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Integration of Intel's SATA AHCI and RAID drivers

Fernando 1

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I may have missed that console option. Will it do anything for me -- I don't have RAID?

When the driver is slipstreamed with nLite does it install the console?

I did install the IAHCI driver -- Device Manager says so. Didn't you say that IASTOR does not get updated or some such?

Isn't that why the IDE driver remained the earlier version?

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I may have missed that console option. Will it do anything for me -- I don't have RAID?
The Console is only important for RAID users. Furthermore you may get a prolonged boot time, if you install it.
When the driver is slipstreamed with nLite does it install the console?
No, since the Console application is software and you only have integrated the driver.
I did install the IAHCI driver -- Device Manager says so.
What does your Device Manager "say"? Which Intel Controller is listed there within the "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" or "SCSI and RAID Controllers" section?

You can easily check the exact driver version, if you do a right click onto the Controller > "Properties" > "Driver" > "Driver Details".

Isn't that why the IDE driver remained the earlier version?
What do you mean by that? All mass storage drivers are IDE drivers, but there are some differences: native IDE (=P-ATA), native Serial ATA (SATA IDE), SATA AHCI and SATA RAID.
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Actually correction: apparently the executable install DID install the console, without alerting me. Not only that, but it loads automatically on boot. And besides the slower boot, here's the memory it consumes while loaded:

iastoricon.exe 81KB

iastordatamgrsvc.exe 69KB

presentationfosntcace.exe 18KB

If the console alerts you when a new driver becomes available it might be useful to run it once a month or so. Intel's download site is terribly confusing and this would help. It also seems to indicate that it will warn of errors and problems, but I wonder how useful that is. But otherwise it looks like it's destined for uninstall.

Yes I am familiar with the Properties in Device Manager: that's how I update drivers on my running system and check versions. With either the executable install or the Driver Update in DM I get the following 2 versions:

ICH8M UltraATA controller

ICH8-E/M SATA AHCI controller is the version I had installed prior to the update. iow, the update changed the SATA driver but not the

ATA one. This seems to square with what you said -- that only the SATA driver is updated.

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With either the executable install or the Driver Update in DM I get the following 2 versions:

ICH8M UltraATA controller

ICH8-E/M SATA AHCI controller is the version I had installed prior to the update. iow, the update changed the SATA driver but not the

ATA one. This seems to square with what you said -- that only the SATA driver is updated.

The device named "ICH8M UltraATA Controller" is listed in one of the various INF files of the Intel chipset "drivers". What I do not know is, if is the version of the related INF file (which is not a real driver) or the version of the driver named PCIIDE.SYS, which is managing the Conntroller usually named "Standard dual Channel PCI IDE Controller".

Please have a deeper look into the "Driver Details" of this Controller. Which drivers are listed there (name and version)?


You have written, that your Device Manager shows a device named "ICH8M UltraATA Controller" and that this device uses a driver v8.2.0.1011.

Furthermore you reported, that it was this device and the driver v8.2.0.1011, which did manage your SATA hdd, before you installed the Intel AHCI driver v9.5.6.1001.

Since it is impossible, that the Intel SATA Controllers, where your SATA devices are connected, use different IDE/SATA drivers at the same time, you should do the following:

1. Open the Device Manager and do a right click onto the "ICH8M UltraATA Controller".

2. Hit "Properties" > "Driver" > "Driver Details"

3. Do a screenshot of that Window (by pressing "Alt"+"Print", opening the Windows tool "Paint", pasting the screeenshot and saving it as PNG or JPG file) and attach it to your next post here.

Alternatively you may post the driver names you see and the driver version of each of them.

Edited by Fernando 1
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@ oao:

1. If you are running your SATA hdd in AHCI Mode, you have to take the IAAHCI.INF file (the IASTOR.INF is just for RAID systems).

2. You have to force the driver installation, if you want to get an unsigned driver installed (the v9.5.6.1001 is not yet WHQL). That means, that you have to choose the "Have Disk..." option while updating the driver.

3, If you are running a 32bit Windows OS, you have to take the 32bit driver, which is missing within the pack offered by Station-Drivers.

This is your "last post" that you refer me to to respond.

I don't see any questions here, so I am not sure what you want me to say.

What I did was Device Manager|Properties|Update Driver, point to the 64 folder extracted from the executable file downloaded, and select the IAHCI.INF file, I had to force it to install. I am running XP64.

At the time I was under the impression that both drivers listed by Device Manager -- SATA and UtraATA would be updated to the new version. When I looked at both drivers listed, the UltraATA was not updated, only the SATA, so I thought there was something wrong and posted the question.

But then I used the executable installer directly and it did the same thing, so I figured it was OK. You also seemed to be saying that only the SATA was updated.

Is this what you wanted?

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I think the confusion here was that I thought that the UltraATA showed by Device Manager represents the IASTOR.

But as I understand from you now, it reflects PCIIDE. So while I expected both drivers to be updated, only the SATA was, which is apparently correct.

But where does the PCIIDE and its updates come from -- are they usually issued separately/

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Is this what you wanted?

Did you really read my last post here? I mean my very last one.


