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video card too much power for my pc?


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let me start off by listing my specs, i built this 2 years ago

AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 1.8GHz Venice Core


Rosewill 600W PSU

1gb ram PC 3200

NEC DVD Burner 3540A

ATi Radeon x600SE

I'm planning on buying a 8800gt, a HD 3870 or 3850.

I know that my CPU is not great but thats what i have, i want to know if i buy one of those three cards, will any of my parts be damaged because those video cards run too fast for my current parts? I asked my computer teacher the other day and he told me by doing so it will damage my CPU and whatnot. I really don't want to upgrade my CPU + Mobo + Ram until the new AMD Phenom cpus come out, and i want a new card now so that i won't have to buy one later and the reason i want it now is because i want to play CS:Source and TF2. I don't wanna have to go buy a 7600gt or a x1950pro, then later on spend more money on a DX10 card for my new build. Im still in High School so money is really tight. what do you guys think?

oh yeah, i've been hearing alot of issues with PCIE 2.0 cards running on 1.0a slots. i was just wondering if my DFI nF4-DAGF mobo has a PCIE 1.0a slot or 1.1.

the chipset is nForce 4.

i also posted in other forums, but i need more opinions :D.



Edited by BombaTwist
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You want my honest opinion? Rosewill power supplies are cheap for a reason. :)

It may be able to handle up to 600W draw, but how many amps can it output and how many 12V rails does it have? You need a better power supply anyway.

Oh...and your computer "teacher" is wrong as well. Having a faster video card isn't going to damage your CPU, RAM, motherboard or anything else. I do have some serious concerns about that power supply being able to supply enough juice to run everything (not that 600W isn't enough, but that it's not a quality power supply).

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Well, I disagree with nmX.Memnoch, it’s an in-expensive PSU, but still will do its job.

The PSU has 2 12V lines that each are rated at 19A, so that should be enough power to feed any of the gamer’s video cards.

You have PCI-E 1.1, but still I can’t guarantee it will work although the nForce4 was a popular chipset. Just be safe and DO NOT buy online, there are lots of computershops nearby for sure, so you can return it if it doesn’t work. And no, you will not damage any thing when you plug a PCI-E 2.0 card into a PCI-E 1.1 sloth ;).

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Well, I disagree with nmX.Memnoch
*SHOCK* ;)
it’s an in-expensive PSU, but still will do its job.
I didn't say "inexpensive". I said "cheap", in this case meaning "of lesser quality". I certainly wouldn't trust my high-dollar equipment to a cheap power supply. Keep in mind that if a PSU goes it has the potential of taking everything else with it. I don't know why people skimp on arguably the most important piece of hardware in the computer.

BTW, I knew we'd already had this discussion before...


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Well, I disagree with nmX.Memnoch
*SHOCK* ;)
it’s an in-expensive PSU, but still will do its job.
I didn't say "inexpensive". I said "cheap", in this case meaning "of lesser quality". I certainly wouldn't trust my high-dollar equipment to a cheap power supply. Keep in mind that if a PSU goes it has the potential of taking everything else with it. I don't know why people skimp on arguably the most important piece of hardware in the computer.

BTW, I knew we'd already had this discussion before...


yes we did!! :D. i decided back then not to get that card because it just wasn't worth it. i'd rather get a mid/high end card so i won't have to upgrade for awhile. this time im sure i will get the card if i can get my hands on it. hopefully my local pcclub or bestbuy will have it in stock. and i can't order online anyway. ]: my parents don't want to order for me and i have no one else to go to >.<.

I have a friend who has a 8800gtx and a c2quad and is using the exact same psu as mine. i know that the quality sucks but meh, if it just happens to die for some reason, ill just get it replaced when it happens.

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i know that the quality sucks but meh, if it just happens to die for some reason, ill just get it replaced when it happens.

I think this is what memnoch is aluding to. If the PSU fries, there's a chance that it can take everything else along with it. I'd be more worried about your PSU damaging your CPU/RAM/mobo than your video card (the latter couldn't damage the rest of the parts).

