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  1. Well I would never trust babelfish translations. The results are useually more funy than helpful but may better than my english. I will try to translate this HowTo back to English but can take a few days. Regards, Martin
  2. Hello randalldale! If you want to create an ISO with BDD by creating a Media deployment point you need to create an LAB deployment point before. This will create the boot folder with Lite Toch PE ISO. After that you'll be able to create an ISO for your Media deployment point. Just to let you know - I had problems to do that - but at least it was running successfully. I don't know how your environment is looking like. You'll may have problems to end the process, too. Than you may have to increase the IRPStackSize value in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parmeters. I've had to set this value to decimal 30. If it does not exist you may need to create it. The type is REG_DWORD. If you don't have a server environment and your just using BDD 2007 on a single computer you need to make sure that you can access shares on your computer. The script which creates the lite touch iso is using the share name and not the folder on your computer. I had to downgrade a lot of security settings to get this part working on my singel machine. Seems to be that the script includes no subroutine that allows to use the folder instead of the share on a single computer. Hope that'll help you out! Regards, Martin
  3. Hello MC! I would not say, that it's impossible to change the name of the Administrator. All I wanna say is, that there is no easy switch in unattended settings to do it. But I'm prettey sure there is any Regtweak you need to "turn". Ok... the other thing is creating your own account. Here is the way I do it: I use two xml answer file to do it. The first one is the Autounattend.xml, which is present on my USB-Stick: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="windowsPE"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SetupUILanguage> <UILanguage>de-DE</UILanguage> </SetupUILanguage> <InputLocale>0407:00000407</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>de-DE</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>de-DE</UILanguage> <UserLocale>de-DE</UserLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <UserData> <AcceptEula>true</AcceptEula> <FullName>FireGeier</FullName> <Organization>FireGeier LTD.</Organization> </UserData> <DiskConfiguration> <Disk wcm:action="add"> <CreatePartitions> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <Size>25000</Size> <Type>Primary</Type> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Order>3</Order> <Extend>true</Extend> <Type>Logical</Type> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Extend>true</Extend> <Order>2</Order> <Type>Extended</Type> </CreatePartition> </CreatePartitions> <ModifyPartitions> <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add"> <Active>true</Active> <Extend>false</Extend> <Format>NTFS</Format> <Label>Vista_OS</Label> <Letter>C</Letter> <Order>1</Order> <PartitionID>1</PartitionID> </ModifyPartition> <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add"> <Active>false</Active> <Extend>false</Extend> <Format>NTFS</Format> <Label>Data</Label> <Letter>D</Letter> <Order>2</Order> <PartitionID>2</PartitionID> </ModifyPartition> </ModifyPartitions> <DiskID>0</DiskID> <WillWipeDisk>true</WillWipeDisk> </Disk> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </DiskConfiguration> <ImageInstall> <OSImage> <InstallFrom> <MetaData wcm:action="add"> <Key>/IMAGE/NAME</Key> <Value>Windows Vista ULTIMATE</Value> </MetaData> </InstallFrom> <InstallTo> <DiskID>0</DiskID> <PartitionID>1</PartitionID> </InstallTo> <InstallToAvailablePartition>false</InstallToAvailablePartition> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </OSImage> </ImageInstall> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DriverPaths> <PathAndCredentials wcm:keyValue="7c3d475d" wcm:action="add"> <Path>%DriversRoot%Drivers</Path> </PathAndCredentials> </DriverPaths> </component> </settings> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <NetworkLocation>Home</NetworkLocation> <ProtectYourPC>2</ProtectYourPC> <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> <SkipUserOOBE>true</SkipUserOOBE> </OOBE> <FolderLocations> <ProfilesDirectory>D:\UserData</ProfilesDirectory> </FolderLocations> <AutoLogon> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <LogonCount>2</LogonCount> <Username>Administrator</Username> </AutoLogon> <TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone> <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>10</Order> <CommandLine>REGEDIT /S %AppsRoot%\Install\Regtweaks.reg</CommandLine> <Description>Import Registry-Tweaks</Description> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>20</Order> <CommandLine>%AppsRoot%Install\AcrRead\AcroRead.msi /qb</CommandLine> <Description>Install Adobe Acrobat Reader</Description> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>30</Order> <CommandLine>%AppsRoot%Install\Firefox\Firefox_Setup_2_0_0_2.exe -ms</CommandLine> <Description>Install Mozilla Firefox</Description> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>40</Order> <CommandLine>%AppsRoot%Install\Flash\install_flash_player.exe /s</CommandLine> <Description>Install Adobe Flash Player</Description> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>50</Order> <CommandLine>%AppsRoot%Install\Java\jre-1_5_0_11-windows-i586-p-s.exe /s /v/qn</CommandLine> <Description>Install Sun Java</Description> </SynchronousCommand> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>60</Order> <CommandLine>%WINDIR%\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /generalize /quiet /oobe /reboot /unattend:%AppsRoot%Install\Unattend.xml</CommandLine> <Description>Generalize System to Copy Profile to Default User</Description> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands> </component> </settings> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Deployment" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <RunSynchronous> <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <Path>%Systemdrive%\Scripts\SetAppsRoot.cmd</Path> <Description>Setzen der AppsRoot-Umgebungsvariable</Description> </RunSynchronousCommand> </RunSynchronous> </component> </settings> <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim:j:/vistawork/dvd/sources/install.wim#Windows Vista ULTIMATE" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /> </unattend> Note: The %AppsRoot%-Variable I set using the SetAppsRoot.cmd under specialize pass. The SetAppsRoot.cmd I've integrated before into my ULTIMATE using imagex /mountrw. All I did is, that I was copying the SetAppsRoot.cmd to Scripts folder into the Root of the mounted image. The SetAppsRoot.cmd looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <OEMInformation> <HelpCustomized>false</HelpCustomized> <Manufacturer>FireGeier LTD.</Manufacturer> <SupportPhone>1234567890</SupportPhone> </OEMInformation> <TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone> <Display> <ColorDepth>32</ColorDepth> <DPI>96</DPI> <HorizontalResolution>1024</HorizontalResolution> <VerticalResolution>768</VerticalResolution> </Display> <CopyProfile>true</CopyProfile> <ComputerName>Compu</ComputerName> <RegisteredOrganization>FireGeier LTD.</RegisteredOrganization> <RegisteredOwner>FireGeier</RegisteredOwner> </component> </settings> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <ProtectYourPC>1</ProtectYourPC> <SkipUserOOBE>true</SkipUserOOBE> <NetworkLocation>Home</NetworkLocation> </OOBE> <TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone> <Display> <ColorDepth>32</ColorDepth> <DPI>96</DPI> <HorizontalResolution>1024</HorizontalResolution> <VerticalResolution>768</VerticalResolution> </Display> <UserAccounts> <LocalAccounts> <LocalAccount wcm:action="add"> <Password> <Value>cwBlAGMAcgBlAHQAUABhAHMAcwB3AG8AcgBkAA==</Value> <PlainText>false</PlainText> </Password> <Description>FireGeier</Description> <DisplayName>FireGeier</DisplayName> <Group>Users</Group> <Name>FireGeier</Name> </LocalAccount> <LocalAccount wcm:action="add"> <Password> <Value>cwBlAGMAcgBlAHQAUABhAHMAcwB3AG8AcgBkAA==</Value> <PlainText>false</PlainText> </Password> <Description>Administrator</Description> <DisplayName>Admin</DisplayName> <Group>Administrators</Group> <Name>Admin</Name> </LocalAccount> </LocalAccounts> </UserAccounts> <RegisteredOrganization>FireGeier LTD.