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  1. You have to use HTML tags to get lines breaks. For example: <br> causes a line break. Hitting the Enter key doesn't really accomplish anything. ~Z
  2. The easiest solution I've found for making changes to the registry from within WPI is by creating batch scripts that either calls regedit and refers to the .reg file that is in the same fold as the batch file I created, OR I use the command line registry editor. This allows you to both add and delete content from the registry using simple commands like: @Echo off REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Reliability" /v ShutdownReasonOn /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Reliability" /v ShutdownReasonUI /f This is a batch file I created that turns of the shutdown logger in Win XP & 2003 Server. This command does not work before Windows XP, but it is a handy way to automate registry changes. Go to the command line and type "REG ADD /?" It will tell you what you switches you should use to create your own. ~Z
  3. Something I'd like to see worked into WPI is the ability to use relational file pathnames for installs so that once you've created your custom install set and theme it doesn't matter where you run the install from (eg: CD, network, local HDD, USB HDD.) With relational pathnames for third party installation files WPI would be infinitely portable. I understand that WPI is supposed to be supplemental install system for after the Windows Installation completes, but it would be nice if it weren’t limited by specific file locations. I've already read the thread on network installs and specifying file locations that simply point at drives then use specified folder locations. But what if WPI simply looked for installations in relation to where the WPI.hta or WPI.cmd runs from? If wpi.cmd is located in at %cdrom%\wpi and your installation files are located in the folder %cdrom%\installers\ --- why not use the relational pathname "..\installers\program.exe" in the command field? Using relational pathnames would mean you could take a WPI install to any media or system and make it work without having to build multiple packages of the same data for different installation scenarios. Some machines have DVD drives, some don't; some machines have network access, some don't; some don't have a local media drive of anykind and require the use of an external USB drive to perform program installs. With the present system, each of these scenarios requires a separate build of WPI to point at the right installation file locations. Unless I'm mistaken--but I've tried many different permutations of a relational filename path and none have worked. If this is an unreasonable request as an additional feature---sorry. Adding this feature would be an amazing addition to this application. It would save developers (like myself) a lot of development time putting together multiple WPI profiles.
  4. Didn't see any method for adding additional "default" buttons. (Which was my big request in another thread.) But I agree, this does look good. Making interface modification simple enough for stupid people is always a good thing. I'm liking what I'm seeing... but I want more!! <drool drool drool> ~Z
  5. Yeah, I've got a spare stick of 128mg DDR PC2100. Old stuff, but it's just sitting there if you need it. We'll need actual specs to know whether or not anyone has anything helpful.
  6. At the command line you can alway do this: @Echo off net user "User Name" * /add /active:yes /expire:never /passwordchg:no net localgroup Administrators "User Name" /add exit The * symbol after the account name indicates a password prompt at the command line. If you make this a batch file and execute it you will create a new user account where the password will be defined by the end user. Drop this into the runonce so that it comes up on first boot for the new user. Then force a reboot after it exits. Then let the user log into their account. Simple enough.
  7. How long before the new release comes out? Will it integrate seamlessly with 4.2? I've only been working with this app for about a week, but I've already got almost a completely designed theme finished. Should I stop and wait for the next release? I'm glad that I decided to use this piece of software. You guys are actively improving on the product and making it more user friendly. I spent a month going through all the stuff that is out there for multiple software install management, and this seemed like the most upwardly mobile and dynamic one to me. Especially for someone like myself where after I finish designing my "theme" and specifying all my apps, I'm turning it over to people who don't know anything about html, java, or programming. As far as I'm concerned you guys have cornered the market on simplistic installation systems---and that's not an insult, it is a compliment. Rock rock on!
  8. An awesome new feature would be the ability to create additional "default" buttons. For Example, I have packages of software that I install on one computer but not on another---it would be great if there were a method for adding another default button and being able to rename them so that default1 becomes (for example) "Gaming Computer" and default2 would become "Work Computer". If you could add one button... why not 2 or 3? I don't know if this would be a difficult feature to program, but it would be AWESOME for my purposes. I've already tweaked out my interface and a lot of the bug complaints other people are having I'm working around by modifying the WSI.htm in the theme folder. This update is my only real need. BTW: WPI is super sweet, and very easily customizable. Thanks! ~Z ---I'd also appreciate just being pointed in the right direction on how to do this for myself. I'm not completely incompetant when it comes to Java.
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