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[HELP] Is it possible to attach a 5.25 drive to a 3.5 enclosure interf

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Is it possible to attach a 5.25 drive to a 3.5 enclosure interface? I'm planning to test a new bought 5.25 DVD writer if it is working, but right now I don't have any desktop to connect it to. So I'm planning to connect it to my external 3.5 drive enclosure. The question is, is it a good idea? (the voltage match but I'm not sure, any suggestion?)


its possible, but only in technicalities.

i mean, theres no reason for it to not work, but it really isn't the smartest of ideas. however you could just as easily get an external burner and know it works completely.

that and why not put it in your computer? its better than relying on a USB bus to burn stuff.


there are no desktop pc where I am right now, only laptops. I'm not planning on burning anything, just want to see if it runs (check if it works or not). And thanks, I remembered there is a working external burner somewhere here, maybe I can borrow it and put the DVD drive there and test it.

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