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Cannot Export SSIP1.TXT: Error Opening File.


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Do you have regedit.exe in the Windows folder of the newly installed source?

Please attach a zipped copy of SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMD here (or copy and paste its content) so I can have a look at it.

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FOR /F %%I IN ('FINDSTR/IR "SystemSetupInProgress.=dword:00000000" SSIP2.TXT') DO SET SSIP=N
IF "%SSIP%"=="Y" (
rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %SYSTEMROOT%\HFSLIP\HFSLPGUI.INF,HFSLIPGUI_Run
IF EXIST %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\dllcache\plugin.ocx DEL/Q/F %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\dllcache\plugin.ocx
rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %WINDIR%\HFSLIP\HFSLPGUI.INF,HFSLIPGUI_Rem

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This is getting really difficult. The only thing I can imagine going on is that the temporary WINDOWS\HFSLIP folder is removed or doesn't exist prior to execution of HFSLPGUI.CMD. This causes the "CD %SYSTEMROOT%\HFSLIP" (change directory) command to fail. The system should then be in a directory in which Windows (or Windows setup) doesn't allow you to write to, which causes the registry export to fail (and that's the error message you see).

Are you installing over a network? In a Virtual Machine? Does this also happen when installing from CD?

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the latest version and the last beta.

It used to work fine, same goes for the windows media player 11 problem i'm having.

Can i download older versions anywhere?

Edited by zedox
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Ok i've checked the HFSLIP folder during install using Shift-F10

The SSIP1.TXT file is not present in there.

But other files are.


EDIT: I think I may have figured out whats going on. The CD %SYSTEMROOT%\HFSLIP command isnt taking not because the folder is not there but because cmd is stuck on the $OEM$ folder of the disc. (That was provided by DELL)

I've removed this folder now... and testing, have a feeling this may cure it.

Edited by zedox
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To clarify... SSIP1.TXT is not supposed to be on the CD or handled by Windows setup. It is created only when HFSLPGUI.CMD is executed (and deleted when the temporary HFSLIP folder is removed).

I'm only saying this in case you were looking for it on the CD or in the SOURCESS folder created by HFSLIP.

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  • 2 years later...

This topic has some age on it.... but today, I got the same error while doing a CD install on a Dell 600M.... (I wonder if I'll get the error on a Dell Mini 9....?) Any way, I used Beta H for the integration & I just wondered:

Is this error serious & is it necessary to redo my CD/slip??

(I simply clicked OK.... There was a message in another command window that zipped by too quickly to see what it said. Other than that 1 error, the install seems like it went okay.)

Thanks for any help. :)

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