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Posts posted by DeeHawk

  1. hmmm.. You CAN edit the source.. well not the entire source but the GUI like Doggie said... Use ResHack to edit msnmsgr.exe.. from there you can extract all the PNG-img's, Bitmaps UIFILE's and more.. well, try it out.. You'll be able to change almost everything... even the places were the graphics will be shown.. anyway.. I still have my problem, so if you find out how to edit ANYTHING in the buddylist please tell me...


  2. I used winACE for a long time but figured out that the good ol' winRAR still owns :)

    winACE has better compression, but has problems reading RAR-files... and a couple of other general errors...


  3. ggtyh... Don't be too :excited: about Worms 3D.. I've tried the demo, and off course it's fun.. It will bring some new topics to the game "Worms" but it's definately not something to shout "HURRA!" for... It's pretty lame actually.. It'll be fun the first times you try it, but the grapichs and idea could be a LOT better... But, then again.. It's worth trying.. It's still worms :)

  4. Null vote!

    I don't know why people vote WinXP. If we were all still using windows ME, I'm pretty sure everyone would have voted for ME. lol

    As you all know, every new MS Windows is better than its predecessor. So I can't really give an opinion of which would be best.

    Well then you should probably vote for the latest release? :)

  5. Hey FWM...

    Synes du ikke de ikoner sutter??


    Yeah I know... English is the language..

    Anyway, you can't use those icons for MSN 6, unless you convert them to PNG's.. In different sizes.. Then you have to ResourceHack msnmsgr.exe and find out which of the 150-200 PNG's to replace (by extracting each of them seperately) and replace 'em.. Save, and you are done...

    Then again, theses icons are made for windows, not messenger...

    BTW, nice icons :) (They are also used in the Dope-MOD for MSN 5)

  6. My fave must be Photoshop 7 ... Filled with features, well structured interface and extremely stable! I can't wait until Photshop 8 comes around! ... Its bound to be a godlike app!  :excited:

    :excited: 8 !!! That's gonna be da BOMB!!

    Anyway.. I agree.. Photoshop 7 is the best app ever... untill 8 off course :)

  7. I agree with Vipersnake...

    Xperties, Tinker & co.. I think Vipersnake knows that people know they can ask for a sig, but if you've got a speciel request topic you'll have the request more controlled, and the ones who wants to help, don't have to surf the whole forum to bounce into the request..

    But because of some intolerant argue'ers, this topic has been ruined and can therefore not be used very well, as this arguing will scare newcomers (who really needs the help) away from the topic...


  8. Definately XP..

    Then again, I've only tried 3.11, 95, 98, 2k and XP

    I too, think that Longhorn (and BlackComb) looks nice and promising, but I haven't tried any of it.. (duuh)

    And yes.. If you don't go too much in to spec's on the system you could say that XP is 2k with eye-candy...

    So? I like eye-candy =)

    Maybe that's because i make graphics :rolleyes:




    (just have to love this smiley)

  9. Hey FthrJack..

    I've looked a little at Eve-online.com and told some friends about the game and site...

    Can you tell us a little about how you actually play the game??

    Is it just an extended version of Freelancer? or are you able to walk around while docked on a planet?

    some information from a player would be nice :)

  10. CYBERCITY............ It's danish :D

    Hmmm... I thought you freaks had the fastest connections in the world :)

    hehe.. guess not.. anyway, here it comes:

    Down: 2.3 Mbit

    Up: 2.3 Mbit

    Price: about £5 a month :rolleyes:

    No limits

    Have Phun!

  11. WOW!!

    that battleship! I can't believe my eyes!? I'm DL'ing the trailers for Eve right now... ****... ****.. faster... I kinda went through everything in Freelancer and found it boring and small at last.. but this game sounds AWESOME! count me in as an upcoming EvE-addict !! :)

  12. Desert Combat :) The coolest mod ever.. try it out guys.. for those who don't know.. It's a mod for Battlefield 1942. With up-to-date weapons, planes, tanks, humvees and helicopters... WOOHOO...

    About the FF thing.. FF VII is definately the best game ever, and I'm looking forward to get it back from my friend who borrowed it.. I haven't heard of any recent or upcoming releases for the PC, but Nintendo just bought the rights ('bout ½ a year ago?), so I don't think so..

  13. Voted for custom Intel - 64 bit... that includes the processors from Intel that we currently do not know of.. Until next summer I will only need slight upgrades, so I'll just wait and see..

    Have an P4 already..

    Intel forever :)

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