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Everything posted by Outatouch

  1. On the boot image subject - so now that I have BOOT.BIN by using SuperMagician's getboot.cmd -OR- if I already had a boot image to use from before - I can empty the HFTOOLS folder and use one or the other boot image when making the final cd with nero? Interesting, does this mean newer as in date the program/file was created or newer as in newer version number?
  2. OK thanks for the input. The make cab and all that will require some learning on my part. If there are some step by step directions you could point me to that would be great. In anycase, I was going off of foggy memory and FDV's directions - way back when I helped make some of it more clear to newbs like me lol. Is there an updated set of instructions anywhere? With LegitCheckCtrl/WinGenuinelyAnnoying, I think I tried it in the fix folder back then and it didn't work. Here I was just taking a stab at it to see if perhaps it would work that way now. It would be nice to figure out how to get that file in there just as a convienience from having to put it in sys32 post install.
  3. I ran the getboot.cmd file and it put BOOT.BIN in the HFTOOLS folder. The file I extacted manually, way back when, with Bart's via the cmd promp is called image1.bin ? Anyway, I re-ran HFSLIP with just bbie.exe in HFTOOLS and my XPcd in the drive and still no boot image winds up in HFTOOLS after HFSLIP does its thing (also moved getboot out of HFSLIP folder) here's the log files attached T P was this to me? If so please elaborate. "Type in..." where? into what? New_Folder.zip
  4. This is really really nice Tomcat !! Great work - it was nowhere close to this simple when I did this last year My my, things have truly come a long way with HFSLIP
  5. I sure can D:\HFSLIP\HFTOOLS contains: MSICabExtract.exe, MSICabExtract.txt, & bbie.exe Thank you HFSLIP.zip
  6. Hey guys its been forever since Ive been around. Things look great. I decided to do another disk so may as well get the latest stuff - so here I am. I noticed in STEP 6 for xp: Create a boot sector file from your Windows CD. You need to extract a copy of your CD's boot sector using Bart's boot image extractor. (Or use Google, you'll find it easily). Put BBIE.EXE in HFTOOLS and make sure your Windows CD is in the drive. HFSLIP will extract a bootsector automatically. If, for whatever reason, you don't have a Windows CD on hand but you do have a boot sector file, rename it to boot.bin and put it in HFTOOLS. I did it the manual way before so I thought this was really great. I had my XPcd in the cd drive when I ran HFSLIP but I don't see the boot image. Is it supposed to be in HFTOOLS? or is it supposed to be hidden? If its supposed to be hidden then how do I get nero to find it to make a bootable cd?
  7. Outatouch


    I like the sound of this
  8. I'll reply any darn where I want to FDV - Thanks for the signature logo !!! Looks like this thing has just EXPLODED !!!
  9. yes HFSLIP and nLite work very well together. My xp now installs in 16 minutes!!! Of course no one believes me at first when I tell them lol
  10. I think a fourum with multiple subject threads would be a good idea. It should make this easier to read because it can be broken down into different threads: newbies, xp, 2000, 2003, program development, troubleshooting... We are sort of all over the place right now. Our "thread" has enough twists and turns to knit a sweater! Reminds me of a "chatroom" with all different subjects bouncing around at the same time Is there someone we can e-mail polite requests to grant HFSLIP it's own fourum?
  11. @ saugatak If you don't have the full version of Nero that might be the reason. I think I ran into that same issue because I only had the OEM version that came with my burner. If you just want to create an iso image to test on a virtualPC I just used nLight for that. Just skip straight to the last step. Once I got my HFslip like I wanted it I upgraded my Nero and used the method on FDV's instructions to burn the CD. Re NERO: I like things that are free just as much as the next guy but sometimes you get what you pay for. Or sometimes you just have to pay to play...
  12. PG I get the same thing, I think its pretty much normal. Actually I'm surprised WU doesn't have a heart attack - not prepared to see HF's slipstreamed. WU also wants to install its malware HF on mine. I'm not at all concerned about 2-3 HF's from WU when HFSLIP saves me 10-20 mins from the first WU's. After using nLite my XP install takes exactly 16 mins !!! And my current PC is not all that fast. @ Lupo WinXP = SYSOC.IN_
  13. FDV you crack me up thats one way to put it. it really does need to be cleaned up and/or redone somehow. It was 90% over my head but I read it anyway. Tough to get new recruits with all of that. Maybe we can add a link to the first post telling newbies to read step by step instructions before reading through the entire thread. Also perhaps direct new people to skip ahead to a more recent post # to start reading at that is more current/relevant to what HFSLIP has become today. PeterG you can also use the very last step of nLite to make a bootable iso and just burn it to a cd that way.
  14. LMAO fdv
  15. @PeterGau: Hang in there you'll get it running for you. Its well worth the effort and you will get to learn a lot in the process. ALSO I kept getting "unexpected 7-zip error" during instalation. I removed RyanVM's java pack from the HFSVPK Folder and the problem went away. His netfix(.NET) pack works fine. @ToomyP: I noticed a post about KB890046 not slipstreaming corectly with a non englis version. Just thought I'd let you know I have the same experience (US english version).