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yeah true i forgot about that >.<

i'll see. i need a backup plan though. i don't think i will be able to get my hands on any of the new cards that just came out.

any other recommendations for a video card? :D maybe a cpu and ram too.

I have $270 atm

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For 270USD you could get a 8800GT. I replaced the 320 MB GTS with one of these and i must say that it's a tad cheaper and it blows the GTS in games. Playing Crysis in High overall with 4x AA and didn't get any stutters at all ;) Plus you're getting the benefit if DX10 (arguable though...). Anyway, my point is that instead of getting a GTS, get a GT instead. It truly rocks!

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true. the 8800gt rocks.

I talked to one of the top CS:Source players on this planet and he is running an AMD 3000+ like me and i asked him how much fps he gets in the game with the ATI x800 he has. He is running 800x600 and is only getting 70-80, less in smoke.

i thought even though i get a better video card, it would give me a sufficient boost. or maybe its just cause he has a x800 which is a pretty old card now. i don't know. maybe if i do get a HD 3850 or 3870 or 8800gt it will give me enough boost to play source @ 640x480 all low settings because these are my prefered settings. anyways im open to all suggestions now.

i have $270 to spend :D. what can i buy to satisfy my needs? i'm thinking to just get one of those 3 video cards first and then get a core 2 duo or something better early next year. but that might not be a good idea. i'm not sure. do you guys think i will be able to play cs:source at 640x480 all low settings @ 100fps stable?


edit: this guy if you scroll down gets 100+fps @ 1024x768 all maxed with the same cpu as me just a little overclocked and with a 6600gt :D


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maybe if i do get a HD 3850 or 3870 or 8800gt it will give me enough boost to play source @ 640x480 all low settings because these are my prefered settings.

Why waste that much money on a video card if you're going to disable everything it does? I know that competitive players used to turn off a lot of stuff to get the FPS advantage (particularly in Q3 where a higher constant FPS means faster strafe jumping), but that's a thing of the past with todays systems. With your system and that card you should be able to play CS:Source comfortably at 1024x768 even with FSAA and AF turned on to reasonable settings.

Edited by nmX.Memnoch
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i like to try other games too and i hate it when i try those games out and i get like less than 10fps when i play it.

ex: battlefield 2142, CoD 4, Hellgate London, Team Fortress 2

edit: i have a friend who plays cs:source and has an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ overclocked to 2.71GHz and running a GeForce 6800(equivalent to the x800) and runs at 640x480 @ medium settings and gets around 80-90 fps.

So basically comparing the guy from my last post and this post.


Last post: 1.8GHz + Radeon x800 @ low settings 640x480 = 70-80fps

This post: 2.71GHz + GeForce 6800 @ medium settings 640x480 = 80-90fps

both video cards are very close in performance after looking at numerous benchmarks, and looking at the huge speed difference in the CPU, it looks like the video card is what determines the fps in this situation. I know cs:source is a cpu based game but I remember the Athlon 64 just being released before CS:Source came out. i think my cpu should be fine for the next 4-6 months, and i can still overclock. but if you guys think there is a better way to spend my money, then go for it! :D

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Let me put it this way: on my current setup (see my signature) I am playing COD 4 at 1280 x 1024 with everything maxxed out and it doesn`t stutter at all. Now to get back to CS:Source, did you see the recommended settings for it? WAAAAAY lower than COD4. So, as nmX.Memnoch said, you can play it at higher resolutions with high fps. I still recommend the 8800GT.

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i either get the 8800gt, the HD3870 or the HD3850. whatever i can get my hands on first.

i just went to my local best buy and circuit city and there are none in stock. ]:

boy this sucks.

Have you tried local stores? Private ones?

Where I live, I buy from a local store whenever I can. Much lower prices than bestbuy and the rest, gives me cash discounts, and they have ridiculous return policies! :rolleyes:

Try to find a good local place for all your computer needs. Some place you can trust.

Maybe they have stuff left in stock. :thumbup

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