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Posts posted by eyeball

  1. So you say that the internet is done via your server? If so is it ISA? and can you plug his laptop in behind the server (eg straight into the router) that will rule out the server (or more specifically an ISA rule) as the cause.

    As im sure your aware BT's DNS Servers are and so just incase you need them to resolve stuff behind the server then thats the ones you need.

    I cant think of much else off top of my head but that should give you something to try :)

    fingers crossed!

  2. you say that you have set the share permissions, have you set the NTFS permissions? is the computer a member of the domain? and are you logged on with an account on that domain with enough security to access the folder?

  3. I want to register a domain name and there are a couple of things I do not understand.

    One can register second level domain names on the Internet, such as example.org, for a small fee. Upon registration you should supply addresses of nameservers. Can any publicly accessible host become a nameserver, or they should be registered with ICANN? What do people usually use as nameservers?

    Let's say that my example.org is pointing to Now I want to create a third level domain, ftp.example.com, pointing to Where do I put the "ftp" in? Does this action require access to the nameservers, or another (paid) registration is necessary?

    I believe that the registrar of a domain, in your case example.org must own the authorative name servers for the domain. This means that

    1) you can register the domain with whoever you wish - they are the registrar

    2) you can create DNS records anywhere on the internet with any name server......BUT they aint gonna mean jack to no-one, the only ones that matter are the onese held by the authorative name server, they are the ones propogated across the net during zone transfers.

    regarding the third level;

    if you type in http://example.org you will be taken via an A record to example.org

    for example:

    example.org - A -

    similarly if you then type in FTP://example.org you will visit the same place, but on a different port.

    and assuming it is configured, you will be prompted for credentials etc.

    both of these require as explained a single A record to have been created on the authorative nameserver.


    for anything to actually be at example.org, whether its http or ftp you must have a host.

    this host can be anywhere on the planet, it could be in your house, as long as you have an A record created on the authorative nameserver telling every other DNS server that example.org is at your IP address (also assuming you have the ports forwarded at home lol)

    I hope this helps, if you have any questions please ask :)

  4. it will depend on the type of Connection that the virtual systems have, if you can select the actual ethernet port of the box they are running on as their network adapter both should pick up an IP on the same range as your physical machine if you have a dhcp server. Im not very familiar with VMWare though so i dont know if what i am saying is possible (although im sure it is)

    try it out and post back :)

  5. mine is almost identical and X64 installed in no less than 20 mins. check your Media or the drive itself, it has to be the cause. If not run memtest 86+ and windows memory diagnostics and see what they pickup

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