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Posts posted by mikesw
Is it possible for Nlite to integrate files that are Win32 cabinet extractor vs. the other format which is cabinet self-extractor?
Nlite can integrate "cabinet self-extractor" files but not the other type which is "Win32 cabinet extractor.." types?
Is there a tool to convert Win32 cabinet types to cabinet self-extracton types? Once the files are repackaged as cabinet self-extrator
type it will integrate as a hotfix/update
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Here's more info for trying to build an updated Win2K PRO x32 CD
a ) I started over again and slipped Sp4 into Win2KSp1 ...no problem.
b ) I then started integrating all the hotfix/updates for Win2k starting with 11/2003 thru 6/2007 excluding
rollup 1 v2
c ). I did this in one year increments and by sorting based on the KB number from lowest to highest since the
build date has different formats and could cause the KB numbers to be out of order. Each year was done after
the previous one completed so that I could narrow down the year that is causing the problem.
d). After updating to FY'2007 I then went back to integrate the rollup 1 v2 KB891861 to see if any problems occur.
Here are the results
1). FY'2003 KB files integrated ok (total of 8 files)
2). FY'2004 KB828741 complained about duplicate "es.dll" and KB839645 complained about a dup too.
When a list of KB files is being integrated and it pops up with an error about a dupe file and I
hit OK, it finalizes the CD, but stops processing the remaining files to be integrated. The problem
filenames also don't show up in .\I386\SVCPACK directory of the OS being integrated. Thus,
exited NLITE1.4beta and re-entered and started with the list of files after the problem file. All OK.
(total of 19 files)
3). FY'2005 KB900046 bombs due to dup file "agentdpv.dll". When I exited and and re-entered NLITE1.4beta
and reselected all files for FY'2005 this problem KB file didn't complain anymore. (total of 31 files)
4). FY'2006, no problems integrating. (total of 29 files)
FY'2007 no problems integrating. (total of 12 files)
5). Tried to go back and integrate SP4 rollup 1 version 2 KB891861 and got further than the previous dup file
mentioned in previous post but NLITE1.4Beta bombed out around "mstext40.dll" whereby NLITE complained
it had to exit and when OK hit the whole program aborted. (not due to a dupe file). Hey! I almost made it
to the letter "z" filename.....
How does one capture the text file that is dumped if one selects the details to see why it aborted? Is this
file sent automatically to you for analysis?
6). Conclusion, the duping of filenames seems to be random since one can reintegrate the KB file that had the
dupe file with others later KB's complaining. Doesn't appear to be related to the total number of
files being integrated at the same time. The abort is unknown.
Probably got a memory leak somewhere although I have 1GIG of memory on the laptop that I'm using
with WinxP PRO Sp2 and all the latest fixes to date. 7/1/2007 so this shouldn't be the problem and
all the .NET versions with the latest Service packs v1.1, v2.0, v3.0.
I'll probably go back to the previous release to try that one out.
NOTE: I'm only integrating, I haven't tweaked or removed components etc using NLITE1.4beta.
Nothing fancy!!!
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I've slipped my Win2kSp1 pro to Win2KSp4. Now I want to slip the rollup 1 version 2 into the
Win2KSp4 CD. Here is what I did.
a) Used Nlite 1.4beta and after slipping Sp4 by selecting the service pack menu option I exited the prog.
b ) I then slipped the sp4 rollup 1 version 2 by using nlite 1.4beta by selecting the service pack menu option.
It slipped in without complaning. However, is this really to be treated as a service pack since it really
is an update to SP4?
c). Started over with clean Win2kSp1 pro and slipped in Sp4.
d). Slipped in the sp4 rollup 1 version 2 as a hotfix/update. However, I got this error message
H-The file 'C:ZRMPOEM_EN\dnsapi.dll' already exists.
Please report this error if it's unexpected.
Write your message in English and attach your "Last Session.ini' if possible.
e). I hit OK and it continued on to the finish.
So my question is, for sp4 rollup 1 version 2, should I treat it as a servicepack or use the hotfix/update
menu item? If the hotfix/update menu item, can I ignore this message and has the original file really
been updated to the new one from the rollup? In this case "dnsapi.dll".
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Here's another site for the product ID labels for other lanaguages besides English for XP SP2. Moreover, there
are links on this webpage to the earlier service pack release naming conventions.
And here's the Windows 2000 ones.
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AFAK it was re-released in middle of March.Be aware that combofix has been taken offline around Feb 2007 due to trojans targeting the program.See this post.
