it seems "Snow Leopard" will be out soon? so i think i will go back to Vista for now?


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  • 2 weeks later...
when i go to task manager, i see that under the Username column, its blank! so it seems like explorer got corrupt or something... looks like its true that XP is faster but less stable.

xp.sp2 doesn't have these problems

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when i go to task manager, i see that under the Username column, its blank! so it seems like explorer got corrupt or something... looks like its true that XP is faster but less stable.

xp.sp2 doesn't have these problems

i think there is... i searched around google i think last time, and learnt that its due to explorer.exe being corrupt i think

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Hi to all. :hello:

We actually work (video editing) with an Athlon64 3700+ / 2Gb RAM / 2 x 500 Raid0 machine with Windows XP SP3 32bits.

We've buyed 5 x Canon HF100 and we have some problems to manage all FXP (1920 x 1080, 17 Mbit/s) streams together (multicamera edit).

We work with Sony Vegas that is 64bit compatible since the version 8 so, do you think that the switch to xp64 may help ?

Thanks in advice !

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