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Error msg when starting computer (on XP Pro)


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On my other PC, sometime back I tried a tip that I read somewhere which allows direct login without getting the welcome screen and no need to select a user and enter password...

Just a few days back I changed that (from Control Panel | User Accounts | ... ) so that a welcome screen is display and I get to click on the only defined user (Administrator;whom I had renamed).

Since that day and every time I start my PC a windows pops up with the following dialog box. Can someone please help.


The system could not log you on. Make

sure your User name and domain

are correct, then type your password again. Letters in passwords

must be typed using the correct case.


BTW, after clicking the OK button on this dialog box, I get the welcome screen, get to select the user, enter the password, and then all goes fine.

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You changed your username but the automatic logon does not recognise this. So you get this error. You can fix it by editing the registry.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Change DefaultUserName to your new username.

There might be a DefaultPassword key right under it. If there isn't, make one and type your password in it.

You will also get this message if you are still in Factory mode, but I doubt that is the case.

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do you have this key?

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


Thanks bober :thumbup This one finally did the trick :)The entry was there but it had a value of 1 which I changed to 0 and bingo.. I'm surprised that why did this value not get updated when I was doing everything (apparently correctly) from the control panel. I had also made sure that the Admin is not the only defined user and also other suggestions that I had come acorss...

Anyway, thanks again for helping me out on this. HI Tripredacus, the same thanks to you too for your help :yes:


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May I just add that using THE administrator account for day-to-day purposes is NOT a good idea. I would adivise having a seperate account (give it admin rights if you must, though I don't recommend it) and only use THE admin account when you absolutely MUST. Also, I personally don't like using auto-logon; it seems rather unsecure, but if the comp's in a place where no-one else can access it, then whatev.

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May I just add that using THE administrator account for day-to-day purposes is NOT a good idea. I would advise having a separate account (give it admin rights if you must, though I don't recommend it) and only use THE admin account when you absolutely MUST. Also, I personally don't like using auto-logon; it seems rather unsecure, but if the comp's in a place where no-one else can access it, then whatev.

Thanks for the suggestion. I do not have the energy to the the installation all over again. However given the following scenario what would be your advice:

  1. I have an account named "Administrator"
  2. I had made another account names SUser1 and had made this user a member of the Administrators group
  3. I later renamed the user from SUser1 to MyAcc
  4. I would now like to remove the user MyAcc but in a manner that I do not loose the My Documents' contents, favorites, cookies, application settings etc. I hope my post is clear? Would be g8 if there was a utility for this.

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