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Paul 365

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Everything posted by Paul 365

  1. Your welcome. It seems you have the same problem with the forums as we do, it doesn't do well in the forums - There tech dept said its because it can't allways parse the page its displayed on so it gives up unpaid charity ads. But hey its working well on the main site - I hope it helps out.
  2. Hmm - I wonder who sugested that then .....
  3. Im not sure if its faster or not. will have to do a comparason at some stage. I wonder are the disk drivers active at 32bit in the setup stage? Is there even a 16bit mode in XP? Ill do some tests over the next few days i think.
  4. I might give it a try myself. Imusing Mcoughcafee at the moment......
  5. Gotta go with medic on this one, norton hooks far two much sh1t for my liking. It gets everywhere, and that tool they had that warned you about your system crashing - that thing caused more problems than ME (and thats alot). Take that man's advice - Ditch That Crap
  6. 1) Not sure 2) Yes, just keep going D:\Install\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\what ever you want\here\??? 3) I guess the safest way is to use the explorer or my computer and just delete it when you are satisfied all is done and finished with and have rebooted for one last time.
  7. What really concerns me is the time it takes to install, I just did one on a real PC - its not that new being a 1GB P3 with 512MB and a 10GB IBM drive and i know its a bit slugish but jeez that 13 min section took an awfull long time. I would say it doubled it but I cant be sure. I am doing an install now from my old disk and ill compare the two. I dont know what adding more stuff into the install process will do to the time it takes to install.
  8. Your brain is hard wired in such a way as to recognise potential matches to familiar objects, this is how optical illusions work...... But did yiu konw taht aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
  9. Er Whats with that web page in your sig? it seems to have a strange relationship with my cd drive !!!!
  10. I cant see anything in the log file except for the fact that its still running from a folder on the desktop. I think webmedic said he fixed that but you never know, you could try moving it to C:\XPCD and see if that helps. Maybe Webmedic can spot something in the log. Oh and that you still have "Q823718.EXE" in folder 2 and it dosnt work from there, it needs folder 3 My folder 1 list - KB820291.EXE KB821253.EXE KB821557.EXE KB823559.EXE KB824105.EXE KB824146.EXE Q322011.EXE Q323255.EXE Q327979.EXE Q328310.EXE Q329048.EXE Q329115.EXE Q329170.EXE Q329390.EXE Q329441.EXE Q329834.EXE Q331953.EXE Q810565.EXE Q810577.EXE Q810833.EXE Q811493.EXE Q811630.EXE Q814033.EXE Q814995.EXE Q815021.EXE Q817606.EXE Q823718.EXE Q819696.EXE My folder 2 list - js56nen.EXE kB817787.EXE msjavwu.EXE q330994.EXE Q817287.EXE q818529.EXE q822925.EXE
  11. You dont need to put webmedics folders into your xpcd folder - just the output in folder 5 should be copied to your i386 folder - taking care to not overwrite your winnt.sif file OR putting your copy of winnt.sif in the files folder first. In the base folder of webmedics folders there should be a log file you can post that would help with the errors. Also if you are using folder 3 and the mdac fix you need to create an extra folder in you $oem$ path like - $OEM$\$1\install\system\hotfixes3 and place "Q823718.EXE" in there as well as in folder 3. Q823718.EXE should not be in folder 1 or 2
  12. I don't think MS have ever been happy about this combined level of knowalge - Part of xp's secuity is its complexaty. (spelling) Good news about the slipstreaming though. Spheris - I noticed you deleted your comments in another thread and presummed as much. Thanks for your support.
  13. I see alot of problems caused by these iso making and editing programs - i have found it far better to use something like CDImage Gui by CyBerian. I think i will do a write up on how to use this program to make a bootable disk. Stay tuned
  14. You are also using /Q /M /Z and most of us are using /Q /N /Z but i am not sure if that is the cause. Have you tried typing "KB824105.exe /Q /N /Z" into a command prompt and see if it installs correctly - that way you will know there is nothing wrong with the version you have.
  15. I tried HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Microsoft Windows Journal Viewer",0, "cmdow /run /hid CMD.EXE /c msiexec /qn /i c:\\install\\system\\Recomended\\MSJournal\\MSWJV.msi" But i found that handing it off to cmdow caused the .inf proccess to go straight to the next option rather than waiting for it to finish. But it does install it.
  16. Copy and pastes as a .vbs and click away Set sa = CreateObject ("Shell.Application") sa.TrayProperties set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.SendKeys "%q" Wscript.Sleep 000 WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" I left the sleep command there set to zero. Incase you are running it while the system is busy and it fails to work as expected increse by x100 till it works.
