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7z SFX Modified Module and Tools


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Hello... I have a problem with %appdata% variable...

I need extract test.txt file to %appdata%\Local\Test folder, but file is extract to %appdata%\Roaming\Local\Test How I avoid this problem...?

My config file:


I not want use complete path to extract file, because I want to use for different users...

Thanks and regards... ;-)

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On my OS (win 7 x64) %appdata% = C:\Users\gora\AppData\Roaming

You do not?

Yes, but in Appdata folder there are 3 folders: Local, LocalLow and Roaming... %appdata% variable points directly to Appdata\Roaming and I want extract file to Appdata\Local...

Thanks for your fast reply...


Edited by alfreire
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How to use it...?


For test:

Title="Variables %7zSfxVarModulePlatform% module in %%P OS"
BeginPrompt=" Check of variables %7zSfxVarModulePlatform% module in %%P OS

• Click 'OK', variables will are shown in a console window

• Click 'OK', retaining [Shift], variables will be are saved
to the file %SystemDrive%\\vars_%7zSfxVarModulePlatform%_module_on_%%P_OS.txt"
FinishMessage="The module %7zSfxVarModulePlatform% finished operation"
SetEnvironment="cmnd=@Echo Off& Title Module - %7zSfxVarModulePlatform%, OS - %%P& Echo Module - %7zSfxVarModulePlatform%, OS - %%P& Echo.& Echo Folders:&Set 7zSfxFolder& Echo.& Echo Vars:&Set 7zSfxVar& Echo %%^M=%%M& Echo %%^P=%%P& Echo %%^S=%%S& Echo %%^T=%%T& Set CommonD& Set MyDoc& Echo UserDesktop=%UserDesktop%& Echo."
RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c Echo"
RunProgram="%%P:fm0:cmd /k %cmnd%"
AutoInstall="hidcon:cmd /c Echo"
AutoInstall="%%P:fm20:hidcon:cmd /c (%cmnd%)>%SystemDrive%\\vars_%7zSfxVarModulePlatform%_module_on_%%P_OS.txt"
Title="Переменные %7zSfxVarModulePlatform% модуля в %%P ОС"
BeginPrompt=" Проверка переменных %7zSfxVarModulePlatform% модуля в %%P ОС

• Нажмите 'OK', переменные будет показаны в окне консоли

• Нажмите 'OK', удерживая [Shift], переменные будет
сохранены в файл %SystemDrive%\\vars_%7zSfxVarModulePlatform%_module_on_%%P_OS.txt"
FinishMessage="Модуль %7zSfxVarModulePlatform% завершил работу"

Version module for test 1.6 build 2496

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Too complicated for me... :wacko::blink: another question, is there any way to differentiate between Win XP and Win 7, as between x86 and x64 (x86: or x64:)...? (tipe win7: winXP: or similar)

Regards an thanks by your help, I appreciate... :rolleyes:

Edited by alfreire
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But, if user are different don't work, not...?

Works very well!

I don't understand this 7zSfxFolder28=C:\Users\gora\AppData\Local How to use it...?

I think %7zSfxFolder28% is a new variable inside the SFX modified module, to do this job !


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But, if user are different don't work, not...?

Works very well!

I don't understand this 7zSfxFolder28=C:\Users\gora\AppData\Local How to use it...?

I think %7zSfxFolder28% is a new variable inside the SFX modified module, to do this job !


Thanks, friend... :hello:

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Reading more carefully this thread we can find more explainations:


I just found it in OSZONE by gora...

 The list of variables that can be used in the configuration file of the modified module.

System variables ==================== ==================
SystemDrive = C:
ALLUSERSPROFILE = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users
USERPROFILE = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora
- APPDATA = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Application Data
- TEMP = C: \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ gora \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ Temp
- TMP = C: \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ gora \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ Temp
ProgramFiles = C: \ Program Files
CommonProgramFiles = C: \ Program Files \ Common Files
SystemRoot = C: \ WINDOWS
windir = C: \ WINDOWS
ComSpec = C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ cmd.exe
Path = C: \ WINDOWS \ system32; C: \ WINDOWS; C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ Wbem
- HOMEPATH = \ Documents and Settings \ gora
- OS = Windows_NT
- PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
PROMPT = $ P $ G
- USERNAME = gora

================== Variables that exist only when you use the ====================
7zSfxFolder35 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data
7zSfxFolder22 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Main Menu
7zSfxFolder23 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Start Menu \ Programs
7zSfxFolder24 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup
7zSfxFolder47 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Administrative Tools
7zSfxFolder46 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Documents
CommonDocuments = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Documents
7zSfxFolder55 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Documents \ My Videos
7zSfxFolder54 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Documents \ My Pictures
7zSfxFolder53 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Documents \ My Music
7zSfxFolder31 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Favorites
7zSfxFolder25 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Desktop
CommonDesktop = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Desktop
7zSfxFolder45 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Templates

- 7zSfxFolder40 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora
7zSfxFolder26 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Application Data
7zSfxFolder33 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Cookies
7zSfxFolder28 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Local Settings \ Application Data
- 7zSfxFolder59 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ CD Burning
7zSfxFolder34 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Local Settings \ History
7zSfxFolder32 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Local Settings \ Temporary Internet Files
7zSfxFolder19 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ NetHood
7zSfxFolder27 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ PrintHood
7zSfxFolder08 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Recent
7zSfxFolder09 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ SendTo
7zSfxFolder11 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Main Menu
7zSfxFolder02 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Start Menu \ Programs
7zSfxFolder07 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup
7zSfxFolder06 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Favorites
7zSfxFolder05 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ My Documents
MyDocs = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ My Documents
MyDocuments = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ My Documents
- 7zSfxFolder39 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ My Documents \ My Pictures
- 7zSfxFolder13 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ My Documents \ My Music
- 7zSfxFolder00 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Desktop
7zSfxFolder16 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Desktop
UserDesktop = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Desktop
7zSfxFolder21 = C: \ Documents and Settings \ gora \ Templates
7zSfxFolder38 = C: \ Program Files
7zSfxFolder43 = C: \ Program Files \ Common Files
7zSfxFolder36 = C: \ WINDOWS
7zSfxFolder20 = C: \ WINDOWS \ Fonts
7zSfxFolder56 = C: \ WINDOWS \ resources
7zSfxFolder37 = C: \ WINDOWS \ system32
7zSfxFolder41 = C: \ WINDOWS \ system32

1 Variables marked "-" in the beginning of the line, do not exist for the T13
2 user (in this example, "gora") on T13 does not exist and is used instead everywhere "Default User"
Three variables marked with "*" at the start line for the T13 has a slightly different meaning (PATHEXT =. COM;. EXE;. BAT;. CMD;. VBS;. JS;. WS)
4 Variables associated with "iron" computer user or computer you will have a different value.


I hope not to bother posting it here, if so I apologize in advance...

Version module for test 1.6 build 2496

I not find this version here http://7zsfx.info/en/ last version is 1.5 beta (build 2478) Where I can find it...?

I want extract file to Appdata\Local...



Now I understand... :whistle:

Edited by alfreire
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