I think the confusion here was that I thought that the UltraATA showed by Device Manager represents the IASTOR.

But as I understand from you now, it reflects PCIIDE. So while I expected both drivers to be updated, only the SATA was, which is apparently correct.

But where does the PCIIDE and its updates come from -- are they usually issued separately/

Let me explain:
  1. The driver named PCIIDE.SYS is the generic MS in-box IDE driver, which can handle all native IDE (=P-ATA) and native SATA (SATA IDE) hard disk drives and optical drives, but it does not support any SATA drives, which are running in AHCI or RAID Mode.
  2. The only driver, which is able to detect and to support your SATA drives, which are running in AHCI Mode, is the Intel AHCI and RAID driver named IASTOR.SYS, but this driver is not able to manage any native IDE or native SATA drive (if the Controller is set to IDE Mode).

So if you ever do an update of the currently running Intel SATA AHCI driver, you will only replace the IASTOR.SYS by another one with the same name, but another version.

If the real driver of the device named "ICH8M UltraATA Controller" is the PCIIDE.SYS, everything is clear:

  • Usually the name for the IDE Controller, which is managed by the PCIIDE.SYS, is named "Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller". It is one of the INF files of Intel's chipset "drivers", which renamed the "Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller" to "ICH8M UltraATA Controller" during the XP installation, because you had integrated not only the Intel AHCI driver, but additionally the Intel chipset "drivers".

Now to your question: What is the PCIIDE.SYS and the "ICH8M UltraATA Controller" good for?

Answer: Both are needed to manage your native IDE drives, for example an IDE connected optical drive (CD/DVD burner).

If you don't have any IDE connected drive, you can disable the IDE Controllers within the BIOS. After having done that, the "ICH8M UltraATA Controller" will not be listed anymore within your Device Manager.

By the way: Since the PCIIDE.SYS is the generic IDE driver of Windows XP, you will not be able to update it. Only a Windows XP Service Pack may contain an updated PCIIDE.SYS version. The OS would not accept any simple update done by the user.

Everything clear now?

Edited by Fernando 1
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Well I can't say I'm impressed with these latest drivers from Intel, integrating the latest textmode drivers in XP x64 gives me a BSOD just before the installer detects hard drives:

D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_5
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_5_1
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_5_1_1
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_ESB2
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaStor_ESB2
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_10DDO
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_10R
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_7MMDH
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaStor_7MDH
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_7RDH
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaStor_7RDH
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaStor_8ME9ME5
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_8MEM
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_8RDHDO
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaStor_8R9R10RDO5
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_9MEM
D:\Operating_Systems\Drivers\EP45\1_64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_9RDODH

Using the exact same setting with the older textmode drivers results in no problems:


Also one used to be able to script the install of the management console from the CD as shown

IATA89ENU.exe /S

However using the /S switch with the latest installer (STOR_allOS_9.5.0.1037_PV.exe) from the CD will result in failure as it tries to extract itself to its current directory (the CD) rather than the system temp folder.

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@ Kurt_Aust:

It is really strange, that the Win XP x64 installation failed after having integrated the official Intel driver v9.5.0.1037. I didn't yet get any similar feedback.

If you want to try the newest 64bit RST driver v9.5.6.1001 dated 30th December 2009 and not yet digitally signed by MS, you may donload it from >here<.

By the way: These brandnew RST drivers v9.5.6.1001 are running fine with my ICH10R RAID and my ICH8M AHCI system.



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I've just done a test with the beta versions, they also fail. And here's a not so happy snappy of the error under Sun VirtualBox (same under VMware Server):

I've also tried integrating only the \64bit_Intel_textmode_driver_v9.5.0.1037 WHQL\iaAHCI.inf,iaAHCI_10R driver but still get the same result.

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@ Kurt Aust:

Since you used the original (not modded) Intel textmode drivers, and other users (inclusive me) had not problems to get them installed, I suspect another reason for your bad results.

Please give me the details regarding the Southbridge chip of your mainboard and the DeviceID of your Intel SATA AHCI Controller.



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Well so far I've only tested it in a VM, either Sun VirtualBox or VMware Server, both of which result in BSOD.

As the machine it would be loaded onto is my main production machine I'm sure you can understand that I can't afford to risk using unstable drivers. So for now it looks like I will continue to use the older textmode drivers.

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Wouldn't the virtual machines lack the actual hardware or am I missing something here? Even if they emulate/translate the I/O, I personally would not have 100% confidence in them when drivers are in question.

Few words about the driver (32bit): It works fine on ICH9M on XP (normal installation). I tried and quickly dismissed the previous few incarnations after the change from MSM to RST since they were very sluggish on XP (not actually measured them, but I work on this computer 12 hours a day, so I think I can tell B) ). I thought they were for windows 7 only, and the size of the .sys had grown significantly, so I was ready to stay with MSM indefinitely, but after Fernando put a good word for the betas, I tried them and can hapilly report that they are not a bit slower than MSM. :thumbup


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I burnt a copy of the image that BSOD'd in the various VMs, on real hardware it got through to detecting the hard drives, but I didn't proceed any further. Rather strange that the drivers should explode a VM when after all, they shouldn't even be loaded as the HWID's won't match.

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