</RegisteredOrganization> <RegisteredOwner>FireGeier</RegisteredOwner> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <InputLocale>0407:00000407</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>0407:00000407</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>de-DE</UILanguage> <UserLocale>de-DE</UserLocale> <UILanguageFallback>de-DE</UILanguageFallback> </component> </settings> <settings pass="generalize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <PersistAllDeviceInstalls>true</PersistAllDeviceInstalls> </component> </settings> <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="catalog:c:/winpere/vistadvd/sources/install_windows vista ultimate.clg" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /> </unattend> Important is the <CopyProfile> tag which will copy the settings where made before in first xml under Administrator Account to the Defaul User account so that they are present for all further users. The <PersistAllDeviceInstalls> keeps the drivers when syspreping the machine. If you don't use that all drivers will be installed a second time. That would waste time and you would get a lot of popups. Note: It's important that you create an Administrator account - which is not the Super-Admin - in the second xml. The <SkipMachineOOBE> has to be removed in second xml to get the accounts created properly. The Super-Admin will be deleted by using sysprep. Hope that'll help! Regards, Martin
  4. Hello MC! I've not tried the thins with the regtweak yet, got this information from TechNet forum only. But the regkey has to be set before OOBE runs. So FirstLogon would be to late. AFAIK it's not possible to use the Super-Admin account as the one and only account. MS don't want you to do that. And if I'm honest, I don't know why you wanna use it as the one and only account. Regards, Martin
  5. Hello AndyJD! I'm pretty sure, that there is a bug in Setup integrated partitioning. It works fine for me here if I just create 2 Partitions. If I start to create a third one it starts to fail, if I'm using extend tag. It does not fail if I set the size manually for the third partition, but this does not make any sense. So here is "my" workaround to create 3 Partitions: <DiskConfiguration> <Disk wcm:action="add"> <CreatePartitions> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <Size>25000</Size> <Type>Primary</Type> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Extend>true</Extend> <Order>2</Order> <Type>Extended</Type> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Extend>false</Extend> <Order>3</Order> <Type>Logical</Type> <Size>70000</Size> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Size>10</Size> <Order>4</Order> <Type>Logical</Type> </CreatePartition> </CreatePartitions> <ModifyPartitions> <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add"> <Active>true</Active> <Extend>false</Extend> <Format>NTFS</Format> <Label>Vista_OS</Label> <Letter>C</Letter> <Order>1</Order> <PartitionID>1</PartitionID> </ModifyPartition> <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add"> <Active>false</Active> <Extend>false</Extend> <Format>NTFS</Format> <Label>Programme</Label> <Letter>D</Letter> <Order>2</Order> <PartitionID>2</PartitionID> </ModifyPartition> <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add"> <PartitionID>3</PartitionID> <Order>3</Order> <Label>Daten</Label> <Format>NTFS</Format> <Active>false</Active> <Extend>true</Extend> <Letter>E</Letter> </ModifyPartition> </ModifyPartitions> <DiskID>0</DiskID> <WillWipeDisk>true</WillWipeDisk> </Disk> </DiskConfiguration> So the idea of this workaround is, that you're creating a third partition with small size and extend this third partition using modify partition. Hope that'll help you out. This seems to be a bug, but not 100% sure. Regards, Martin
  6. Hello AndyJD, I don't know if this will troubleshoot the whole problem but for your second disk there is something missing in your xml: This is yours: <CreatePartitions> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Extend>true</Extend> <Order>1</Order> <Size>119237</Size> <Type>Primary</Type> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Order>2</Order> <Type>Extended</Type> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Order>3</Order> <Type>Logical</Type> </CreatePartition> </CreatePartitions> You've defined size AND extend for the first partition, which will not work. You need to define size OR extend tag. And for the second partition you've defined neather size nor extend. It should look like this: <CreatePartitions> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <Size>119237</Size> <Type>Primary</Type> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Extend>true</Extend> <Order>2</Order> <Type>Extended</Type> </CreatePartition> <CreatePartition wcm:action="add"> <Order>3</Order> <Extend>true</Extend> <Type>Logical</Type> </CreatePartition> </CreatePartitions> Regards, Martin
