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Marius '95

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Everything posted by Marius '95

  1. Did anybody notice a decrease of speed when copying large files from network after installing 98SE2ME?
  2. I have been using WinTop on Win98 for 2 years on many different hardware configurations. Never had a problem.
  3. I use it as a CD player. The progress bar (cursor) is really diffrent from other programs.
  4. I found another bug: After installing 98SE2ME, MPLAYER.EXE v4.90.3000 from Windows directory does not start. Error: MPLAYER caused an invalid page fault in module <unknown> at 0000:84017398. Solution 1: Do not copy MPLAYER.EXE from WinME. Version 4.10.1998 from 98 works fine. Solution 2: Remove MCIQTZ.DLL form Windows\System\ The new version of MPLAYER starts OK without it. Note: I saw this error on WinXP too. Micro$oft bug?
  5. Hi! I am a new user of 98SE2ME and I found a compatibility problem with 98lite. Maybe someone already reported it but I don't have time to read all these topics and posts. Sorry. The problem: I used 98lite to replace Windows 98 Explorer interface with Windows 95 version. 98SE2ME installation failed. I tried to put back Win98 Explorer, install 98SE2ME and then switch to Win95 Explorer. Installation was OK but 98lite made a complete mess when I tried to switch to Win95 Explorer. I found a solution to the problem. Install in the following order: 0) Backup all files mentioned below. 1) Install 98lite and switch to Win95 Explorer 2) Copy EXPLORER.EXE and SHELL32.DLL to a new directory. I will name it "Explorer95". 3) Run 98lite and switch to Win98 Explorer 4) Install 98SE2ME 5) Restart to MS-DOS mode 5) Rename SHELL32.DLL to SHELL31.DLL 6) Edit COMDLG32.DLL using a hex editor and replace "SHELL32.DLL" with "SHELL31.DLL". (SHELL32.DLL appears in 2 places) 7) Delete EXPLORER.EXE 8) Copy EXPLORER.EXE and SHELL32.DLL from Explorer95 directory to their original locations. Done! Note1: I didn't test this on another computer! Note2: SHELL32.DLL will be the old version, from Windows 95. Some programs don't run.
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