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Posts posted by eyeball

  1. You still need an antivirus, any 32 bit Virus you get will run the WOW emulator and still cause as much damage as usual, and as i say to everyone who wants to run without protection - WHY?

    proessing power and memory nowadays are extremely powerful, so do yourself a favour and just use one :)

    P.S while your at it, run at least windows defender for spyware protection too.

  2. Hi all,

    im in a bit of a dilema here, i need to retrieve some cached passwords from a program on an old server called VPOP3 so i can migrate over to exchange for a client. Has anyone any idea or ever done this? Maybe a program that can retrieve hashed passwords would do it?


    EDIT: dont worry guys i got in contact with a company that knew the details luckily!

    btw whilst looking i found that nirsoft.net actually do a lot of password recovery utilities, i only ever used produkey from them :)


  3. I have a lot of experience with GFI mail essentials and a little experience with Sophos Puremessage. Both are good but im biased towards GFI. Howver that being said it really does work! The Bayesian filter learns from inbound and outbound mail whats ham and whats spam and eventually only junk ends up in your junk mail folder (outlook 2k3 and above) and only good stuff ends up in your inbox.

    Anyway GFI gets my vote :)

  4. 20MB cable Broadband through a linksys WRT54G with HyperWRT F/w. Connected to Gigabit switches in 2 locations.

    connected to those are

    2 desktop pcs

    3 wireless laptops

    1 Wired Laptop

    a 250GB NAS box

    1 800GB Raid 1 NAS PC/Box

    2 Gigabit Zyxel switches

    My electric man loves me :P

    EDIT now using Tomato firmware and it kicks a**! its so configurable its brilliant.

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