  7. You're absolutly right Dobby! I've to apologize, cause these are the little syntax errors which can drive you crazy if you don't know anything about it. @MC: The setdriversroot.cmd is used to set the environment variable only. Than you can use the environment variable to point to the drive with your drivers folder. So in your Autounattend.xml you'll have a section like this in win pe pass: <DriverPaths> <PathAndCredentials wcm:keyValue="7c3d475d" wcm:action="add"> <Path>%DriversRoot%Drivers</Path> </PathAndCredentials> </DriverPaths> And the structure of your removable device with the drivers on it looks like this: USB_Drive: | |____ Drivers | |___ Driver1 | |___ Driver2 | |___ Driver3 | | | etc. | |____ Autounattend.xml | |____ DriversRoot.txt Hope that'll clear it up! Regards, Martin
  8. You're rigth maxXP, this is working as good and may be a bit "simpler". Note: I've found out a little problem that might come up using this method during PE pass. Some Friends told me, that they've had problems using this method. The "funny" thing was, that the Autounattend.xml was detecteted on the stick by Setup, but the DriversRoot Variable was not set before. So I've had the idea that this could be a timing problem and at least it was. So what happend on their system? It's very easy. The SetDriversRoot.cmd was finished already before PE Enviroment had seted up the USB-Stick. Workaround: If you should have the same problem on your system, all you need to do is: Loop the SetDriversRoot.cmd like this: @ECHO OFF SET DriversRoot=NULL :SearchDriversRoot FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\DriversRoot.txt SET DriversRoot=%%i:\ IF NOT "%DriversRoot%"=="NULL" GOTO StartSetup GOTO SearchDriversRoot :StartSetup ECHO DriversRoot=%DriversRoot% X:\setup.exe Regards, Martin
  9. Hi MC! In which pass do you set your Display settings in xml? Martin EDIT: Just to let you know: I did my Display settings in oobeSystem pass.
  10. Hello MC! Well my setupact.log shows this for Display Setting: 2007-03-06 21:39:13, Info [Shell Unattend] ComputerName set to Compu 2007-03-06 21:39:13, Info [Shell Unattend] Display: Requested Display Settings [1024 x 768, 32 bpp, 0 hz] 2007-03-06 21:39:13, Info [Shell Unattend] Display: Found video mode match! Trying to change to it... 2007-03-06 21:39:16, Info [Shell Unattend] Display: Succesfully changed to requested display mode 2007-03-06 21:39:16, Info [Shell Unattend] Display: Requested 96 DPI 2007-03-06 21:39:16, Info [Shell Unattend] Display: DPI set to 96 Note: I have not set 0hz as Refreshrate in xml. Like explained before I have no entry for refreshrate in xml. Setup reads this as 0 hz. If you don't have entries like this in that log you may not set them in your autounattend.xml or anything else is going wrong. Do you use more than one xml? Regards, Martin
  11. Thanks, for confirmation maxXP! You can use the same method for your applications setup. I call a SetAppsRoot.cmd during specialize pass, which will set an AppsRoot variable using setx -m. It will put the variable in the machine environment and it will stay there as long till you remove it. So you can install drivers and applications from where ever you want during any further passes. Note: If you install drivers in these later passes you will be prompted if you do not use signed drivers. So my recommendation is, install as many drivers as possible during PE pass - only possible for inf-Drivers. Install exe-drivers during audit-mode - but take care that they are signed or you need to have a workaraound for the prompt. Regards, Martin
  12. I still do not understand the sense of removing this status window. MS brought out a patch to keep RunOnceEx in function but you have to use a key, which disable the status window, to get it working again. That's very strange to me. Regards, Martin
  13. If you've have problems to open it with your burning software just rename it from .img to .iso. Regards, Martin
  14. You can call iernonce.dll using the following command: start /wait rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess But it's not a build in method for Vista. I would like to know if there is any side effect using IE6 iernonce.dll in Vista. I've no problem with this workaround under XP. But Vista is not XP... Regards, Martin
  15. @Mavericks Choice: What does setupact.log tell you about (in %Windir%\Panther\UnattendGC)? Regards, Martin
