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Everything posted by smashly

  1. I have only tried this slipstream method with XP Pro with Service Pack 2 and all critical updates upto 12-4-05 allready applied before slipstreaming WMP10. Basically you'd want to use this slipstream method with at least SP2 already intergrated into your XP (SP2 had the WMP9 in it ? I'm not sure). I could be wrong but as far as I can see this method is using the entries of WMP9 to slipstream WMP10 since 10 isn't that far differant to 9 in the actual entries it uses. And in no way use nlite to rip anything to do with WMP or MP6 before or after slipstreaming WMP10.
  2. I could be wrong , but I thought "OemPreInstall = Yes" found in WINNT.SIF means that windows setup will copy folders & files from $OEM$ folders on your XP CD to your their respective directories on the HD. The only reason I came to that deduction was I wanted folders & files copied from the $OEM$\$Progs on the XP CD to Program Files on the HD. If OemPreInstall = No then the files wouldn't copy from $OEM$ , set to Yes and they would copy from $OEM$. I didn't think/know OemPreInstall had anything to do with PIO-Mode. As I say I could be wrong being a n00b myself, so fire away and correct me Your english is fine and Welcome to the forum
  3. I had a read of that other thread using mce2005 , but that thread has been idle since 30 September 2004 , 7 months ago Looks like no1 is intrested anymore or can't be bothered about it. I managed to get the playlists/syncplaylist slipstreamed so they install correctly and work. Also managed to get the Media Devices to slipstream as well , I now have sync working as it should along with the Media Devices in Control Panel, my Creative Nomad is reconised and syncs with my sync playlists B) . Unless there's something other I've missed that the sync function does then I call it worked out for now for me. The l3codecp.acm is now registered into windows as well not just by the reg entries I posted in earlier posts, now other 3rd party progs can use the mp3 ripping as well not just WMP10. Also added the reg entries for WMP10 registration , that stops games and apps bitching that media player 10 needs to be installed even though it is. My Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 no longer nags me about WMP10 needs to be installed:) I'm not to interested in the online shop side of things so I havent really looked to much into it as of yet. Looking forward to your beta versions of the slipstreamers BtS .. keep em coming
  4. @ Bâshrat the Sneaky , Thanks for your slipstreamerv1.1 . Not trying to push or commit you , but can you give me any insight to what your new version will add or minus?
  5. If you would like MP3 ripping to be added to Bashrats method of slipstreaming then you could try doing this. 1) Edit bashrats WMP10_Slipstreamer_V11.cmd and add %C%l3codecp.acm 2) Then edit the DOSNET.SIF file that's in your xpcd\I386 folder. Under the second [Files] section add d1,l3codecp.acm 3) Then edit the TXTSETUP.SIF file that's in your xpcd\I386 folder. Under the [sourceDisksFiles] section add l3codecp.acm =100,,,,,,,2,0,0 4) Then edit the wmp.in_ file that's in your xpcd\I386 folder. Extract wmp.ini out of the cab , under the [installWMP7] append to the end of the line in AddReg secection , Fraunhofer.Reg Then add futher down in the wmp.ini add this new section [Fraunhofer.Reg] HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "LowRate", 0x00010001, 128000 HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "MediumRate", 0x00010001, 192000 HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "MediumHighRate", 0x00010001, 256000 HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "HighRate", 0x00010001, 320000 HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "PreferredCodecName", , "mp3" HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "PreferredCodecPath", , "%11%\l3codecp.acm"Then cab the wmp.inf file and drop it back into the I386 directory on your xpcd. 5) follow the normal procedure and run your edited WMP10_Slipstreamer_V11.cmd Tried and tested fine for me. Thanks for pointing that out RyanVM.
  6. To have the full functionality of the mp3 play and rip without installing another codec you can try.. Use the l3codecp.acm codec from wmp10 (not renamed or cabbed), and add it to $OEM$\$$\System32\ on your XPCD ... windows setup should take care of the copy over to your install. Add this to the registry through your regtweaks: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding] "LowRate"=dword:0001f400 "MediumRate"=dword:0002ee00 "MediumHighRate"=dword:0003e800 "HighRate"=dword:0004e200 "PreferredCodecName"="mp3" "PreferredCodecPath"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\l3codecp.acm" This is the orig entry that WMP10 adds to the registry ... This way it's not breaking the the way the original mp3 playback works and your only supplying the actual file and reg entry that would be there if you installed WMP10 for mp3 ripping/playback the way it was intended. I've tried this more then once from a fresh install from my xpcd on VMWare and it works fine so far. Back to the usb side for the player.. I checked that url out bucketbuster, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. All the files and entries to get the usb part of the WMP10 are there in WMP10installer, just need to find out what is required for reg to make it work correctly , almost got it licked , Will post when/if I get it worked out I'm definately not going to worry about the Online Stores part of the player. In the meantime I think I'll just stick with the nonslipstream method of installing WMP10. I'll use nLite to rip WMP9 and select keep compatability then add WMP10 setup from RunOnceEx.cmd at first logon. At least it should give full functionality of the player for the trade off of time/space.
  7. Now all I want is the USB functionality ..... Back to monitoring installs Edit: Nice job bucketbuster , but did you try it out first , the mp3's can be ripped , but not played back ... my error , I didn't think anyone would go ahead and pack up a file without trying it out or others reporting how they went. I've only just finished installing a xpcd I made and discovered it's one or the other rip or play. Strange , when I tried the l3codec rename and adding the reg entry in the registry in VMWare it all worked great , but trying a clean install with it done it doesn't do the same thing. Back to the drawing board.
  8. @ BoardBabe as posted by Vid0 on page 16 of this thread. Don't know about Norwegian , have a look. Good luck Doh to slow...
  9. Thank You Vid0 for that useful info , worked great for me Onto something else.... I find it whack that WMP10 rips mp3 with l3codecp.acm (newer codec) and plays those same ripped tracks with l3codeca.acm (older codec) I thought the reason it would have done this is because the same codec wouldn't be able to play mp3 music that's already ripped and rip music into mp3 at the same time , but this is not the case. Does this even when installed from the original ms wmp10install on my unedited , unupdated XP pc. Yet you can rename the newer codec (l3codecp.acm from WMP10 install) to l3codeca.acm, cab it up and drop it in I386 folder overwriting the old and add to the registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding] "LowRate"=dword:0001f400 "MediumRate"=dword:0002ee00 "MediumHighRate"=dword:0003e800 "HighRate"=dword:0004e200 "PreferredCodecName"="mp3" "PreferredCodecPath"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\l3codeca.acm" It makes WMP10 play mp3's with the newer codec and it adds the mp3 ripping back after slipstreaming. Im not sure if the playback with the newer codec offers any advantage/disadvantage. The only reason the mp3 ripping functionality doesn't show is because of the missing Settings\MP3Encoding section in the registry. Even if you put the correct reg entries in , then there's the prob of no l3codecp.acm when slipstreamed with bashrats slipstreamer , hence the rename of the l3codecp.acm ,cab and overwrite . The part I haven't worked out is, what's the best way to add this to the registry of my XPCD? Sorry if some1 has mentioned this before or no1 cares but I did have a fair look arround before posting.
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