Do you have the website address for it? When I was looking for it, I found the comment for it being taken offline...
So Im having trouble finding the website.
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For item (1) I take it that this "update" means, if the language didn't exist in Vista (for example PT-BR) that
once MSoft comes out with it, one can integrate it into Vista using your script above.
However, for item (3) if MSoft comes out with a language pack "update", it means, that the language (for example
PT-BR) was already included, but MSoft came out with an update to correct for example spelling errors, additional
information in that language etc. that in this case, since you mention to integrate it like hotfixs, that one could
use Nuhi's Vlite tool.
Now, the question begs to be asked. What about if a language (for example PT-BR) is already integrated on the
Vista DVD, and one wants to remove it to create more space on the DVD for other software stuff?
Is there a way to modify your script to "Delete" the language from the language pack that's already integrated into
the Vista DVD?
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mhyll, will your script work for doing either a new language pack integration where one wasn't included
before, and to integrate an update to a language pack that already exists in Vista?
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Be aware that combofix has been taken offline around Feb 2007 due to trojans targeting the program.
See this post.
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You mention drive cloning encryption. I presume that you are talking about commercial disk encryption software
vs. MSoft disk encryption whereby the whole disk is encrypted and a password is needed on bootup before
Windows even starts to boot. I also assume you'll be evaluating the disk imaging of these encrypted disks too.
This wouldn't be the case whereby the file or the directory would be encrypted with the rest of the files/directories
remaining unencrypted since this is a trivial case.
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Here's a site that shows you how to read the MSoft Product ID to determine what OS you have.
Commandline command to get the product ID.
reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion" /v ProductID
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Old version of NLITE require dot.NET 1.1 and the newer ones need v2.0.
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Has anybody tried to use WIX to integrate the various SP's into dot.NET and do this for each dot.NET version i.e. 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0?
Once each dot.NET version is rebuilt, then to use NLITE to integrate into the slipped Win XP or 2k CD.
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Is there any command-line tool that will reset all the installed Windows services (except those from 3rd parties) back
to the default configuration when windows was first installed? This includes security and the stop,start,manual settings
along with the dependencies the services uses.
I've used the secedit command on the C:\Windows directory to set that back to the Windows directory defaults,
but can't find one for the services part.
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One possiblity is to include the application Netswitcher v3.3.8 from http://www.netswitcher.com into the
Windows install disk so that upon OS install, netswitcher is installed. Moreover, your OS disk can also
have a copy of your current configuration that you saved/wrote (using Netswitcher) to the OS CD that you
created from your current PC network configuration so that after Netswitcher is installed on the HDD (and in windows
startup) that Runonce (or equivalent) can copy the Netswitcher config file from the CD to the HDD. After windows is
installed and booted, windows startup will use Netswitcher to setup your system to what you setup earlier using this
config file. This works for wireless or any network configuration along with setting up your browser defaults
and so on.
Now you're ready to go...
PS: Maybe there's a freeware version that is equivalent to Netswitcher although Netswitcher has a real old
version that's free. IBM used to provide something similar but that only seemed to work on their machines
and only specific machine versions at that!
Note: Maybe if you know where MSoft keeps their config file, you could copy that file from the CD
that you burned earlier to your PC so that upon bootup, Windows repairs it's network configurations by
using your's and then you are ready to go. Not sure if this is possible though. Any experts out there?????
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Since this is such a common problem/question for XP users of Pro, Home, Vista and older Windows,
it would be nice for someone who knows it all and for this community to contibute to, that perhaps
a HOWTO document posted/pinned like the slipping OS document could be written to help the rest out.
I have troubles with XP too, and it would be nice to see a writeup on this topic in one place. It could
include bugs and hotfixes (from MSoft support too) to be grouped all in one place. Maybe a tool
based on the knowledge in the document can be written (i.e. wizard) to check ones computer and
tell them what's wrong with the OS configuration based on how one answers the questions from the wizard
/software tool.
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Will the VBS code above work to get the other Microsoft product License Keys (by changing the registry path) such
as all the Office products: Access, Word, project, visio etc? Are the OS and/or Office product
license keys encoded the same way for Win95,98,Me,2000,XP, and Vista ?
What is the algorithm being used above called? Is it some form of AES encryption etc?
I assume the algorithm can be done in reverse such that starting with the license key one
then uses the algorithm as-is or to rewrite it to do the algorthm in reverse to get the data that
should be written to the registry for the installed MSoft s/w product? This will allow one to
change the key at-will.
