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Change/Remove buttons missing from Add or Remove programs


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I've got a problem where the Change and Remove buttons are missing from Add or Remove Programs.

This only occurs for selected programs, not evryone that is installed. I'm pretty sure it's a security option, as they all display correctly if i log in as Administrator, just not when logging in as a normal user.

I've checked Group Policy, but there seems to be nothing which would cause this behaviour - and I would assume that Group Policy would cause this problem for all installed programs, not just a selected few.

How do I give a normal user access rights to remove any program, as if they had administrative rights?

This problem has been doing my head in, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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I swear we've been over this, or are going over this, in the Windows XP forum. How about using the search to find that thread. Thanks. ;)

PS: Welcome to MSFN! :hello: I hope you enjoy your stay here, and that we can help you and that you can contribute.

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Thanks for your helpful suggestion.

Searching before posting would never have occurred to me...

Searching the forum gave me 53 pages (32 pages in the xp forum). The only related topics I could find where to do with Symmantic or a registry cleaner, none of which apply in my situation.

I noticed that 43 people viewed my post - I can't help wondering how many people failed to suggest a resolution based on your quick response.

Anyway the problem still exists. If anyone else can provide some guidance, it would be greatly appreciated

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See this.

There are others. Using the google search isn't always effective for some reason; try going to the XP forum or the NT forum and using the forum search near the bottom of the page.

Good luck! :hello:

Oh, and sometimes hundreds of views will be counted for a post, and yet there is no resolution. The thing is, when something has been answered before, people are less likely to answer again. I'm sorry if I drove anyone away, but I think the answer(s) either are here somewhere, or else will be discovered and posted eventually. Just in case you haven't, you may want to read the forum rules, and perhaps introduce yourself. One more thing. Could you, both in this thread and in the future, try to provide as much info as possible? Such as whether you're on a domain, what version of windows (i see your profile says 2003, but it helps to specify since some people use multiple machines), etc. Thanks. ;)

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Sorry, the machine is a 2003 server in domain environment.

I'm not sure if it's security configuration that is causing the issue, as the user has the change/remove button visible for some programs, but not for others. I would expect the behaviour to be the same for all programs if it was a policy issue.

How do I give a user the ability to remove programs if they're not an administrator (I don't want to give them full admin rights to the box)?

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Sorry, the machine is a 2003 server in domain environment.

I'm not sure if it's security configuration that is causing the issue, as the user has the change/remove button visible for some programs, but not for others. I would expect the behaviour to be the same for all programs if it was a policy issue.

How do I give a user the ability to remove programs if they're not an administrator (I don't want to give them full admin rights to the box)?

Ive observed the same situation (Ive been asked to "make W2K to work like we had on Win98 - one user, no stupid administrator or accounts" ;) )

Well, first of all - removing permission to add or remove programs from Users and allowing only Administrators to do so is one of the major security features of NT-based Windows.

Since in Windows world any program can (and often does) add or modify even the most vital system files, it is important to restrict it to Admin group only, don't you think so? So, allowing Users group to add/remove programs as they please is very bad idea...

And its not only "Windows rule", it is similarily set on other OSes too: what youre asking would require either su or root login (equivalent of Administrator) on linux machines.

(sorry, I had to say it :D )

Some programs when installed don't touch anything else - their "installation" is a simple process of adding their executables and libraries to their folder in \Program Files\Their Folder and creating shortcuts, and I guess those are the ones that the User can remove (providing the installer didnt set other permissions).

Some other progs 'scatter' all over the system, add/change registry entries, system libraries etc etc - and those for sure require Admin to remove them.

And then there those that do same as either one above but they use Windows Installer... which I won't comment on ;)

Nevertheless, I think it is clear now, that it is *policy/rights issue* as you were suspecting :)

Anyways, I have no straight answer for you.

Either try to elevate User to Power User and see if it helps (which should help on at least some programs), or give the selected Users special permissions; also dont forget to change Program Files folder permissions to Full Control (it is set to Change for Power Users and Read & Execute only for Users by default). Which may be not enough anyways (if some of the programs that you want to allow Users to add or remove if they 'scatter' all over other folders) and it won't work until you allow full Admin rights to the Users you want to allow add/remove progs...

OTOH, you might want to create some new users group with "mix'n'match" permissions, something above Power User but lesser than Administrator group (and at least I wouldn't allow full access to \WINNT or \WINDOWS but then it may not work for what you want to do IIUC)

Or, maybe someone else have better idea....


I just noticed you said right in the begining it is W2K3 server, which somehow I missed at first. And in domain.

I don't think you can do it any other way short from elevating User to Admin

Edited by no1none
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