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WMP 11 using lotsa memory

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OK so I have this win xp pro.I installed wmp11 on it and whenever I run it the cpu usage bcomes 85-90 percent.I have no clue why does my pc become so slow.I don't think I have any viruses or spyware but I maybe wrong.I use avg antivirus and antispyware....Help...................


do basic troubleshooting, disable any plugins in wmp, tell us what process is using the cpu, does it happen in safe mode?



Try a different media player such as Media Player Classic. For future reference, try Googling and searching instead of sitting idle waiting desperately for someone else to do your task for you. No one's replying because this should be simple if you actually bother. :thumbup

Posted (edited)

Ha ha.This forum is meant for helpin others isn't it?I did wat all I cud I reinstalled it ,tried other players n everythin.Still its the same thing...

Edited by raza

What kind of media are you playing during this time? or is it just when it's idle?

Is your hard drive being accessed during this time? It could be that WMP is building it's media library from your music and video files (a process that takes a little while).

Ha ha.This forum is meant for helpin others isn't it?I did wat all I cud I reinstalled it ,tried other players n everythin.Still its the same thing...

Don't expect a lot of help from others when you don't initially provide enough relevant information for troubleshooting purposes, and have very poor spelling/grammar skills.

Ha ha.This forum is meant for helpin others isn't it?I did wat all I cud I reinstalled it ,tried other players n everythin.Still its the same thing...

If you can answer these questions, perhaps we can help. Since we know a reinstall did not resolve it, it's probably not a bad install causing this. Hopefully you can answer these questions:

1. Does WMP use up 85%+ CPU while it's not doing anything at all, or does it only occur when playing media files?

2. Did WMP 10 have this issue as well, or only WMP 11?

3. Is it always the same type of files that produce this issue, or do all media files produce this (if you can, please test this!)

4. If you download Media Player Classic and install it, and run the same media files inside MPC, do you get the same CPU issues with the mplayerc.exe binary in task manager?

If the issue doesn't occur with mpc, then it's definitely a WMP11 problem - however, if you can produce the same CPU usage issues with mpc as with WMP11, then it's a codec problem. In any case, we'll probably need to gather a dump of the wmplayer.exe process when it's consuming the CPU to be entirely certain.

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