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I'm getting the error code 2203 when I try to install dotNET v1.1 on a Win2K machine. About 3/4
of the way thru the install it stops, gives the error code and starts uninstalling/rollingback the install.
The msi file name is always a different one.
Here's MSoft's KB article about it for Win XP Sp2, but the special hotfix doesn't apply to Win 2K.
Moreover, anybody have this patch for XP just in case it occurs their when I do the same for an XP machine
using the steps I did below?
Here's how the problem came about.
1) installed Win 2K with sp4 and updated to all the latest KB fixes from MSoft update.
2) Installed dot Net 1.1 and dotNet 2.0 and their hotfixes.
3) Installed all MDAC versions to date at major release and service pack versions i.e. 2.53sp3, 2.6sp2-refresh, 2.7sp1-refresh etc note 2.8sp1...is for XP only
4) installed all MSXML versions to date starting at the major release and SP version 3.0sp7, 4.0sp2 , 6.0sp1 plus hotfixes
5) The MSoft MSBA v2.1 analyzer said that I had to reinstall some of the OS updates which I did.
6) dotNET 1.1 hotfixes had a problem, I then removed the hotfix and dotNET 1.1 and rebooted.
7) Tried to reinstall dotNET 1.1 and get the error described in the KB888310 article.
8) Can't reinstall dotNET 1.1 and patches for it. The only solution would be is to format the disk and start over without
installing the mdac and msxml versions and to rely on whatever MSoft put in these packages.
PS: I know that various s/w packages : WIN XP SP2, Office 2003, IE 6sp1 etc already install their [new] versions of
MDAC and MSXML. However, I wanted to make sure about MDAC and MSXML. The worst that could happen
is that the copy these other s/w packages install would either be overwritten with the same version or with a
newer version of the mdac/msxml software they require.
Anybody know of a Win2K special MSoft patch that will fix the problem similar to the one in MSOFT's KB article above?
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A possibility maybe the following....
Maybe you can install Msofts or VMWAREs virtual software, bootup another OS that is x32 and install your
32 bit software there. Hence, you could run the x64 Bit OS and x32 Bit OS simulatneously on the same
PC and get the capability to run your x32 application softare.
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I stand corrected on the 1394 device.
I'm still interested in creating a network using USB devices and multiple computers in this fashion with i.e. the
two ports on the same computer being bridged so that each port would look like a separate LAN.
Each USB LAN then would have a USB HUB and xfer cable connected to another computer with
TCP/IP running between it all to act like a network. In the old days, two serial ports between computers
could be connected together in null modem configuration with PPP s/w to do the file xfer via TCP/IP.
If one had multiple serial ports per computer, then one could create multiple direct path networks.
I'm just applying the same concept to USB ports, but each port could have multiple USB ports to talk to.
In the old days, the serial port method was the poor mans network, although the USB one may not be today.
Update: I read via MSofts documentation that one can't do bridging between USB ports/devices and other
hardware. Thus, one could attach a USB-to-Etherenet cable to the USB HUb and use a cross-over cable
to the network port of computer serving as the router and then do any bridging that's needed from there.
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When I go to "Network Connection" I see a device for the 1394. Thus, I assume I can
setup between two XP OS' computers an internet connection via the USB ports on each
computer. I understand I can create a USB to ethernet bridge, but am unsure if the
data going across the USB wire will be in TCP/IP format or some other format such as UDP
or regular ASCII text. Also I'm don't need the ethernet hardware part so the USB IP network
traffic comes in but doesn't go over to the ethernet port but may be routed to a wireless connection,
another computer on the same USB port via the HUB or bridged over to the second USB port and
sent to another (i.e. USB LAN) computer via the 2nd HUB.
Thus, is it possible to transfer data across these USB 1394 network connections so as to
transfer data between XP computer systems in IP protocol format? Am I required to use a USB
file-transfer cable so that the two computer power supplies are isolated from each other due to the 5 volts
on each USB cable end which will damage the computer power supply? Will the XP OS
network stacks allow IP addresses to be assigned to each end of the USB cable and can I
use a regular USB file-transfer cable to send IP traffic vs. having to use some other
data transfer mechanism whereby IP data network traffic is sent via the file transfer cable?
MSoft's site isn't clear if what I'm asking can be done and there aren't any howto's on this.
