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Fernando 1

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Everything posted by Fernando 1

  1. There is no support for warez here - end of the discussion.
  2. @ swaaye: Welcome at MSFN Forum! This is very good news for me and for all users with an AMD SB600 system.Thank you very much for your important feedback! Regards Fernando
  3. Eu adiconeis somente os Controllers RAID: - Intel® Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller - Intel® Mobile Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller - Intel® ICH7MDH SATA RAID Controller - Intel® ICH7R/DH SATA RAID Controller It was not a good idea to check all these different RAID Controllers, if you know the correct one.By the way: Are you really sure, that the Intel SATA Controller has been set to "RAID" mode within the BIOS? If yes, why have you done it? That wouldn't make much sense with a single 500 GB HDD. If you want to get the OS installed in "AHCI" mode, none of the Controllers, which were checked by you, were correct. Then you probably can forget a fresh installation of the OS in RAID or AHCI mode.Where is your original W2k3 source? Are you the owner of a legal W2k3 key? If yes, where did you get it?
  4. Questions:1. Are you booting the XP installation medium off a CD or off an USB flash drive? 2. Did you integrate more than the needed Intel textmode driver? 3. What sort of XP CD (OEM/SB/Retail/VLK) did you use as source for the nLite processing? Is it an original MS one with hologram or has it already been processed before??
  5. @ dom779: Welcome at MSFN Forum! If you have integrated any textmode driver, you should not press F6 when prompted by the XP Setup. You can either load a textmode driver with the F6/floppy method or integrate it into a Windows XP CD. Never try both methods at once! 1. Which Intel textmode driver version did you load by F6 or did you integrate into the XP CD? For your Intel 7-series chipset I recommend to take >this< driver.2. Which Controller did you select? The correct one for your Z77 system is the "Intel® Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA RAID Controller". Regards Fernando
  6. Take another USB stick or change the USB port. It is ok, if you format the stick with FAT32.
  7. @ tdwilson: Hello Tom, it is fine, that you succeeded at least with the XP installation and I am glad, that I could help you. Regards Fernando
  8. @ tdwilson: If you have created the bootable XP CD with integrated AHCI driver (I recommend to use >this< one) according to my giuide, the XP installation should work.
  9. @ tdwilson: As long as you have set the SATA Controller to "IDE" mode, you should be able to get Windows XP with integrated SP2 or SP3 installed onto your system without having loaded or integrated any special driver. To avoid any problems while trying to get XP installed onto your new hdd by booting off the XP CD, you should unplug or disable all other bootable devices except the CD/DVD ROM and the new hdd. Other option: Enter the BIOS and make sure the correct boot order: Boot Devices: The order must be 1. CD/DVD ROM and 2. HDD HDD Boot Order ("HARD DISK BOOT PRIORITY"): Your new hdd has to be on top! Another idea: Please give me the vendor and the exact name of your desktop pc. Then I can look for the best suitable AHCI driver for your system. Regards Fernando
  10. Try it once more from scratch with the USB stick, but this time remove the stick during the first reboot.
  11. Why don't you burn a bootable XP CD using the already prepared ISO file with the integrated AHCI driver and boot off that media?The problem of an USB stick as boot media is the fact, that the XP Setup may try to write the boot sector onto it. @ tdwilson: Welcome at MSFN Forum! If you don't have the BIOS option to set the SATA Controllers to "AHCI" mode, you should install Windows XP in "IDE" mode and don't need to integrate any special SATA driver. The Windows XP SP2 Setup will detect your HDD without any problem.Regards Fernando
  12. If you have integrated the same AHCI driver version as 32bit model, which had worked with XP x64, the BSOD has been caused by something else.What about your RAM sticks? Did you already check them with MemTest? If you have more than 1 RAM stick, have you tried to remove all other RAM sticks before you began with the OS installation? What about your PSU? Is it good and strong enough for your system? What about Overclocking? An OS installation should always been done with the default BIOS settings regarding the CPU clock/voltage and Memory timings/voltage. Just to eliminate a bad XP source as reason for your problems you should borrow a clean XP CD from a friend (without using his CD Key) and to take this borrowed XP CD as source for a new nLited XP CD with integrated Intel textmode driver.Good luck! Fernando
  13. So that means, that you can integrate the actual 32bit Intel RST AHCI driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL according to my guide.When you get the textmode driver popup windows and are asked, which SATA Controller shall be supported, just choose the listed "Intel® Mobile Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller" . Then everything will be fine with the later XP installation. Regards Fernando
  14. @ ZEqNkuT: Welcome at MSFN Forum! Why don't you just follow my guide (= start post of this thread) and integrate the linked "32bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL"? Tip: If you are still able to run Win7 with your laptop, open the "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller" and - if applicable - the "Storage Controllers" section of the Device Manager. Which are the exact names of the listed SATA Controllers (besides the "Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller")? This may help to find the SATA Controller details (AHCI/RAID) of your laptop. Regards Fernando