  16. @ Malonie Having an error(s) on the first few tries (with anything) is not uncommon. It took me a few trial runs to get HFSLIP running perfectly for me. I tested each run on a virtual pc in order to troubleshoot any problems. Sometimes when I can't find the problem I start again from scratch: Take all hotfixes, files, etc out of the various folders Possibly redownload HFSLIP Start again at STEP ONE of the directions reading carefully and assuming nothing. (This will be where I most likely went wrong.) If you find something in the directions you don't quite understand ask for clarification here in the forum/thread. HANG IN THERE - YOU'LL GET IT !! - If I can get it to work anyone can B)
  17. ROFLMAO the first post and the instructions has said it slipstreams wmp10 since I got here. Im glad to hear its finally true!! I LOVE HFSLIP !!!! If I can get it to work anyone, with the ability to READ, can do it.
  18. Thanks for the replies! It looks like HFSLIP now slipstreams WMP10 into XP included in slipstreaming the HotFixes. I just tried it and it seems to work. I was wrong in an earlier post where I said that HFSLIP supports RyanVM's packs Sorry about that. It does work with Ryans's .NET fix pack though. @Boooggy What does your pack, and Ryans WMPaddon pack do for WMP10 btw? It was so long ago that I read this whole thread that now I can't even remember. I got so focused on making it work that I forgot about the WHY? LOL Now I have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this way vs. HFSLIP
  19. Thanks for the reply's guys! I wasn't especially leaning toward going the RyanVM packs route. I mainly wondered if it was even an option if I could be convinced to use them. I've got HFSLIP working too well and seemingly so close to getting it just the way I want it. I'm not about to mess it up now B) @TommyP Are you saying HFSLIP version 50827 will Slipstream WMP10 onto XP but it will be missing codecs etc. And the next HFSLIP version will address that? I just ran v50827 with WMP10 in my HF folder and it seemed to work just fine btw. Of course I didn't test the player itself on VirtualPC but the player itself is there and didn't indicate any errors. GREAT JOB on gettin it out there so quick! I've got a few updates that WU wants to re-install. (as on prev version of HFSLIP) I just re-D/L'ed them and will try another run. This is not my foremost concern right now though. HFSLIP IS TRULY AN AWSOME PROGRAM !!!!
  20. Ok now for the real reason I was lookin at the instructions again. I am wondering about using RyanVM's Hotfix Update Pack (and his addon packs)for slipstreaming the Hotfixes and now I guess for his WMP10addon pack (this is for winXP of course). His packs are .cab's. Can this be done? Should this be done? Why or why not? Advantages v. disadvantages? Just some idle curiousities...
  21. STEP 4 (XP) http://www.vorck.com/hfslip.html Windows Media Player 10 Media Player 10 can go into HF folder if you want it slipstreamed. It will be installed with TWO less skins, but otherwise it will appear fully slipstreamed. If you prefer to have the two skins that are with WMP10, then put the WMP10 installer into the HFSVPK_SW folder instead and it will be integrated instead (see below, next step). HEY IS THIS RIGHT ? I just noticed this today which I believe has been changed from when the instructions first came out. If so why didn't anybody say anything !! !! Nobody ever tells me nuth'n ROFLMAO I thought I read that the new version out did not effect english users? (insert emoticon with a seeing eye dog) Has the empty.txt thing been fixed?
  22. Thank you Boooggy So I don't have to add the registry entry that was mentioned previously? And I am adding files from your pack to Ryan's, re-cab it, and put it in i386?
  23. Ok guys, I've been digging thru the thread here to get the steps/directions right and now I'm a bit dazed and confuzed Everytime something gets updated (a good thing) the directions change some. I'm having a hard time piecing it together I think I am understanding the instructions ok it's just that I'm not sure whats valid at this point. Would you mind giving a final update on the directions please? Again thank you so much for all your help PS - I do have some questions on the wording: 1) when it says "add my pack" what do I add it too? 2) when combining the newWMP with RyansAddonsWMP do I combine Boooggy's with Ryan's or combine Ryans with Boooggy's - which "filename".cab do I want to end up with??
  24. O I C now. very cool, glad to hear it. I didn't catch what you meant the first time. Actually thats GREAT NEWS !!! Thanks so much guys
  25. Well guys it installed just fine on virtual PC and windows update was happy too. I still have not done the nLite (removing unwanted components) yet though on either set of XP creations because I prefer to trouble shoot one thing at a time. With HFSLIP you do that stuff after slipstreaming the HotFixes. With WMP10Sliptreamer3, you guys say to do the nLite step after integrating the Hotfixes and then slipstream WMP10. So, what do you guys think will happen if I take the one that worked w/ WMPSlipstreamer3 and removed unwanted Win. components using nLite?? I'm sure you guys either tried it out and it didn't turn out right, or you know some reason in the programing that makes this not work. I'm really interested in your feedback here on this one. I'm learning a whole lot of cool stuff thru these forums and trial and error. HFSLIP also works well with Ryan's packs. If there is a real conflict at this point maybee some of you guys can get with TommyP and FDV and work out a cohesive way of making them work together. As far as I can tell these two ways, HFSLIP & WMP10Slipstreamer3, are the best way of doing things.
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