What about having a USB network cable going to a 4-port USB HUB and another HUB port being used
to send the IP data to the computer A,B,C? Or should I use a USB file-transfer cable on the other
HUB USB port of the hub to prevent power supply damage? Is it possible to use the USB hub as a
splitter such that each computer has it's own file-transfer cable between itself and one port on
the hub and each would have a unique IP and the remaining port (port 1) would serve as the controller and
would send data to the computer USB port 1 hence acting like a USB IP router. The same applies to
the same computer that contains a 2nd USB port known as (USB port 2) below with it's own USB HUB.
computer USB port 1 [USB router] <------> USB HUB <----->file xfer ----> [USB Network]computer a
<------> file xfer -----> [USB Network] computer b
<-------> file xfer -----> [USB Network] computer c
computer USB port 2 [USB router] <----->USB HUB <-------........ computer d
<------........ computer e
<------......... computer fMoreover, then use Microsoft XP OS to bridge the two USB ports on the computer that acts like a "USB router" so that
IP network data can be sent i.e. from computer A to computer F etc.
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A USB Guide document needed.
Since this question appears alot here, and there are multiple links to various solutions, it
would be nice if someone wrote a "USB OS BOOT Install Guide" in pdf format and provided
a link at the top of this websites home page for easy access. See the "Unattended Guide"
link that is already provided.
The guide should include various solutions and for various OS' such as 98,XP, Vista
which would be specified in various chapters of the Guide.
Just some thoughts here....
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Here's a funny article about how Windows OS was developed - the inside story.
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My local library has a problem similar to this on some computers whereas others work.
The library has Windows XP Pro.
a ). I log in as a regular user. I plug my firelite 80gig Hard disk or 4Gig Sandisk U3 device into the computer.
b ). The OS recognizes both, but then soon thereafter, it displays a window to login as administrator
to install the device(s). Other computers around me have no problem with these devices, only certain
I've bugged the admin to fix this problem, but I guess they don't know how they've configured their own machines.
I will suggest the article mentioned above http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326473 so that they can take
a look at the server-side vs. client-side admin rights mentioned in this KB article. All library patrons use
a magnetic card that acts as a roaming profile and stores our web-browser favorites too which are read
off this library card. I'm not sure if the basic user is considered part of the power user group to install
s/w drivers though.
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The local library has Windows XP Prof SP2 with all the patches (I presume). However,
when using an external USB hard drive of 40-80 Gigs, one can't search for a file on the drive
using Windows Explorer's file search feature since it has been disabled by the admin.
When I raised the issue of why I'm not allowed to search for files on my external drive, I've
been told that the 'search' feature is a security hole that allows one to worm their way into the
OS filesystem on drive C: which is currently not accessible by any non-admin type.
Thus, I'm relegated to looking for a file on a per-directory basis which takes forever.....
Does anyone know if the reason above is valid for Windows XP and that a security hole
exists? Was this the case at one time, but now has been fixed by a hotfix? What would
be the KB number?
Why does "unattend.txt" disappear from I386 folder?
in nLite
Posted · Edited by mikesw
I've noticed this for Windows 2000 Pro too. Nlite will not remove it if only a service pack is integrated i.e. SP4 for
Win2K. Thus when tweaking the release to add the MYDocuments, Recycle Bin icons to the desktop as the
default (or anything else), it seems to delete this file. Thus, I had to manually copy the unattend.txt file from the
integrated SP4 to the tweaked SP4 folder \I386.
Why do I want to keep the unattend.txt around? Because in the \SETUPTXT directory there are two
files called PRO1.txt and PRO2.txt. During the course of reading these files, they mention the \I386\Unattend.txt
file as an example to use if one wants to have an answer file. If this file gets deleted, then one wonders
where is my example file to use and hence the documentation is incomplete on the CD. This may not
be important to the experts, but if I give this CD to a person who is learning about Win2K or XP etc they may be lost
without it - especially if they don't know about msfn, the Nlite tool and that is was removed due to the CD being
a slipped copy of the MSoft OS.
Hence, please modify NLite so that it doesn't remove the unattend.txt file since it is used as an example and
completeness of the documentation on the MSoft OS CD.
NOTE: The only issue with adding the unattend.txt file is is that if one really wants to modify the unattend data
via the Nlite menu, it says one already exists and will overwrite the unattend.txt file with new info.
Hmmmm, I guess if this is the first time for a slip or modification of the unattend.txt file, NLITE could
rename it to unattend-example.txt and then do whatever to the unattend.txt file. I presume if NLITE
is used again to modify the unattend file, it doesn't overwrite an earlier version but reads in the old setups
and allows one to edit them instead of starting over again?