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Everything posted by nicke85

  1. Cool!!! I're maked bat files from your code. It works perfect soporific,thanx a lot! The second one is the best,i can live with it to use .bat files on my desktop. But now I'm amusing to put similar code into windows *.lnk (Win shortcut file) do u maybe know something about it!?
  2. Excuse me if this topic was allready opened! I need to make a few desktop shorcuts to run allways certain programs from my first cdrom device. So in *.bat files we can use some universal codes like %WINDIR% - for Windows folder %cdrom% - boot cd rom device %RAMD% - for first located RAM drive And now I want to know how to make shortcut which run always from my first cd rom device. Examle to be doesn't matter if I have one HDD patition or a thousand else... the result of running shortcut will be always some program from my first cd-rom device or from other cd-rom device where is my certain program. I think that uni code for such shortcut is something like %cdrom%\folder1\folder2\program.exe If somebody know that please to help! ps. (The better way is to find automatic only drive leter if necessary... but yet if it possible)
  3. U have right jaclaz! I don't need freshly installed win98.I want to make an win98 live cd from mindows. Look here! I'll be happy if somebody can help me to make an embedded sound card driver to have music during work with my live cd.
  4. I don't know how to install my sound card driver into Mindows OS. I have Crystal SoundFusion with WDM driver interface.If anybody know anything please to post....thx... ...and... ...how to add DirectX9c support in Mindows!?
  5. Thanx oscardog! I didn't know anything about liteshell,shellon,and traymodule before. Yea everything seems to be very tinny and this is really cool!!! But I need to know how to add support for explorer.exe & shell32.dll from original 98SE. I would like to try install all patches for 98se on Mindows and explorer.exe ver. 4.72.3110.1 is necessary for that.
  6. Thanx oscardog! LiteShell is very good solution.
  7. Does anybody know which files are missing to run explorer.exe and shell32.dll from 98SE on the same system configured by Mindows!? By default there are explorer.exe and shell32.dll from Win95 and when replace these files I always got error!
  8. We'll see. I think that mshtml.dll from IE7 can work under win98se but without IE. Thanx a lot Petr for file!
  9. MDGx you are really mad!!! Thanx a lot for links man...
  10. If you want you can send me the file by an share server. Example Rapidshare is rhe first one which is totaly free. I share my files there.
  11. You can use QuickTime Alternative. It is QuickTime codec pack without player and work great on Win98SE. Download QTA for W98SE HERE
  12. Please anybody to post me the newest mshtml.dll file from IE7 here. I don't want to download a whole IE7 package from internet bacause I need just that file. B)
  13. Great job Petek27!!! Thanx for many usefull informations about infs.
  14. Thank you for your suggesting oscardog! I'll try to fix it.
  15. I were just looking in Mindows capabillity and made an patch for Add / Remove programs in Control Panel. This patch add new funcions in Windows Programs Options but u must to have Windows98 installation for installing programs.I hope it helps! Download patch HERE
  16. Does anybody know how to install on Mindows these Windows98se updates: 1. sesp21a-en.exe 2. 98SE2ME 3. ie6sp1 4. DirectX 9c 5. MDAC 2.8sp1 6. .NET Framework 2.0 7. kup 0.27 8. RPlite5 9. 98MP9Setup.exe 10. Nusb23e.exe (Native USB)
  17. Good joke!
  18. Hi guys,does anybody know when a new release of unofficial SP will be avaiable?
  19. It has nice looking but there isn't any funcions into system!
  20. It is just a fiction or tale!!! There is no posibility for that.ME and XP are two totally different file systems!
  21. You can put every exe file from your Windows folder. Example in Run dialog try to enter notepad.exe (or notepad) or Cdplayer.exe (or Cdplayer) and others. In Windows ME there is 32 bit suport for command scanreg (with prefixes).
  22. Thanx for list guys!!! I have: Borland Resource Workshop 4.5 eXeScope 6.41 HEX Editor Resource builder 2.5 Resource Hacker Resource Hunter 1.32 Resource Tuner 1.98 Restorator 2004 Restorator 2005 v3.50.1442 Restorator 2006 Xn Resource editior
  23. Why you don't have an automated instalation of all these updates? Your power pack is like an autostart menu of any CD jimmsta!!!
  24. I can translate into Serbian
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