  17. Adding the command to load a .reg key to the top of the desktop based .inf file does not work, by the action of adding the command it triggers the old stuff to run first before it progresses through to the del part of the new stuff. I do think it will work if placed at the end of the actual install .inf that runs during setup. To get around that we need to do this - [DefaultInstall] DelReg = Clear.Reg AddReg = XPES-1 [Clear.Reg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\setup [XPES-1] HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," XP Enhanced Setup 2003/2004",0,"" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"__________________________",0,"" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,"" This is test and works - the whole .inf file now looks like this - ; ; Version 2.0 ; Copyright : © 2000,2001,2002,2003 ; by Brook Humphrey (bah@webmedic.net) ; for Mobile PC Medic OEM systems ; Used without permision [version] signature = "$CHICAGO$" Compatible = 1 AdvancedINF = 2.5,"You need a newer version of AdvPack.DLL!" LayoutFile = layout.inf, layout1.inf, layout2.inf [DefaultInstall] DelReg = Clear.Reg AddReg = XPES-1 [Clear.Reg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\setup [XPES-1] HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," XP Enhanced Setup 2003/2004",0,"" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"__________________________",0,"" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,"" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Advanced Networking Pack",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\KB817778.exe -q -n -z" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Microsoft Windows Journal Viewer",0, "CMD.EXE /c msiexec /qn /i %systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\MSJournal\\MSWJV.msi" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Q327405: Recommended Update",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\hu1002_pro.exe /Q:A /R:N" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Q282010: Recommended Update",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\KB282010.EXE -q -n -z" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Q810243 Update:",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\Q810243.EXE -q -n -z" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Windows MovieMaker 2",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\MovieMaker.EXE /Q:A /R:N" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Windows Messenger 4.7",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\msn4-7.EXE /Q:A /R:N" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,".NET Framework version 1.1",0, "cmd.exe /c msiexec /qn /i %systemdrive%\\install\\system\\NetFramework\\netfx.msi" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Remove .Net Created user",0, "net user aspnet /delete" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Windows Media Player 9",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\MPSetupXP.exe /Q:A /R:N" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"KB819639 WMP 9 Security fix",0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\Recomended\\KB819639.exe /Q:A /R:N" ;HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Final Setup", 0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\setup.cmd" [Del.XPES-1] HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Installing Shell Toy",0,"" [Strings] systemdrive = "c:" Product = "Shell Toy XP" DiskName = "Shell Toy XP, Setup Disk #1" Uninstall = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" Runonce = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce\" Setup = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" EXPLO = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" KEY_RUNONCE = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components"
  18. OH Yeah I used this .reg file [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\setup] And fired it with this .inf file ; ; Version 2.0 ; Copyright : © 2000,2001,2002,2003 ; by Brook Humphrey (bah@webmedic.net) ; for Mobile PC Medic OEM systems ; Used without permision [version] signature = "$CHICAGO$" Compatible = 1 AdvancedINF = 2.5,"You need a newer version of AdvPack.DLL!" LayoutFile = layout.inf, layout1.inf, layout2.inf [DefaultInstall] AddReg = XPES-1 [XPES-1] HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," XP Enhanced Setup 2003/2004",0,"" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"__________________________",0,"" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,"" HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"del",0, "regedit /s %systemdrive%\\Documents and Settings\\homer\\Desktop\\2.reg" ;HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Final Setup", 0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\system\\setup.cmd" [Del.XPES-1] HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Installing Shell Toy",0,"" [Strings] systemdrive = "c:" Product = "Shell Toy XP" DiskName = "Shell Toy XP, Setup Disk #1" Uninstall = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" Runonce = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce\" Setup = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup" EXPLO = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" KEY_RUNONCE = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components" Now it strikes me that - That could be placed at the end of the install proccess .inf or at the start of the Desktop based one. Now for a question for you.... I use this in an .inf file to install .net framework HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"blah",0, "CMD.EXE /c msiexec /qn /i %systemdrive%\\blah\\MSWJV.msi" and that works fine, have you found a way to use that cmdow program in this string to supress that command box without it calling a batch file?
  19. Ill give it a go in a few mins. As for the QL, ****, I have looked everywhere to get that. But the present script is way bloated, it goes through 3 or 4 extra stages just to get to the menu option. But u can get there with one mouse click from the desktop. i just need to find a shortcurt for that and it will make the .vbs nearly instant.
  20. The question is, Can we trigger that reg file import from the last line of the inf file so it self terminates....so to speak An if so how ??
  21. Er - Whats a .7z file? as in your link "http://www.webmedic.net/hotfixes.7z"
  22. As soon as my virtual pc has completly loaded the desktop for the first time i shut it down and make a copy of it. This allows me to just copy in a new version as soon as i messup/amdonewith the last one. I have just copied in a fresh one and checked the registy and sure enough those keys are still there in the registry - the ones from my first inf file posted above. So something is peventing them from being cleared. I dont know if there is an error in there or if it is a side effect of it running under guirunonce. But i wont be checking for some time as it takes ages to do an install and i want to finish creating this inf file. Your thoughts?
  23. 2.7 Q823718 For me
  24. Scratch that - it worked for a while but when i added the 4th option in and at the same time changed the wording that shows up it reverted and ran the whole thing again. I think this is connected with that other thread about resealing and it running again - I am working on it now. edit - I let it complete and watched the reg key and when it finished it removed all the entries, i am getting the feeling that the .inf file that runs during setup is erroring at the end and thus preveting the registry from clearing the first load of instructions. more tests to follow
  25. Agreed, it takes even longer if you use your main pc while its doing it.....
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