  15. @ LMHmedchem: The only driver you need to load (F6) or to integrate into the XP CD is the AHCI/RAID textmode driver (the driver folder must contain a file named TXTSETUP.OEM). Otherwise the XP Setup will not detect your HDD/SSD, which is running in AHCI or RAID mode. Since your current system obviously is working with the "Intel® Matrix Storage Manager" (old) or "Intel® Rapid Storage Technology" (new), I assume, that you have to load/integrate an Intel AHCI driver. You will find a guide and a download link to the appropriate Intel AHCI textmode driver within the start post of >this< thread. If you should be a German (the title of your post implicates it), you can find a German guide with the download links >here<. Regards Fernando
  16. @ JenniferArden: Hello Jennifer, AFAIK there is no 64bit AHCI textmode driver collection available. The reason may be, that XP x64 has never been very popular. Furthermore the XP x64 installation onto an actual AHCI system may fail with a BSOD, if you integate a big variety of different AHCI textmode drivers from different chipset manufacturers. That is why I always recommend to integrate just the single textmode driver, which suits the on-board AHCI or RAID Controller. By the way: You can find the download links to many actual AHCI/RAID drivers for Windows XP x64 within the start post of >this< German Forum thread (look into the chapter beginning with the word "Links ..."!). @ atztek: Welcome at MSFN Forums! Now to your question: Your ASUS laptop has an Intel 6-series chipset. So if you want to prepare a Windows XP CD with integrated Intel AHCI driver, you should download the 32bit Intel RST textode driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL, which I have linked within the start post of this thread, integrate the unzipped driver by pointig to the file iaAHCI.inf and highlight the listed "Intel® Mobile Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller", when you get the textmode driver popup window. No, DEV_1C01 is the DeviceID of your laptop's Intel SATA Controller running in IDE mode. What you need is the support of the DeviceID DEV_1C03 = "Intel® Mobile Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller".Kind regards Fernando
  17. @ eROM: Thanks for the system details. Here is my advice: 1. Make sure, that the hdd, whis is designed for the XP x64 installation, is connected with one of the Intel (and not with one of the Marvell) SATA Ports. 2. Make sure, that the Intel SATA Controller has been set to AHCI mode within the BIOS. 3. Just integrate the actual 64bit Intel textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL, highlight the listed "Intel® Desktop Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller", let nLite create the ISO file and get the bootable image onto a CD or USB stick. 4. Unplug the Western Digital HDD. 5. Boot off the XP CD/USB stick with integrated 64bit Intel AHCI driver. 6. Once XP x64 is installed, you can reconnect the WD HDD and choose the OS you want to boot by using F8 at startup. Good luck! Fernando
  18. I don't have an XP drive, because I am running Win7 x64.Please give us some informations about your system (mainboard, hdds/SSDs).
  19. The reason for the 07B BSOD is most likely a wrong textmode driver or a wrong SATA AHCI/RAID Controller selection, when you got the textmode driver popup window.Here are my advices: 1. Make sure, that your OS source is really a clean original=untouched XP x64 one (with an AMD64 directory and without a WINNT.SIF file!) and that you haven't imported any Last_Session.ini at the beginning of the nLite processing. 2. Check the SATA BIOS settings and the SATA port, where your system HDD/SSD drive is connected. The active partition (= the HDD/SSD with the Master Boot Record) has to be connected with an Intel SATA port, which has to be set to AHCI mode within the mainboard BIOS. Regards Fernando
  20. @ hmtjakob: You obviously have integrated a suitable driver for your laptop, but chosen the wrong Controller during the nLite integration process. Since your laptop has an Intel 6-Series chipset, you have to check the "Intel® Mobile Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller" and not any 5-Series Controller. Please start the nLite processing again by copying the content of the original XP CD onto your hdd. Don't import or load any Last_Session.ini of a previous nLite session. Just integrate the 32bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL and highlight only the listed "Intel® Mobile Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller", when you get the nLite textmode driver popup window. If you shold get any merror message, please post it. Regards Fernando.
  21. Your nLite program is ok. Just hit the "Next" button, then you will get the nLite options.
  22. I am not sure about that. You may take the WinToFlash tool. My favorite USB tool is the "Win7 USB/DVD Download Tool" from Microsoft, which should work for XP (32/64bit) too. For further informations please look >here<.
  23. Probably not. The USB stick has to be prepared for being bootable. I prefer the freeware tool HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. You can get it >here<.
  24. @ eROM: This is what I recommend to do: 1. Make sure, that your system drive (the SSD/hdd, where you want to install Xp x64) is connected with an Intel SATA port (and not with a Marvell one). 2. Start the nLite procedure from scratch (with a fresh copy of the original XP x64 CD). 3. Integrate just the Service Pack 2 (if not already included) and >this< 64bit Intel RST driver (it's the newest) and no other driver. 4. When you get the Textmode Driver popup, just enable the listed "Intel® Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller" (and nothing else). 5. Let nLite build the ISO file and create a bootable XP x64 medium (CD or USB stick). 6. Boot off the XP x64 medium and install the OS. Good luck! Fernando
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