  16. Well it seems to be, that I have not explained it well enough. I have never said you should leave something blank in xml. I've said: That means you don't set anything for it in WSIM and than you will have no entry in xml-file and it looks like this: <Display> <ColorDepth>32</ColorDepth> <DPI>96</DPI> <HorizontalResolution>1024</HorizontalResolution> <VerticalResolution>768</VerticalResolution> </Display> I've never said you should do it like this: <Display> <ColorDepth>32</ColorDepth> <DPI>96</DPI> <HorizontalResolution>1024</HorizontalResolution> <VerticalResolution>768</VerticalResolution> <RefreshRate></RefreshRate> </Display> In that last case maxX is right and it would cause trouble. That could be. However I've tried out to set all kinds of supported modes for my video card and it never setted it, till I've removed the Refreshrate setting. BTW, if you do a sysprep you have to set Display settings again in xml-file you're using to roll out the system. So in shawns example you would set display again in oobeunattend.xml. If you want to keep Display settings during all passes of setup you need to set them for every single pass, too. Regards, Martin
  17. Hello! I'm able to install all my apps during vista setup using RunSychronous command, so I konw how to do that. That's not the problem. But I miss a status window during software installation like RunOnceEx gave me under XP, before the rnonce.dll problem was brouhgt up by IE7 installation. So the same problem with rnonce.dll does exist under vista. I've tested that already. Does anybody know if there is a substitute for RunOnceEx status window under Vista without using 3rd party software? Thanks n regards, Martin
  18. I've not tested the theme thing so far, but if I've problems to set the screen resolution I leave the Refreshrate field blank when editing my xml-file in WSIM. I've found out about this solution by checking the log-files. Setup failed to set the Refreshrate what ever I've tried to set it to and than the whole Display settings failed. Regards, Martin
  19. Well sounds logical on first view. But why MS has designed two utilities than pkgmgr AND peimg? And that the tool is made by MS does not mean that dependency is checked automaticaly unfortunatly. If you look at pkgmgr for example, it will check dependency only if the hotfixes are listed in the same answer file. If you install them with seperat answer files in a loop it will not check dependency. You can pull out that infromation from WAIK help. Don't missunderstand. I would realy prefere your method, if you or MS or hwo ever can tell, that it will check dependency. Cause your method is very handy! Regards, Martin
  20. Interesting method, cause peimg supposed to be for PE images only. However if it works it works. Haven't tried out yet personaly. But can you tell me, if this will check the dependency of hotfixes? Regards, Martin
  21. Hello Ahrimansefied, what OS you're running on? And how are the permissions set on D:\imaging? You need to set permissions on full control. Regards, Martin
  22. Hello sprack! Could you explain how to verfiy, if the updates are slipstreamed or integrated only? Regards, Martin
  23. @nOOb: That does not give an answer to any of the questions in this thread. Regards, Martin
  24. Hello sprack! I can't read perl so I'm not sure if I understand the script right. But as far as I see you'll use the xml-files coming with cab-files behind each other - I'm may wrong here? But it's important that all packages (cab) will installed wihtin ONE xml-file if you're installing them with the answering file method cause than the dependency between the different packages will be checked. I've tried out the method mentioned in post #4. I would prefere this way of integration, cause you don't need to handle with answer files. You need to link right to the folder with cabs only. WAIK help tells that it will check the dependency of the packages if you part them using ";". I've tried out to do that but it does install the first package of the list than only. Here is, what I've tried out: Start /w pkgmgr.exe /o:"c:\Mount_Point;c:\Mount_Point\Windows" /ip /m:c:\Updates\xxxKB123456-xxx.cab;c:\Updates\xxxKB928089xxx-.cab;c:\Updates\xxxKB929777xxx-.cab /s:c:\Sandbox This example will install KB123456 only. And it will not handle the other tow. I get no error message using %errorlevel%. But if I check the log and the image only KB123456 is installed. The method runs fine installing one package only - but than I can't check dependency. Can anybody confirm that behaviour or do I may use the wrong syntax. I've found no example for that in WAIK-help. All examples are with one package only. Thanks n regards, Martin
  25. Hello Steve! Same problem here and I read your thread at TechNet Deployment Group, too. I've no workaround present ATM. Regards, Martin
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